[net.news.map] USENET map for usa.va usa.wv usa.md usa.dc usa.de usa.pa usa.ny

map@cbosgd.UUCP (07/03/84)

echo x - usa.va
cat >usa.va <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** VIRGINIA (VA) ****************

Name: icase
Organization: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and 
	Engineering, (ICASE)
Contact: Nancy E. Shoemaker
Phone: (804) 865-4090
Postal-Address: Mail Stop 132C, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665
Electronic-Address: mcnc!uvacs!icase!nes
News: uvacs
Mail: uvacs oducs1

Name: edison
Organization: Industrial Electronics Development Laboratory, General Electric
Contact: Scott Carson, J. Nelson Rosenstein
Phone: (804) 978-5000, ask for one of the above
Postal-Address: P. O. Box 8106, Charlottesville, VA 22906
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!{sdc,jnr}
News: uvacs iedl02

Name: iedl02
Organization: Industrial Electronics Development Laboratory, General Electric
Contact: Scott Carson, J. Nelson Rosenstein
Phone: (804) 978-5000, ask for one of the above
Postal-Address: P. O. Box 8106, Charlottesville, VA 22906
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!iedl02!{sdc,jnr}
News: edison

Name: rlgvax
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Office Systems Group
Contact: Guy Harris
Phone: (703) 648-3346
Postal-Address: 11490 Commerce Park Drive., Reston, VA 22091
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!guy
News: seismo cvl uf-cgrl
Mail: seismo hugo janus umcp-cs cvl netword cal-unix allegra cbosgd ccieng5
	ccicpg vrdxhq mcnc cfcl1

Name: seismo
Organization: Center for Seismic Studies
Contact: Raleigh F. Romine
Phone: (703) 276-7900
Postal-Address: 1300 N. 17th St., Suite 1450, Arlington, VA 22209
Electronic-Address: harpo!seismo!romine
News: hao uwvax rochester presby rlgvax ut-sally brl-vgr cmcl2 brl-tgr

Name: tyxpdp
Organization: TYX Corporation
Contact: Samuel Chessman
Phone: (703) 471-0233
Postal-Address: 11250 Roger Bacon Dr., Suite 16, Reston, VA 22090
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!tyxpdp!sam
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: uvacs
Organization: University of Virginia, Computer Science Department
Contact: Mark J. Smith
Phone: (804) 924-8896
Postal-Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Thornton Hall,
	Charlottesville, VA 22901
Electronic-Address: decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!mjs
News: ncsu icase edison

echo x - usa.wv
cat >usa.wv <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** WEST VIRGINIA (WV) ****************

echo x - usa.md
cat >usa.md <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** MARYLAND (MD) ****************

Name: aplvax
Organization: Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
Contact: Matthew Diaz
Phone: (301) 792-7800 x7341
Postal-Address: Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20707
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!umcp-cs!aplvax!matt
News: umcp-cs green cp1
Mail: brl-bmd umcp-cs

Name: brl-bmd
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: udrelay unc

Name: brl-tgr
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: seismo

Name: brl-vgr
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: seismo

Name: cal-unix
Organization: Calculon Corporation
Contact: Rick Wilder
Phone: (301) 258-5455
Postal-Address: Rockville, MD
Electronic-Address: harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!cal-unix!rick
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: cp1
Organization: Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Companies (a Bell Atlantic co.)
Contact: Roderick W.  Hart
Phone: (301) 236-1099
Postal-Address: 323 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21202
Electronic-Address: cp1!hart
News: aplvax gamma

Name: cvl
Organization: University of Maryland, Computer Vision Lab
Contact: Diane Donaldson
Phone: (301) 454-4526
Postal-Address: Computer Science Center, College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!cvl!andie
News: rlgvax umcp-cs elsie
Mail: umcp-cs rlgvax bsos umd6 dbl

Name: elsie
Organization: National Institute of Health
Contact: Arthur David Olson
Phone: (301) 496-5688
Postal-Address: Building 37, Room 3B03, Bethesda, MD 20205
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!elsie!ado
News: cvl imsvax
Mail: cvl imsvax umcp-cs

Name: eneevax
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, EE Dept.
Contact: Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-3941
Postal-Address: College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: umcp-cs!eneevax!chris
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: green
Organization: Johns Hopkins University, Biophysics Department
Contact: Bill Bogstad
Phone: (301) 338-8019
Postal-Address: Jenkins Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!aplvax!green!bill
News: aplvax
Mail: aplvax

Name: imd
Organization: Interactive Systems Corporation
Contact: John Levine
Phone: (617) 247-1155
Postal-Address: Gaithersburg, MD
Electronic-Address: ima!johnl
News: ima

Name: imsvax
Organization: Integrated Microcomputer Systems, Inc.
Contact: H.H. Lee, Paul Yao
Phone: (301) 984-8343, (301) 984-8434
Postal-Address: 5320 Marinelli Rd., Rockville, MD 20852
Electronic-Address: imsvax!hhlee, imsvax!ply
News: elsie
Mail: elsie eneevax

Name: umcp-cs
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Fred Blonder, Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-7690, (301) 454-6291
Postal-Address: Computer Science Center, College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!fred
News: cvl aplvax cal-unix eneevax tyxpdp nbs-amrf
Mail: aicvax allegra brl-bmd bsos dbl fjc jhu kei-vax nbs-amr netword nrl-css
	prometh rlgvax seismo usna
Comments: We forward mail to CSNet ONLY from University of Maryland sites.
echo x - usa.dc
cat >usa.dc <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (DC) ****************

Name: nbs-amrf
Organization: National Bureau of Standards
Contact: Don Libes
Phone: (301) 921-2461
Postal-Address: Met. Bldg, A-127, Washington, DC 20234
Electronic-Address: nbs-amrf!libes
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

echo x - usa.de
cat >usa.de <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** DELAWARE (DE) ****************

Name: udrelay
Organization: University of Delaware
Postal-Address: DE
News: brl-bmd

echo x - usa.pa
cat >usa.pa <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** PENNSYLVANIA (PA) ****************

Name: aluxe
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxp aluxz mhuxi
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: aluxp
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxe aluxz
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: aluxz
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxe aluxp
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: bpa
Organization: Bell of Pennsylvania
Contact: Bob Esposito
Phone: (215) 466-5744
Postal-Address: One Parkway-7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Electronic-Address: sb6!bpa!espo
News: sb6 burdvax

Name: burdvax
Organization: System Development Corp., a Burroughs Company
Contact: Dave Bialer
Phone: (215) 648-7275
Postal-Address: Box 517, Paoli, PA 19301
Electronic-Address: burdvax!usenet
News: bpa psuvax1 sjuvax
Mail: presby psuvax1 sdcrdcf bpa

Name: cadre
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
Contact: Russell J. Yount
Phone: (412) 624-3490
Postal-Address: 1360 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Electronic-Address: cadre!ry
News: idis prodigal
Mail: idis pitt prodigal nelslab mi-cec vax135 cmucsg

Name: dri0
Organization: Decision Resources, Inc.
Contact: Bill Titus
Phone: (412) 562-9662
Postal-Address: 950 Century Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Electronic-Address: mcnc!idis!pitt!dri0!titus
News: pitt
Mail: pitt

Name: idis
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Science
Contact: Dan Strick
Phone: (412) 624-2135
Postal-Address: 833 LIS Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!idis!dan
News: mcnc mi-cec pitt cadre
Mail: mcnc mi-cec pitt cadre decvax floyd

Name: mi-cec
Organization: Mellon Institute, Computer Engineering Center
Contact: Dan Klein
Phone: (412) 578-3382
Postal-Address: 4616 Henry St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Electronic-Address: idis!mi-cec!dvk
News: idis
Mail: idis pitt cadre cmucsg

Name: pitt
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Robert Hoffman
Phone: (412) 624-1729
Postal-Address: 306 Alumni Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Electronic-Address: mcnc!idis!pitt!hoffman
News: idis dri0
Mail: idis dri0 cadre mi-cec uf-cgrl

Name: presby
Organization: Presbyterian-Univ. of Pennsylvania Med. Ctr., Dept. of Cardiology
Contact: Skip Seelaus,
Phone: (215) 662-8464
Postal-Address: 51 N. 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Electronic-Address: seismo!presby!skip, seismo!presby!lou
News: seismo
Mail: seismo cmcl2

Name: prodigal
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
Contact: Russell J. Yount
Phone: (412) 624-3490
Postal-Address: 1360 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Electronic-Address: pitt!cadre!prodigal!ry
News: cadre
Mail: cadre

Name: psupdp1
Organization: The Pennsylvania State Univ., Computer Science Dept.
Contact: John Irwin
Phone: (814) 237-5068
Postal-Address: 529 E. Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
Electronic-Address: allegra!psuvax1!psupdp1!jdi

