[net.news.map] DEAD systems list - please check

gjm@ihnp4.UUCP (Gary J. Murakami) (09/14/84)

The following list of "DEAD" system names includes retired names,
inactive systems, typos, and other questionable items supposedly
related to AT&T or to BCR/RBOCs.

Please check the list to make sure that your system is not listed here
as "DEAD".  If you know for sure that one of these names represents an
active system (not a typo), please encourage the appropriate
adminstrator to contact Action Central for registration (UNIX mail
to ihnp4!action preferred) or call Dave Miller at (312)979-5624 ==
CORNET 367-5624.

This is one step toward getting the AT&T map out the door.  There are
over 250 bad names in this list!  Only a few sites have sent in
pathalias information, but due to Action Central, the connectivity is
very high and the connections are 90-<100% functional.


3b5		eadast		ihn5i		mhrtb		rdb
4154a		eiss		ihn5n		mhrtc		res45
4154b		epsvax		ihnxc		mhtest1		res45S
4154c		gummo		ihnxo		mhtest2		rmas23
513uxr		hlhop		ihpfl		mhtrsc		rmas70
5941ux		hlwpb		ihsmb		mhtsa		rmasvax
5948ho		hlwpe		ihtpc		mhtsb		rmc
952a		ho2b3		ihu1f		mhtsc		rvb
952b		ho3e2		ihuxc		mhtsc1		sb8
952b2		ho592		ihuxd		mhtsc3		scba
952bt		ho952b		ihuxg		mhtse		scbhq
D1355		hoaid		ihuxh		mhtsh		scblpa
ODA3b		hoasa		ihvs2		mhtsv		scc
PWB		hoasb		iwlc1		mhvts		sccomet
WE9unix		hoasc		iwlc3		mork-cb		sccs
abcoc		hoasg		iwlc6		mvuxg		sccs2
abcod		hoask		iwpba		mvuxr		ses2
abcoe		hoasm		iwsl1		mvuxrh		ses2cct
acs12		hoasn		iwsl3		mvuxs		spanky
acsa		hoasp		iwsl9		mvuxt		sps
acsc		hobis		ixn5d		mvuxw		stpa
acsd		hocms		ixn5h		ncpb		tpsa
acsns		hocpa		ixn5j		ncpc		u1100b
acsz		hocsa		ixn5k		ncpd		vax431
acuxa		hocsb		ixn5n		neux01		vivace
alfalfa		hocsc		ixn5o		nm		wbux1
ama		hojob		ixpfl		noc		wbux4
amacca		hojoc		lab135		nscs		wbux5
amadev		honet		largo		nscs2		we1163b
att3		hoscf		lento		oberon		we11a
bwknaNET	hosnc		ll1		otuxa		we12
cbixa		hotis		lzmi		owl		we13
cbmis		hotnb		lzsc		pwb1		we7
cbndb		hotns		machaids	pwb45		wec05
cbnmb		hou5c		mh12bs		pwbaS		wecos
cbomca		hous		mh135		pwbcb2		wemvv3
cbosgc		houxc		mh135a		pwbcc		wh11
cbosge		houxi		mh23a		pwbk		wh4c3
cbrap		houxl		mh3bc1		pwbp		whonxa
cbsccs		houxr		mh3bs		pwbq		whux5
cbscd1		houxu		mh5c		pwbqq		whuxa
cbscd5		houxw		mhLTX1		pwbz		whuxca
chico		houxx		mhaxi		py3ba		whuxcc
cssnja		houxy		mhb2p		pyoxa		whuxd
drumi		ih3b2		mhcds		pyuxbb		whvxlb
druxf		ihagr		mhebs		pyuxdd		whwpc
druxg		ihalc		mhexa		pyuxi		whwpd
druxk		iham2		mhltg		pyuxll		win
druxs		ihds5		mhltx1		pyuxmm		wnbpwb
druxz		ihepb		mhm01		pyuxnn
eadas		ihlam		mhpwd		pyuxz