Name: psuvax1
Organization: The Pennsylvania State University, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: John Irwin
Phone: (814) 237-5068, (814) 237-1802
Postal-Address: 529 E. Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
Electronic-Address: psuvax1!jdi
News: burdvax akgua
Mail: cbosgd garfield wjh12

Name: sjuvax
Organization: Saint Joseph:s University, Dept. of Math/Computer Science
Contact: Binayak Banerjee
Phone: (215) 879-7394
Postal-Address: Philadelphia, PA 19131
Electronic-Address: sjuvax!bbanerje
News: burdvax
Mail: burdvax

Name: uofp
Organization: University of Pennsylvania, Physics Dept. 
	Solid State theory PDP-11/23
Contact: Joel Isaacson, A. Brooks Harris
Phone: (215) 898-5000
Postal-Address: David Rittenhouse Labs 33 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104-3859
Electronic-Address: presby!joel, presby!uofp!joel

echo x - usa.ny
cat >usa.ny <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** NEW YORK (NY) ****************

Name: acf2
Organization: New York University, Courant Institute
Contact: Lou Salkind, Stephen Tihor
Phone: (212) 460-7288, (212) 460-7289
Postal-Address: 251 Mercer St., New York City, NY 10012
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind, cmcl2!tihor

Name: acf4
Organization: New York University, Courant Institute
Contact: Lou Salkind, Stephen Tihor
Phone: (212) 460-7288, (212) 460-7289
Postal-Address: 251 Mercer St., New York City, NY 10012
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind, cmcl2!tihor
News: cmcl2

Name: adiron
Organization: PAR Technology Corp.
Contact: Bob Gray, John Lietz
Phone: (315) 738-0600
Postal-Address: Seneca Plaza, New Hartford, NY 13413
Electronic-Address: duke!adiron!bob, duke!adiron!jl
News: duke

Name: aecom
Organization: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Scientific Computing Center
Contact: Michael Corn
Phone: (212) 430-4211
Postal-Address: 1300 Morris Park Ave., Bronx, NY 10461
Electronic-Address: aecom!yechiel
News: cucard philabs
Mail: philabs cucard pegasus

Name: bnl
Organization: Brookhaven National Labs
Contact: G. Campbell
Postal-Address: Long Island, New York
News: sbcs cmcl2 vsop

Name: cadif780
Organization: Cornell University, Computer Aided Design Instructional Facility
Contact: J. Q. Johnson
Phone: (607) 256-8250
Postal-Address: 163 Hollister Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-Address: cornell!cadif780!jq
News: cornell
Mail: cornell

Name: ccieng2
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccieng5!tim
News: ccieng5
Mail: ccieng5

Name: ccieng5
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccieng5!tim
News: ritcv ccieng2 ccieng6
Mail: ccieng2 ccieng6 ritcv rlgvax ccivax ccicpg rayssd

Name: ccieng6
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccieng5!tim
News: ccieng5
Mail: ccieng5

Name: ccivax
Organization: Computer Consoles Inc., Telephone Systems Division
Contact: Susan M. Nesbitt
Phone: (716) 248-8200
Postal-Address: 1212 Pittsford-Victor Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccivax!smn
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv ccieng5

Name: cmcl1
Organization: New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
Contact: Lou Salkind
Phone: (212) 460-7288
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind

Name: cmcl2
Organization: New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
Contact: Lou Salkind
Phone: (212) 460-7288
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind
News: nybcb lanl-a philabs rna bnl csd1 acf4 seismo

Name: cornell
Organization: Cornell University, Dept. of Computer Science
Contact: Jim Ferwerda
Phone: (607) 256-4052
Postal-Address: 421 Upson Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-Address: vax135!cornell!jim
News: vax135 uw-beaver tesla cadif780
Mail: VisiVax alice allegra anlams arizona brunix burl cadif780
	caevax cbosg cbosgd chico cmcl2 ctvax cu-arpa cucard dartvax decvax
	dione esquire floyd gekbsvax gidney harpo hosba hosbb
	houxb houxe houxg houxo houxp houxq houca houti hogpc hogpd
	houxn houxt ihnss ihnp4 ima lbl-unix mcnc megatest nbires
	ogcvax princeton psuvax1 purdue rabbit research rice
	shasta sii sun tesla unc utcsrgv uw-beaver vax135 yale-comix

Name: csd1
News: cmcl2

Name: cubsvax
Organization: Columbia University, Biological Sciences Dept.
Contact: Noel Kropf
Phone: (212) 280-5517
Postal-Address: 1002 Fairchild Bldg., New York, NY 10027
Electronic-Address: rocky2!cubsvax!noel
News: rocky2 wu1 models
Mail: rocky2 cucard philabs models wu1

Name: cucard
Organization: Columbia University, Dept. of Medicine
Contact: Reidar Bornholdt
Phone: (212) 694-3411
Postal-Address: 630 W. 168 St., New York, NY 10032
Electronic-Address: harpo!cucard!reidar, cmcl2!cucard!reidar
News: rocky2 aecom
Mail: harpo cmcl2 rocky2 cubsvax

Name: esquire
Organization: Davis Polk & Wardwell
Contact: Nat Howard
Phone: (212) 530-4116, (212) 530-4046
Postal-Address: 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York City, NY 10005
Electronic-Address: chico!esquire!nrh
News: rna

Name: ganash
Organization: Periphonics Corp.
Contact: Russell Wolf
Phone: (516) 467-0500 x356
Postal-Address: 4000 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Bohemia, NY 11716
Electronic-Address: harpo!floyd!ganash!russ
Mail: floyd

Name: lamont
Organization: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
Contact: Bob Bookbinder
Phone: (914) 359-2900, x498
Postal-Address: Palisades, NY 10964
Electronic-Address: philabs!lamont!system
News: philabs
Mail: philabs

Name: models
Organization: Brignoli Models, Inc.
Contact: Andy Scott
Phone: (212) 382-2533
Postal-Address: 15 West 39 St., New York, NY 10018
Electronic-Address: harpo!rocky2!cubsvax!models!andy
News: cubsvax
Mail: cubsvax

Name: moscom
Organization: Moscom Corp.
Contact: Gary Algier
Phone: (716) 385-6440, x340
Postal-Address: 300 Main St., East Rochester, NY 14445
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!moscom!gaa
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv pisa

Name: nybca
Organization: New York Blood Center
Postal-Address: NY

Name: nybcb
Organization: New York Blood Center
Contact: Ed Haenlin, Bill Ying
Postal-Address: 310 E. 67th St., New York City, NY 10021
Electronic-Address: nybcb!haenlin, nybcb!ying
News: cmcl2

Name: philabs
Organization: Philips Laboratories
Contact: Dan Lorenzini, Sean Byrne
Phone: (914) 945-6236, (914) 945-6006
Postal-Address: 345 Scarborough Rd., Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Electronic-Address: philabs!dal, philabs!scb
News: mcvax linus cmcl2 micomvax rdin sbcs sunrise pwa-b lamont hhb aecom
	wu1 mcnc
Mail: floyd bunker sbcs cbosgd rdin

Name: rdin
Organization: Resource Dynamics, Inc.
Contact: Robert Perlberg
Phone: (212) 486-9150
Postal-Address: 150 East 58th St., New York, NY 10155
Electronic-Address: rdin!perl
News: philabs
Mail: philabs

Name: ritcv
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science
	and Technology (CineVax)
Contact: Michael J. Lutz
Phone: (716) 475-2139
Postal-Address: P.O. Box 9887, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623-0887
Electronic-Address: {allegra seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
News: rochester tropix ccieng5 ritvp ccivax moscom
Mail: ritvp rit70 rit45 ritce1 rit34 ritiscd ccivax ccieng5 sykesct beagle
	rocksvax tropix rochester

Name: ritvp
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science
	and Technology (VaxPopuli)
Contact: Michael J. Lutz
Phone: (716) 475-2139
Postal-Address: P.O. Box 9887, One Lomb Memorial Drive,
	Rochester, NY 14623-0887
Electronic-Address: {allegra seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
News: ritcv
Mail: rocksvax ritcv

Name: rna
Organization: Rockefeller University, Dept. of Neurobiology
Contact: Daniel Ts'o
Phone: (212) 570-7669
Postal-Address: 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!rna!dan
News: cmcl2 esquire

Name: rochester
Organization: University of Rochester, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Lee Moore
Phone: (716) 275-5671
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!lee
News: seismo rocksvax ritcv ur-valhalla ur-laser rocksanne
Mail: seismo rocksvax ritcv ur-valhalla ur-esm ur-laser ur-msbvax allegra
	rocksanne ccivax brl-bmd decvax

Name: rocksanne
Organization: Xerox, Webster Research Center
Contact: Jerry Hudson
Phone: (716) 422-8598
Postal-Address: Bldg. 128/RTCC, 800 Phillips Rd., Webster, NY 14580
Electronic-Address: rocksanne!hudson
News: rochester rocksvax
Mail: rochester rocksvax

Name: rocksvax
Organization: Xerox, Henrietta
Contact: Jim Ziobro
Phone: (716) 427-1136
Postal-Address: 1350 Jefferson Rd., Rochester, NY 14623
Electronic-Address: rocksvax!z or Ziobro.henr@parc-maxc
News: rochester sunybcs rocksanne
Mail: rochester sunybcs amd ritcv ritvp

Name: rocky2
Organization: Rockefeller University
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: rocky2!mel
News: cubsvax cucard datagen

Name: sbcs
Organization: SUNY at Stony Brook, Dept. of Computer Science
Contact: Lory Molasky
Phone: (516) 246-7090
Postal-Address: Stony Brook, NY 11794
Electronic-Address: sbcs!lory
News: philabs bnl

Name: sunybcs
Organization: State University of New York at Buffalo, Computer
	Science Department
Contact: Robert Coggeshall
Electronic-Address: sunybcs!coggs
News: rocksvax

Name: tesla
Organization: Cornell Univ Electrical Engineering Dept.
Contact: Michael Hammond
Phone: (607) 256-3586
Postal-Address: 340 Phillips Hall, Ithaca, NY 14850
Electronic-Address: decvax!cornell!tesla!mike
News: cornell
Mail: cornell

Name: tropix
Organization: G.C.A. Corporation, Tropel Division
Contact: Douglas J. Leavitt
Phone: (716) 377-3200 x221
Postal-Address: 60 O'Connor Road, Fairport, NY 14450
Electronic-Address: tropix!djl
News: ritcv

Name: ur-laser
Organization: The University of Rochester
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY
News: rochester

Name: ur-valhalla
Organization: The University of Rochester, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Contact: Kris Kozminski
Phone: (716) 275-6985
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!ur-valhalla!kris
News: rochester
Mail: rochester

Name: vsop
News: bnl

Name: wu1
News: philabs


map@cbosgd.UUCP (07/27/84)

echo x - usa.va
cat >usa.va <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** VIRGINIA (VA) ****************

Name: icase
Organization: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and 
	Engineering, (ICASE)
Contact: Nancy E. Shoemaker
Phone: (804) 865-4090
Postal-Address: Mail Stop 132C, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665
Electronic-Address: mcnc!uvacs!icase!nes
News: uvacs
Mail: uvacs oducs1

Name: edison
Organization: Industrial Electronics Development Laboratory, General Electric
Contact: Scott Carson, J. Nelson Rosenstein
Phone: (804) 978-5000, ask for one of the above
Postal-Address: P. O. Box 8106, Charlottesville, VA 22906
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!{sdc,jnr}
News: uvacs iedl02

Name: iedl02
Organization: Industrial Electronics Development Laboratory, General Electric
Contact: Scott Carson, J. Nelson Rosenstein
Phone: (804) 978-5000, ask for one of the above
Postal-Address: P. O. Box 8106, Charlottesville, VA 22906
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!iedl02!{sdc,jnr}
News: edison

Name: rlgvax
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Office Systems Group
Contact: Guy Harris
Phone: (703) 648-3346
Postal-Address: 11490 Commerce Park Drive., Reston, VA 22091
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!guy
News: seismo cvl
Mail: seismo hugo janus umcp-cs cvl netword cal-unix allegra cbosgd ccieng5
	ccicpg vrdxhq mcnc cfcl1
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: seismo
Organization: Center for Seismic Studies
Contact: Raleigh F. Romine
Phone: (703) 276-7900
Postal-Address: 1300 N. 17th St., Suite 1450, Arlington, VA 22209
Electronic-Address: harpo!seismo!romine
News: hao uwvax rochester presby rlgvax ut-sally brl-vgr cmcl2 harvard
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: tyxpdp
Organization: TYX Corporation
Contact: Samuel Chessman
Phone: (703) 471-0233
Postal-Address: 11250 Roger Bacon Dr., Suite 16, Reston, VA 22090
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!tyxpdp!sam
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: uvacs
Organization: University of Virginia, Computer Science Department
Contact: Mark J. Smith
Phone: (804) 924-8896
Postal-Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Thornton Hall,
	Charlottesville, VA 22901
Electronic-Address: decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!mjs
News: ncsu icase edison

echo x - usa.wv
cat >usa.wv <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** WEST VIRGINIA (WV) ****************

echo x - usa.md
cat >usa.md <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** MARYLAND (MD) ****************

Name: aplvax
Organization: Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
Contact: Matthew Diaz
Phone: (301) 792-7800 x7341
Postal-Address: Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20707
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!umcp-cs!aplvax!matt
News: umcp-cs green cp1
Mail: brl-bmd umcp-cs

Name: brl-bmd
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: udrelay unc

Name: brl-tgr
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: brl-vgr
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: seismo

Name: cal-unix
Organization: Calculon Corporation
Contact: Rick Wilder
Phone: (301) 258-5455
Postal-Address: Rockville, MD
Electronic-Address: harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!cal-unix!rick
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: cp1
Organization: Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Companies (a Bell Atlantic co.)
Contact: Roderick W.  Hart
Phone: (301) 236-1099
Postal-Address: 323 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21202
Electronic-Address: cp1!hart
News: aplvax gamma

Name: cvl
Organization: University of Maryland, Computer Vision Lab
Contact: Diane Donaldson
Phone: (301) 454-4526
Postal-Address: Computer Science Center, College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!cvl!andie
News: rlgvax umcp-cs elsie
Mail: umcp-cs rlgvax bsos umd6 dbl

Name: elsie
Organization: National Institute of Health
Contact: Arthur David Olson
Phone: (301) 496-5688
Postal-Address: Building 37, Room 3B03, Bethesda, MD 20205
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!elsie!ado
News: cvl imsvax
Mail: cvl imsvax umcp-cs

Name: eneevax
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, EE Dept.
Contact: Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-3941
Postal-Address: College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: umcp-cs!eneevax!chris
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: green
Organization: Johns Hopkins University, Biophysics Department
Contact: Bill Bogstad
Phone: (301) 338-8019
Postal-Address: Jenkins Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!aplvax!green!bill
News: aplvax
Mail: aplvax

Name: imd
Organization: Interactive Systems Corporation
Contact: John Levine
Phone: (617) 247-1155
Postal-Address: Gaithersburg, MD
Electronic-Address: ima!johnl
News: haddock
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: imsvax
Organization: Integrated Microcomputer Systems, Inc.
Contact: H.H. Lee, Paul Yao
Phone: (301) 984-8343, (301) 984-8434
Postal-Address: 5320 Marinelli Rd., Rockville, MD 20852
Electronic-Address: imsvax!hhlee, imsvax!ply
News: elsie
Mail: elsie eneevax

Name: umcp-cs
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Fred Blonder, Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-7690, (301) 454-6291
Postal-Address: Computer Science Center, College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!fred
News: cvl aplvax cal-unix eneevax tyxpdp nbs-amrf
Mail: aicvax allegra brl-bmd bsos dbl fjc jhu kei-vax nbs-amr netword nrl-css
	prometh rlgvax seismo usna
Comments: We forward mail to CSNet ONLY from University of Maryland sites.
echo x - usa.dc
cat >usa.dc <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (DC) ****************

Name: nbs-amrf
Organization: National Bureau of Standards
Contact: Don Libes
Phone: (301) 921-2461
Postal-Address: Met. Bldg, A-127, Washington, DC 20234
Electronic-Address: nbs-amrf!libes
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

echo x - usa.de
cat >usa.de <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** DELAWARE (DE) ****************

Name: udrelay
Organization: University of Delaware
Postal-Address: DE
News: brl-bmd

echo x - usa.pa
cat >usa.pa <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** PENNSYLVANIA (PA) ****************

Name: aluxe
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxp aluxz mhuxi
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: aluxp
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxe aluxz
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: aluxz
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxe aluxp
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: bpa
Organization: Bell of Pennsylvania
Contact: Bob Esposito
Phone: (215) 466-5744
Postal-Address: One Parkway-7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Electronic-Address: sb6!bpa!espo
News: sb6 burdvax

Name: bsdgvax
Organization: Burroughs Corporation
Contact: Tom Albrecht
Phone: (215) 341-4656
Postal-Address: SDG/Devon, P.O. Box 1874, Southeastern, PA 19398-1874
Electronic-Address: bsdgvax!albrecht
News: burdvax
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: burdvax
Organization: System Development Corp., a Burroughs Company
Contact: Dave Bialer
Phone: (215) 648-7275
Postal-Address: Box 517, Paoli, PA 19301
Electronic-Address: burdvax!usenet
News: bpa psuvax1 sjuvax bsdgvax
Mail: presby psuvax1 sdcrdcf bpa
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cadre
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
Contact: Russell J. Yount
Phone: (412) 624-3490
Postal-Address: 1360 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Electronic-Address: cadre!ry
News: idis prodigal
Mail: idis pitt prodigal nelslab mi-cec vax135 cmucsg

Name: dri0
Organization: Decision Resources, Inc.
Contact: Bill Titus
Phone: (412) 562-9662
Postal-Address: 950 Century Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Electronic-Address: mcnc!idis!pitt!dri0!titus
News: pitt
Mail: pitt

Name: idis
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Science
Contact: Dan Strick
Phone: (412) 624-2135
Postal-Address: 833 LIS Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!idis!dan
News: mcnc mi-cec pitt cadre
Mail: mcnc mi-cec pitt cadre decvax floyd

Name: mi-cec
Organization: Mellon Institute, Computer Engineering Center
Contact: Dan Klein
Phone: (412) 578-3382
Postal-Address: 4616 Henry St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Electronic-Address: idis!mi-cec!dvk
News: idis
Mail: idis pitt cadre cmucsg

Name: pitt
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Robert Hoffman
Phone: (412) 624-1729
Postal-Address: 306 Alumni Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Electronic-Address: mcnc!idis!pitt!hoffman
News: idis dri0
Mail: idis dri0 cadre mi-cec uf-cgrl

Name: presby
Organization: Presbyterian-Univ. of Pennsylvania Med. Ctr., Dept. of Cardiology
Contact: Skip Seelaus,
Phone: (215) 662-8464
Postal-Address: 51 N. 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Electronic-Address: seismo!presby!skip, seismo!presby!lou
News: seismo
Mail: seismo cmcl2

Name: prodigal
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
Contact: Russell J. Yount
Phone: (412) 624-3490
Postal-Address: 1360 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Electronic-Address: pitt!cadre!prodigal!ry
News: cadre
Mail: cadre

Name: psupdp1
Organization: The Pennsylvania State Univ., Computer Science Dept.
Contact: John Irwin
Phone: (814) 237-5068
Postal-Address: 529 E. Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
Electronic-Address: allegra!psuvax1!psupdp1!jdi

Name: psuvax1
Organization: The Pennsylvania State University, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: John Irwin
Phone: (814) 237-5068, (814) 237-1802
Postal-Address: 529 E. Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
Electronic-Address: psuvax1!jdi
News: burdvax akgua
Mail: cbosgd garfield wjh12

Name: sjuvax
Organization: Saint Joseph:s University, Dept. of Math/Computer Science
Contact: Binayak Banerjee
Phone: (215) 879-7394
Postal-Address: Philadelphia, PA 19131
Electronic-Address: sjuvax!bbanerje
News: burdvax
Mail: burdvax

Name: uofp
Organization: University of Pennsylvania, Physics Dept. 
	Solid State theory PDP-11/23
Contact: Joel Isaacson, A. Brooks Harris
Phone: (215) 898-5000
Postal-Address: David Rittenhouse Labs 33 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104-3859
Electronic-Address: presby!joel, presby!uofp!joel

echo x - usa.ny
cat >usa.ny <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** NEW YORK (NY) ****************

Name: acf2
Organization: New York University, Courant Institute
Contact: Lou Salkind, Stephen Tihor
Phone: (212) 460-7288, (212) 460-7289
Postal-Address: 251 Mercer St., New York City, NY 10012
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind, cmcl2!tihor

Name: acf4
Organization: New York University, Courant Institute
Contact: Lou Salkind, Stephen Tihor
Phone: (212) 460-7288, (212) 460-7289
Postal-Address: 251 Mercer St., New York City, NY 10012
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind, cmcl2!tihor
News: cmcl2

Name: adiron
Organization: PAR Technology Corp.
Contact: Bob Gray, John Lietz
Phone: (315) 738-0600
Postal-Address: Seneca Plaza, New Hartford, NY 13413
Electronic-Address: duke!adiron!bob, duke!adiron!jl
News: duke

Name: aecom
Organization: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Scientific Computing Center
Contact: Michael Corn
Phone: (212) 430-4211
Postal-Address: 1300 Morris Park Ave., Bronx, NY 10461
Electronic-Address: aecom!yechiel
News: cucard philabs
Mail: philabs cucard pegasus

Name: bnl
Organization: Brookhaven National Labs
Contact: G. Campbell
Postal-Address: Long Island, New York
News: sbcs vsop
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cadif780
Organization: Cornell University, Computer Aided Design Instructional Facility
Contact: J. Q. Johnson
Phone: (607) 256-8250
Postal-Address: 163 Hollister Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-Address: cornell!cadif780!jq
News: cornell
Mail: cornell

Name: ccieng2
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccieng5!tim
News: ccieng5
Mail: ccieng5

Name: ccieng5
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccieng5!tim
News: ritcv ccieng2 ccieng6
Mail: ccieng2 ccieng6 ritcv rlgvax ccivax ccicpg rayssd

Name: ccieng6
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccieng5!tim
News: ccieng5
Mail: ccieng5

Name: ccivax
Organization: Computer Consoles Inc., Telephone Systems Division
Contact: Susan M. Nesbitt
Phone: (716) 248-8200
Postal-Address: 1212 Pittsford-Victor Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccivax!smn
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv ccieng5

Name: cmcl1
Organization: New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
Contact: Lou Salkind
Phone: (212) 460-7288
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind

Name: cmcl2
Organization: New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
Contact: Lou Salkind
Phone: (212) 460-7288
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind
News: nybcb lanl-a philabs rna csd1 acf4 seismo csd2
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cornell
Organization: Cornell University, Dept. of Computer Science
Contact: Jim Ferwerda
Phone: (607) 256-4052
Postal-Address: 421 Upson Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-Address: vax135!cornell!jim
News: vax135 uw-beaver tesla cadif780
Mail: VisiVax alice allegra anlams arizona brunix burl cadif780
	caevax cbosg cbosgd chico cmcl2 ctvax cu-arpa cucard dartvax decvax
	dione esquire floyd gekbsvax gidney harpo hosba hosbb
	houxb houxe houxg houxo houxp houxq houca houti hogpc hogpd
	houxn houxt ihnss ihnp4 ima lbl-unix mcnc megatest nbires
	ogcvax princeton psuvax1 purdue rabbit research rice
	shasta sii sun tesla unc utcsrgv uw-beaver vax135 yale-comix

Name: csd1
News: cmcl2

Name: csd2
News: cmcl2
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cubsvax
Organization: Columbia University, Biological Sciences Dept.
Contact: Noel Kropf
Phone: (212) 280-5517
Postal-Address: 1002 Fairchild Bldg., New York, NY 10027
Electronic-Address: rocky2!cubsvax!noel
News: rocky2 wu1 models
Mail: rocky2 cucard philabs models wu1

Name: cucard
Organization: Columbia University, Dept. of Medicine
Contact: Reidar Bornholdt
Phone: (212) 694-3411
Postal-Address: 630 W. 168 St., New York, NY 10032
Electronic-Address: harpo!cucard!reidar, cmcl2!cucard!reidar
News: rocky2 aecom
Mail: harpo cmcl2 rocky2 cubsvax

Name: esquire
Organization: Davis Polk & Wardwell
Contact: Nat Howard
Phone: (212) 530-4116, (212) 530-4046
Postal-Address: 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York City, NY 10005
Electronic-Address: chico!esquire!nrh
News: rna

Name: ganash
Organization: Periphonics Corp.
Contact: Russell Wolf
Phone: (516) 467-0500
Postal-Address: 4000 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Bohemia, NY 11716
Electronic-Address: ganash!russ
News: hjuxa
Mail: floyd
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: lamont
Organization: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
Contact: Bob Bookbinder
Phone: (914) 359-2900, x498
Postal-Address: Palisades, NY 10964
Electronic-Address: philabs!lamont!system
News: philabs
Mail: philabs

Name: models
Organization: Brignoli Models, Inc.
Contact: Andy Scott
Phone: (212) 382-2533
Postal-Address: 15 West 39 St., New York, NY 10018
Electronic-Address: harpo!rocky2!cubsvax!models!andy
News: cubsvax
Mail: cubsvax

Name: moscom
Organization: Moscom Corp.
Contact: Gary Algier
Phone: (716) 385-6440, x340
Postal-Address: 300 Main St., East Rochester, NY 14445
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!moscom!gaa
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv pisa

Name: nybca
Organization: New York Blood Center
Postal-Address: NY

Name: nybcb
Organization: New York Blood Center
Contact: Ed Haenlin, Bill Ying
Postal-Address: 310 E. 67th St., New York City, NY 10021
Electronic-Address: nybcb!haenlin, nybcb!ying
News: cmcl2

Name: philabs
Organization: Philips Laboratories
Contact: Dan Lorenzini, Sean Byrne
Phone: (914) 945-6236, (914) 945-6006
Postal-Address: 345 Scarborough Rd., Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Electronic-Address: philabs!dal, philabs!scb
News: mcvax linus cmcl2 micomvax rdin sbcs sunrise pwa-b lamont hhb aecom
	wu1 mcnc
Mail: floyd bunker sbcs cbosgd rdin

Name: rdin
Organization: Resource Dynamics, Inc.
Contact: Robert Perlberg
Phone: (212) 486-9150
Postal-Address: 150 East 58th St., New York, NY 10155
Electronic-Address: rdin!perl
News: philabs
Mail: philabs

Name: ritcv
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science
	and Technology (CineVax)
Contact: Michael J. Lutz
Phone: (716) 475-2139
Postal-Address: P.O. Box 9887, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623-0887
Electronic-Address: {allegra seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
News: rochester tropix ccieng5 ritvp ccivax moscom
Mail: ritvp rit70 rit45 ritce1 rit34 ritiscd ccivax ccieng5 sykesct beagle
	rocksvax tropix rochester

Name: ritvp
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science
	and Technology (VaxPopuli)
Contact: Michael J. Lutz
Phone: (716) 475-2139
Postal-Address: P.O. Box 9887, One Lomb Memorial Drive,
	Rochester, NY 14623-0887
Electronic-Address: {allegra seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
News: ritcv
Mail: rocksvax ritcv

Name: rna
Organization: Rockefeller University, Dept. of Neurobiology
Contact: Daniel Ts'o
Phone: (212) 570-7669
Postal-Address: 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!rna!dan
News: cmcl2 esquire

Name: rochester
Organization: University of Rochester, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Lee Moore
Phone: (716) 275-5671
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!lee
News: seismo ritcv ur-valhalla ur-laser rocksanne
Mail: seismo rocksvax ritcv ur-valhalla ur-esm ur-laser ur-msbvax allegra
	rocksanne ccivax brl-bmd decvax
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: rocksanne
Organization: Xerox, Webster Research Center
Contact: Jerry Hudson
Phone: (716) 422-8598
Postal-Address: Bldg. 128/RTCC, 800 Phillips Rd., Webster, NY 14580
Electronic-Address: rocksanne!hudson
News: rochester rocksvax sunybcs
Mail: rochester rocksvax
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: rocksvax
Organization: Xerox, Henrietta
Contact: Jim Ziobro
Phone: (716) 427-1136
Postal-Address: 1350 Jefferson Rd., Rochester, NY 14623
Electronic-Address: rocksvax!z or Ziobro.henr@parc-maxc
News: sunybcs rocksanne
Mail: rochester sunybcs amd ritcv ritvp
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: rocky2
Organization: Rockefeller University
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: rocky2!mel
News: cubsvax cucard datagen

Name: sbcs
Organization: SUNY at Stony Brook, Dept. of Computer Science
Contact: Lory Molasky
Phone: (516) 246-7090
Postal-Address: Stony Brook, NY 11794
Electronic-Address: sbcs!lory
News: philabs bnl

Name: sunybcs
Organization: State University of New York at Buffalo, Computer
	Science Department
Contact: Robert Coggeshall
Electronic-Address: sunybcs!coggs
News: rocksvax rocksanne
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: tesla
Organization: Cornell Univ Electrical Engineering Dept.
Contact: Michael Hammond
Phone: (607) 256-3586
Postal-Address: 340 Phillips Hall, Ithaca, NY 14850
Electronic-Address: decvax!cornell!tesla!mike
News: cornell
Mail: cornell

Name: tropix
Organization: G.C.A. Corporation, Tropel Division
Contact: Douglas J. Leavitt
Phone: (716) 377-3200 x221
Postal-Address: 60 O'Connor Road, Fairport, NY 14450
Electronic-Address: tropix!djl
News: ritcv

Name: ur-laser
Organization: The University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics
Contact: Bill Lampeter
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY
Electronic-Address: ur-laser!bill
News: rochester
Mail: rochester
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: ur-valhalla
Organization: The University of Rochester, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Contact: Kris Kozminski
Phone: (716) 275-6985
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!ur-valhalla!kris
News: rochester
Mail: rochester

Name: vsop
News: bnl


map@cbosgd.UUCP (09/12/84)

echo x - usa.va
cat >usa.va <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** VIRGINIA (VA) ****************

Name: icase
Organization: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and 
	Engineering, (ICASE)
Contact: Nancy E. Shoemaker
Phone: (804) 865-4090
Postal-Address: Mail Stop 132C, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665
Electronic-Address: mcnc!uvacs!icase!nes
News: uvacs
Mail: uvacs oducs1

Name: edison
Organization: Industrial Electronics Development Laboratory, General Electric
Contact: Scott Carson, J. Nelson Rosenstein
Phone: (804) 978-5000, ask for one of the above
Postal-Address: P. O. Box 8106, Charlottesville, VA 22906
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!{sdc,jnr}
News: uvacs iedl02

Name: iedl02
Organization: Industrial Electronics Development Laboratory, General Electric
Contact: Scott Carson, J. Nelson Rosenstein
Phone: (804) 978-5000, ask for one of the above
Postal-Address: P. O. Box 8106, Charlottesville, VA 22906
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!iedl02!{sdc,jnr}
News: edison

Name: rlgvax
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Office Systems Group
Contact: Guy Harris
Phone: (703) 648-3346
Postal-Address: 11490 Commerce Park Drive., Reston, VA 22091
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!guy
News: seismo grendel
Mail: seismo hugo janus umcp-cs cvl netword cal-unix allegra cbosgd ccice5
	ccicpg vrdxhq mcnc cfcl1
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: seismo
Organization: Center for Seismic Studies
Contact: Raleigh F. Romine
Phone: (703) 276-7900
Postal-Address: 1300 N. 17th St., Suite 1450, Arlington, VA 22209
Electronic-Address: harpo!seismo!romine
News: hao uwvax rochester presby rlgvax ut-sally brl-vgr cmcl2 harvard
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: tyxpdp
Organization: TYX Corporation
Contact: Samuel Chessman
Phone: (703) 471-0233
Postal-Address: 11250 Roger Bacon Dr., Suite 16, Reston, VA 22090
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!tyxpdp!sam
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: uvacs
Organization: University of Virginia, Computer Science Department
Contact: Mark J. Smith
Phone: (804) 924-8896
Postal-Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Thornton Hall,
	Charlottesville, VA 22901
Electronic-Address: decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!mjs
News: ncsu icase edison

echo x - usa.wv
cat >usa.wv <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** WEST VIRGINIA (WV) ****************

echo x - usa.md
cat >usa.md <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** MARYLAND (MD) ****************

Name: aplvax
Organization: Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
Contact: Matthew Diaz
Phone: (301) 792-7800 x7341
Postal-Address: Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20707
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!umcp-cs!aplvax!matt
News: umcp-cs green cp1
Mail: brl-bmd umcp-cs

Name: brl-bmd
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: udrelay unc

Name: brl-tgr
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: brl-vgr
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: seismo

Name: cal-unix
Organization: Calculon Corporation
Contact: Rick Wilder
Phone: (301) 258-5455
Postal-Address: Rockville, MD
Electronic-Address: harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!cal-unix!rick
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: cecil
News: elsie
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: cp1
Organization: Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Companies (a Bell Atlantic co.)
Contact: Roderick W.  Hart
Phone: (301) 236-1099
Postal-Address: 323 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21202
Electronic-Address: cp1!hart
News: aplvax gamma

Name: cvl
Organization: University of Maryland, Computer Vision Lab
Contact: Diane Donaldson
Phone: (301) 454-4526
Postal-Address: Computer Science Center, College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!cvl!andie
News: umcp-cs elsie umd5
Mail: umcp-cs rlgvax bsos umd5 umd6 dbl
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: elsie
Organization: National Institute of Health
Contact: Arthur David Olson
Phone: (301) 496-5688
Postal-Address: Building 37, Room 3B03, Bethesda, MD 20205
Electronic-Address: decvax!seismo!umcp-cs!elsie!ado
News: cvl imsvax cecil
Mail: cvl imsvax umcp-cs cecil
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: eneevax
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, EE Dept.
Contact: Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-3941
Postal-Address: College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: umcp-cs!eneevax!chris
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: green
Organization: Johns Hopkins University, Biophysics Department
Contact: Bill Bogstad
Phone: (301) 338-8019
Postal-Address: Jenkins Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!aplvax!green!bill
News: aplvax
Mail: aplvax

Name: grendel
Organization: Digital Equipment Corp., D.C. Area Gov't Projects Group
Contact: Frederick M. Avolio
Phone: (301) 731-4100
Postal-Address: MS DCO/913, 8301 Professional Pl., Landover, MD 20785
Electronic-Address: grendel!avolio
News: decvax rlgvax
Mail: decvax seismo
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: gymble
Organization: Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., Laboratory for
	Parallel Processing
Contact: Fred Blonder, Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-7690
Postal-Address: College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: seismo!umcp-cs!fred, seismo!umcp-cs!chris
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs tove gyre cvl umd5
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: imd
Organization: Interactive Systems Corporation
Contact: John Levine
Phone: (617) 247-1155
Postal-Address: Gaithersburg, MD
Electronic-Address: ima!johnl
News: haddock
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: imsvax
Organization: Integrated Microcomputer Systems, Inc.
Contact: H.H. Lee, Paul Yao
Phone: (301) 984-8343, (301) 984-8434
Postal-Address: 5320 Marinelli Rd., Rockville, MD 20852
Electronic-Address: imsvax!hhlee, imsvax!ply
News: elsie
Mail: elsie eneevax

Name: nbs-amrf
Organization: National Bureau of Standards
Contact: Don Libes
Phone: (301) 921-2461
Postal-Address: Met. Bldg, A-127, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Electronic-Address: nbs-amrf!libes
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs
Comments: last edited 9/7/84

Name: umcp-cs
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Fred Blonder, Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-7690, (301) 454-6291
Postal-Address: Computer Science Center, College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!fred
News: cvl aplvax cal-unix eneevax tyxpdp nbs-amrf gymble
Mail: aicvax allegra brl-bmd bsos dbl fjc jhu kei-vax nbs-amr netword nrl-css
	prometh rlgvax seismo usna
Comments: Last edited 9/9/84.  We forward mail to CSNet ONLY from
	University of Maryland sites.

Name: umd5
News: cvl
Comments: last edited 9/9/84
echo x - usa.dc
cat >usa.dc <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (DC) ****************
echo x - usa.de
cat >usa.de <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** DELAWARE (DE) ****************

Name: udrelay
Organization: University of Delaware
Postal-Address: DE
News: brl-bmd

echo x - usa.pa
cat >usa.pa <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** PENNSYLVANIA (PA) ****************

Name: aluxe
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxp aluxz mhuxi
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: aluxp
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxe aluxz
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: aluxz
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxe aluxp
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: bpa
Organization: Bell of Pennsylvania
Contact: Bob Esposito
Phone: (215) 466-5744
Postal-Address: One Parkway-7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Electronic-Address: sb6!bpa!espo
News: sb6 burdvax

Name: bsdgvax
Organization: Burroughs Corporation
Contact: Tom Albrecht
Phone: (215) 341-4656
Postal-Address: SDG/Devon, P.O. Box 1874, Southeastern, PA 19398-1874
Electronic-Address: bsdgvax!albrecht
News: burdvax
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: burdvax
Organization: System Development Corp., a Burroughs Company
Contact: Dave Bialer
Phone: (215) 648-7275
Postal-Address: Box 517, Paoli, PA 19301
Electronic-Address: burdvax!usenet
News: bpa psuvax1 sjuvax bsdgvax
Mail: presby psuvax1 sdcrdcf bpa
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cadre
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
Contact: Russell J. Yount
Phone: (412) 624-3490
Postal-Address: 1360 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Electronic-Address: cadre!ry
News: idis prodigal
Mail: idis pitt prodigal nelslab mi-cec vax135 cmucsg

Name: dri0
Organization: Decision Resources, Inc.
Contact: Bill Titus
Phone: (412) 562-9662
Postal-Address: 950 Century Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Electronic-Address: mcnc!idis!pitt!dri0!titus
News: pitt
Mail: pitt

Name: idis
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Science
Contact: Dan Strick
Phone: (412) 624-2135
Postal-Address: 833 LIS Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!idis!dan
News: mcnc mi-cec pitt cadre
Mail: mcnc mi-cec pitt cadre decvax floyd

Name: mi-cec
Organization: Mellon Institute, Computer Engineering Center
Contact: Dan Klein
Phone: (412) 578-3382
Postal-Address: 4616 Henry St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Electronic-Address: idis!mi-cec!dvk
News: idis
Mail: idis pitt cadre cmucsg

Name: pitt
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Robert Hoffman
Phone: (412) 624-1729
Postal-Address: 306 Alumni Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Electronic-Address: mcnc!idis!pitt!hoffman
News: idis dri0
Mail: idis dri0 cadre mi-cec uf-cgrl

Name: presby
Organization: Presbyterian-Univ. of Pennsylvania Med. Ctr., Dept. of Cardiology
Contact: Skip Seelaus,
Phone: (215) 662-8464
Postal-Address: 51 N. 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Electronic-Address: seismo!presby!skip, seismo!presby!lou
News: seismo
Mail: seismo cmcl2

Name: prodigal
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
Contact: Russell J. Yount
Phone: (412) 624-3490
Postal-Address: 1360 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Electronic-Address: pitt!cadre!prodigal!ry
News: cadre
Mail: cadre

Name: psupdp1
Organization: The Pennsylvania State Univ., Computer Science Dept.
Contact: John Irwin
Phone: (814) 237-5068
Postal-Address: 529 E. Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
Electronic-Address: allegra!psuvax1!psupdp1!jdi

Name: psuvax1
Organization: The Pennsylvania State University, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: John Irwin
Phone: (814) 237-5068, (814) 237-1802
Postal-Address: 529 E. Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
Electronic-Address: psuvax1!jdi
News: burdvax akgua
Mail: cbosgd garfield wjh12

Name: sjuvax
Organization: Saint Joseph:s University, Dept. of Math/Computer Science
Contact: Binayak Banerjee
Phone: (215) 879-7394
Postal-Address: Philadelphia, PA 19131
Electronic-Address: sjuvax!bbanerje
News: burdvax
Mail: burdvax

Name: uofp
Organization: University of Pennsylvania, Physics Dept. 
	Solid State theory PDP-11/23
Contact: Joel Isaacson, A. Brooks Harris
Phone: (215) 898-5000
Postal-Address: David Rittenhouse Labs 33 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104-3859
Electronic-Address: presby!joel, presby!uofp!joel

echo x - usa.ny
cat >usa.ny <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** NEW YORK (NY) ****************

Name: acf2
Organization: New York University, Courant Institute
Contact: Lou Salkind, Stephen Tihor
Phone: (212) 460-7288, (212) 460-7289
Postal-Address: 251 Mercer St., New York City, NY 10012
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind, cmcl2!tihor

Name: acf4
Organization: New York University, Courant Institute
Contact: Lou Salkind, Stephen Tihor
Phone: (212) 460-7288, (212) 460-7289
Postal-Address: 251 Mercer St., New York City, NY 10012
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind, cmcl2!tihor
News: cmcl2

Name: adiron
Organization: PAR Technology Corp.
Contact: Bob Gray, John Lietz
Phone: (315) 738-0600
Postal-Address: Seneca Plaza, New Hartford, NY 13413
Electronic-Address: duke!adiron!bob, duke!adiron!jl
News: duke

Name: aecom
Organization: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Scientific Computing Center
Contact: Michael Corn
Phone: (212) 430-4211
Postal-Address: 1300 Morris Park Ave., Bronx, NY 10461
Electronic-Address: aecom!yechiel
News: cucard philabs
Mail: philabs cucard pegasus

Name: bnl
Organization: Brookhaven National Labs
Contact: G. Campbell
Postal-Address: Long Island, New York
News: sbcs vsop
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cadif780
Organization: Cornell University, Computer Aided Design Instructional Facility
Contact: J. Q. Johnson
Phone: (607) 256-8250
Postal-Address: 163 Hollister Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-Address: cornell!cadif780!jq
News: cornell
Mail: cornell

Name: ccice2
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccice5!tim
News: ccice5
Mail: ccice5

Name: ccice5
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccice5!tim
News: ritcv ccice2 ccice6
Mail: ccice2 ccice6 ritcv rlgvax ccivax ccicpg rayssd

Name: ccice6
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccice5!tim
News: ccice5
Mail: ccice5

Name: ccivax
Organization: Computer Consoles Inc., Telephone Systems Division
Contact: Susan M. Nesbitt
Phone: (716) 248-8200
Postal-Address: 1212 Pittsford-Victor Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccivax!smn
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv ccice5

Name: cmcl1
Organization: New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
Contact: Lou Salkind
Phone: (212) 460-7288
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind

Name: cmcl2
Organization: New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
Contact: Lou Salkind
Phone: (212) 460-7288
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind
News: nybcb lanl-a philabs rna csd1 acf4 seismo csd2
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cornell
Organization: Cornell University, Dept. of Computer Science
Contact: Jim Ferwerda
Phone: (607) 256-4052
Postal-Address: 421 Upson Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-Address: vax135!cornell!jim
News: vax135 uw-beaver tesla cadif780
Mail: VisiVax alice allegra anlams arizona brunix burl cadif780
	caevax cbosg cbosgd chico cmcl2 ctvax cu-arpa cucard dartvax decvax
	dione esquire floyd gekbsvax gidney harpo hosba hosbb
	houxb houxe houxg houxo houxp houxq houca houti hogpc hogpd
	houxn houxt ihnss ihnp4 ima lbl-unix mcnc megatest nbires
	ogcvax princeton psuvax1 purdue rabbit research rice
	shasta sii sun tesla unc utcsrgv uw-beaver vax135 yale

Name: csd1
News: cmcl2

Name: csd2
News: cmcl2
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cubsvax
Organization: Columbia University, Biological Sciences Dept.
Contact: Noel Kropf
Phone: (212) 280-5517
Postal-Address: 1002 Fairchild Bldg., New York, NY 10027
Electronic-Address: rocky2!cubsvax!noel
News: rocky2 wu1 models
Mail: rocky2 cucard philabs models wu1

Name: cucard
Organization: Columbia University, Dept. of Medicine
Contact: Reidar Bornholdt
Phone: (212) 694-3411
Postal-Address: 630 W. 168 St., New York, NY 10032
Electronic-Address: harpo!cucard!reidar, cmcl2!cucard!reidar
News: rocky2 aecom
Mail: harpo cmcl2 rocky2 cubsvax

Name: esquire
Organization: Davis Polk & Wardwell
Contact: Nat Howard
Phone: (212) 530-4116, (212) 530-4046
Postal-Address: 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York City, NY 10005
Electronic-Address: chico!esquire!nrh
News: rna

Name: ganash
Organization: Periphonics Corp.
Contact: Russell Wolf
Phone: (516) 467-0500
Postal-Address: 4000 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Bohemia, NY 11716
Electronic-Address: ganash!russ
News: hjuxa
Mail: floyd
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: husky
Organization: Eastman Kodak Company
Contact: Stephen E. Riegel
Phone: (716) 722-7247
Postal-Address: 2200 N. Goodman St., Rochester, NY 14650
Electronic-Address: husky!ser
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: lamont
Organization: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
Contact: Bob Bookbinder
Phone: (914) 359-2900, x498
Postal-Address: Palisades, NY 10964
Electronic-Address: philabs!lamont!system
News: philabs
Mail: philabs

Name: models
Organization: Brignoli Models, Inc.
Contact: Andy Scott
Phone: (212) 382-2533
Postal-Address: 15 West 39 St., New York, NY 10018
Electronic-Address: harpo!rocky2!cubsvax!models!andy
News: cubsvax
Mail: cubsvax

Name: moscom
Organization: Moscom Corp.
Contact: Gary Algier
Phone: (716) 385-6440, x340
Postal-Address: 300 Main St., East Rochester, NY 14445
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!moscom!gaa
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv pisa

Name: nybca
Organization: New York Blood Center
Postal-Address: NY

Name: nybcb
Organization: New York Blood Center
Contact: Ed Haenlin, Bill Ying
Postal-Address: 310 E. 67th St., New York City, NY 10021
Electronic-Address: nybcb!haenlin, nybcb!ying
News: cmcl2

Name: philabs
Organization: Philips Laboratories
Contact: Dan Lorenzini, Sean Byrne
Phone: (914) 945-6236, (914) 945-6006
Postal-Address: 345 Scarborough Rd., Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Electronic-Address: philabs!dal, philabs!scb
News: mcvax linus cmcl2 micomvax rdin sbcs sunrise pwa-b lamont hhb aecom
	wu1 mcnc
Mail: floyd bunker sbcs cbosgd rdin

Name: rdin
Organization: Resource Dynamics, Inc.
Contact: Robert Perlberg
Phone: (212) 486-9150
Postal-Address: 150 East 58th St., New York, NY 10155
Electronic-Address: rdin!perl
News: philabs
Mail: philabs

Name: ritcv
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science
	and Technology (CineVax)
Contact: Michael J. Lutz
Phone: (716) 475-2139
Postal-Address: P.O. Box 9887, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623-0887
Electronic-Address: {allegra seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
News: rochester tropix ccice5 ritvp ccivax moscom husky
Mail: ritvp rit70 rit45 ritce1 rit34 ritiscd ccivax ccice5 sykesct beagle
	rocksvax tropix rochester
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: ritvp
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science
	and Technology (VaxPopuli)
Contact: Michael J. Lutz
Phone: (716) 475-2139
Postal-Address: P.O. Box 9887, One Lomb Memorial Drive,
	Rochester, NY 14623-0887
Electronic-Address: {allegra seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
News: ritcv
Mail: rocksvax ritcv

Name: rna
Organization: Rockefeller University, Dept. of Neurobiology
Contact: Daniel Ts'o
Phone: (212) 570-7669
Postal-Address: 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!rna!dan
News: cmcl2 esquire

Name: rochester
Organization: University of Rochester, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Lee Moore
Phone: (716) 275-5671
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!lee
News: seismo ritcv ur-valhalla ur-laser rocksanne
Mail: seismo rocksvax ritcv ur-valhalla ur-esm ur-laser ur-msbvax allegra
	rocksanne ccivax brl-bmd decvax
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: rocksanne
Organization: Xerox, Webster Research Center
Contact: Jerry Hudson
Phone: (716) 422-8598
Postal-Address: Bldg. 128/RTCC, 800 Phillips Rd., Webster, NY 14580
Electronic-Address: rocksanne!hudson
News: rochester rocksvax sunybcs
Mail: rochester rocksvax
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: rocksvax
Organization: Xerox, Henrietta
Contact: Jim Ziobro
Phone: (716) 427-1136
Postal-Address: 1350 Jefferson Rd., Rochester, NY 14623
Electronic-Address: rocksvax!z or Ziobro.henr@parc-maxc
News: sunybcs rocksanne
Mail: rochester sunybcs amd ritcv ritvp
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: rocky2
Organization: Rockefeller University
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: rocky2!mel
News: cubsvax cucard datagen

Name: sbcs
Organization: SUNY at Stony Brook, Dept. of Computer Science
Contact: Lory Molasky
Phone: (516) 246-7090
Postal-Address: Stony Brook, NY 11794
Electronic-Address: sbcs!lory
News: philabs bnl

Name: sunybcs
Organization: State University of New York at Buffalo, Computer
	Science Department
Contact: Robert Coggeshall
Electronic-Address: sunybcs!coggs
News: rocksvax rocksanne
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: tesla
Organization: Cornell Univ Electrical Engineering Dept.
Contact: Michael Hammond
Phone: (607) 256-3586
Postal-Address: 340 Phillips Hall, Ithaca, NY 14850
Electronic-Address: decvax!cornell!tesla!mike
News: cornell
Mail: cornell

Name: tropix
Organization: G.C.A. Corporation, Tropel Division
Contact: Douglas J. Leavitt
Phone: (716) 377-3200 x221
Postal-Address: 60 O'Connor Road, Fairport, NY 14450
Electronic-Address: tropix!djl
News: ritcv

Name: ur-laser
Organization: The University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics
Contact: Bill Lampeter
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY
Electronic-Address: ur-laser!bill
News: rochester
Mail: rochester
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: ur-valhalla
Organization: The University of Rochester, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Contact: Kris Kozminski
Phone: (716) 275-6985
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!ur-valhalla!kris
News: rochester
Mail: rochester

Name: vsop
News: bnl


map@cbosgd.UUCP (10/02/84)

echo x - usa.va
cat >usa.va <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** VIRGINIA (VA) ****************

Name: edison
Organization: Industrial Electronics Development Laboratory, General Electric
Contact: Scott Carson, J. Nelson Rosenstein
Phone: (804) 978-5000, ask for one of the above
Postal-Address: P. O. Box 8106, Charlottesville, VA 22906
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!{sdc,jnr}
News: uvacs iedl02

Name: icase
Organization: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and 
	Engineering, (ICASE)
Contact: Nancy E. Shoemaker
Phone: (804) 865-4090
Postal-Address: Mail Stop 132C, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665
Electronic-Address: mcnc!uvacs!icase!nes
News: uvacs
Mail: uvacs oducs1

Name: iedl02
Organization: Industrial Electronics Development Laboratory, General Electric
Contact: Scott Carson, J. Nelson Rosenstein
Phone: (804) 978-5000, ask for one of the above
Postal-Address: P. O. Box 8106, Charlottesville, VA 22906
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!iedl02!{sdc,jnr}
News: edison

Name: rlgvax
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Office Systems Group
Contact: Guy Harris
Phone: (703) 648-3346
Postal-Address: 11490 Commerce Park Drive., Reston, VA 22091
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!guy
News: seismo grendel
Mail: seismo hugo janus umcp-cs cvl netword cal-unix allegra cbosgd ccice5
	ccicpg vrdxhq mcnc cfcl1
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: seismo
Organization: Center for Seismic Studies
Contact: Raleigh F. Romine
Phone: (703) 276-7900
Postal-Address: 1300 N. 17th St., Suite 1450, Arlington, VA 22209
Electronic-Address: harpo!seismo!romine
News: hao uwvax rochester presby rlgvax ut-sally brl-vgr cmcl2 harvard utah-cs
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: tyxpdp
Organization: TYX Corporation
Contact: Samuel Chessman
Phone: (703) 471-0233
Postal-Address: 11250 Roger Bacon Dr., Suite 16, Reston, VA 22090
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!tyxpdp!sam
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: uvacs
Organization: University of Virginia, Computer Science Department
Contact: Mark J. Smith
Phone: (804) 924-8896
Postal-Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Thornton Hall,
	Charlottesville, VA 22901
Electronic-Address: decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!mjs
News: ncsu icase edison

echo x - usa.wv
cat >usa.wv <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** WEST VIRGINIA (WV) ****************

echo x - usa.md
cat >usa.md <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** MARYLAND (MD) ****************

Name: aplvax
Organization: Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
Contact: Matthew Diaz
Phone: (301) 792-7800 x7341
Postal-Address: Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20707
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!umcp-cs!aplvax!matt
News: umcp-cs green cp1
Mail: brl-bmd umcp-cs

Name: brl-bmd
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: udrelay unc brl-tgr

Name: brl-tgr
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: nlm-mcs brl-bmd
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: brl-vgr
Organization: Ballistics Research Lab
Contact: Doug Kingston
Postal-Address: MD
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!dpk
News: seismo

Name: cal-unix
Organization: Calculon Corporation
Contact: Rick Wilder
Phone: (301) 258-5455
Postal-Address: Rockville, MD
Electronic-Address: harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!cal-unix!rick
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: cecil
News: elsie
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: cp1
Organization: Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Companies (a Bell Atlantic co.)
Contact: Roderick W.  Hart
Phone: (301) 236-1099
Postal-Address: 323 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21202
Electronic-Address: cp1!hart
News: aplvax gamma

Name: cvl
Organization: University of Maryland, Computer Vision Lab
Contact: Diane Donaldson
Phone: (301) 454-4526
Postal-Address: Computer Science Center, College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: rlgvax!cvl!andie
News: umcp-cs elsie umd5
Mail: umcp-cs rlgvax bsos umd5 umd6 dbl
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: elsie
Organization: National Institute of Health
Contact: Arthur David Olson
Phone: (301) 496-5688
Postal-Address: Building 37, Room 3B03, Bethesda, MD 20205
Electronic-Address: decvax!seismo!umcp-cs!elsie!ado
News: cvl imsvax cecil
Mail: cvl imsvax umcp-cs cecil
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: eneevax
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, EE Dept.
Contact: Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-3941
Postal-Address: College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: umcp-cs!eneevax!chris
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs

Name: green
Organization: Johns Hopkins University, Biophysics Department
Contact: Bill Bogstad
Phone: (301) 338-8019
Postal-Address: Jenkins Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218
Electronic-Address: brl-bmd!aplvax!green!bill
News: aplvax
Mail: aplvax

Name: grendel
Organization: Digital Equipment Corp., D.C. Area Gov't Projects Group
Contact: Frederick M. Avolio
Phone: (301) 731-4100
Postal-Address: MS DCO/913, 8301 Professional Pl., Landover, MD 20785
Electronic-Address: grendel!avolio
News: decvax rlgvax
Mail: decvax seismo
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: gymble
Organization: Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., Laboratory for
	Parallel Processing
Contact: Fred Blonder, Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-7690
Postal-Address: College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: seismo!umcp-cs!fred, seismo!umcp-cs!chris
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs tove gyre cvl umd5
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: imd
Organization: Interactive Systems Corporation
Contact: John Levine
Phone: (617) 247-1155
Postal-Address: Gaithersburg, MD
Electronic-Address: ima!johnl
News: haddock
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: imsvax
Organization: Integrated Microcomputer Systems, Inc.
Contact: H.H. Lee, Paul Yao
Phone: (301) 984-8343, (301) 984-8434
Postal-Address: 5320 Marinelli Rd., Rockville, MD 20852
Electronic-Address: imsvax!hhlee, imsvax!ply
News: elsie
Mail: elsie eneevax

Name: nbs-amrf
Organization: National Bureau of Standards
Contact: Don Libes
Phone: (301) 921-2461
Postal-Address: Met. Bldg, A-127, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Electronic-Address: nbs-amrf!libes
News: umcp-cs
Mail: umcp-cs
Comments: last edited 9/7/84

Name: nlm-mcs
Organization: National Library of Medicine/LHNCBC
Postal-Address: Bethesda, MD
News: brl-tgr nlm-vax
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: nlm-vax
Organization: NLM/LHNCBC
Postal-Address: Bethesda, MD
News: nlm-mcs
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: umcp-cs
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Fred Blonder, Chris Torek
Phone: (301) 454-7690, (301) 454-6291
Postal-Address: Computer Science Center, College Park, MD 20742
Electronic-Address: decvax!harpo!seismo!umcp-cs!fred
News: cvl aplvax cal-unix eneevax tyxpdp nbs-amrf gymble
Mail: aicvax allegra brl-bmd bsos dbl fjc jhu kei-vax nbs-amr netword nrl-css
	prometh rlgvax seismo usna
Comments: Last edited 9/9/84.  We forward mail to CSNet ONLY from
	University of Maryland sites.

Name: umd5
News: cvl
Comments: last edited 9/9/84
echo x - usa.dc
cat >usa.dc <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (DC) ****************
echo x - usa.de
cat >usa.de <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** DELAWARE (DE) ****************

Name: udrelay
Organization: University of Delaware
Postal-Address: DE
News: brl-bmd

echo x - usa.pa
cat >usa.pa <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** PENNSYLVANIA (PA) ****************

Name: aluxe
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxp aluxz mhuxi
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: aluxp
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxe aluxz
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: aluxz
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Computer Center
Contact: Joe Presley
Phone: (201) 582-4445
Postal-Address: Allentown, PA
Electronic-Address: mhuxj!usenet
News: aluxe aluxp
Comments: Contact person's address: Rm. 2F-213, 600 Mountain Avenue,
	Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Name: bpa
Organization: Bell of Pennsylvania
Contact: Bob Esposito
Phone: (215) 466-5744
Postal-Address: One Parkway-7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Electronic-Address: sb6!bpa!espo
News: sb6 burdvax

Name: bsdgvax
Organization: Burroughs Corporation
Contact: Tom Albrecht
Phone: (215) 341-4656
Postal-Address: SDG/Devon, P.O. Box 1874, Southeastern, PA 19398-1874
Electronic-Address: bsdgvax!albrecht
News: burdvax
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: burdvax
Organization: System Development Corp., a Burroughs Company
Contact: Dave Bialer
Phone: (215) 648-7275
Postal-Address: Box 517, Paoli, PA 19301
Electronic-Address: burdvax!usenet
News: bpa psuvax1 sjuvax bsdgvax
Mail: presby psuvax1 sdcrdcf bpa
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cadre
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
Contact: Russell J. Yount
Phone: (412) 624-3490
Postal-Address: 1360 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Electronic-Address: cadre!ry
News: idis prodigal
Mail: idis pitt prodigal nelslab mi-cec vax135 cmucsg

Name: dri0
Organization: Decision Resources, Inc.
Contact: Bill Titus
Phone: (412) 562-9662
Postal-Address: 950 Century Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Electronic-Address: mcnc!idis!pitt!dri0!titus
News: pitt
Mail: pitt

Name: idis
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Science
Contact: Dan Strick
Phone: (412) 624-2135
Postal-Address: 833 LIS Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Electronic-Address: duke!mcnc!idis!dan
News: mcnc mi-cec pitt cadre
Mail: mcnc mi-cec pitt cadre decvax floyd

Name: mi-cec
Organization: Mellon Institute, Computer Engineering Center
Contact: Dan Klein
Phone: (412) 578-3382
Postal-Address: 4616 Henry St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Electronic-Address: idis!mi-cec!dvk
News: idis
Mail: idis pitt cadre cmucsg

Name: pitt
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Robert Hoffman
Phone: (412) 624-1729
Postal-Address: 306 Alumni Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Electronic-Address: mcnc!idis!pitt!hoffman
News: idis dri0
Mail: idis dri0 cadre mi-cec uf-cgrl

Name: presby
Organization: Presbyterian-Univ. of Pennsylvania Med. Ctr., Dept. of Cardiology
Contact: Skip Seelaus,
Phone: (215) 662-8464
Postal-Address: 51 N. 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Electronic-Address: seismo!presby!skip, seismo!presby!lou
News: seismo
Mail: seismo cmcl2

Name: prodigal
Organization: University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
Contact: Russell J. Yount
Phone: (412) 624-3490
Postal-Address: 1360 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Electronic-Address: pitt!cadre!prodigal!ry
News: cadre
Mail: cadre

Name: psupdp1
Organization: The Pennsylvania State Univ., Computer Science Dept.
Contact: John Irwin
Phone: (814) 237-5068
Postal-Address: 529 E. Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
Electronic-Address: allegra!psuvax1!psupdp1!jdi

Name: psuvax1
Organization: The Pennsylvania State University, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: John Irwin
Phone: (814) 237-5068, (814) 237-1802
Postal-Address: 529 E. Prospect Ave., State College, PA 16801
Electronic-Address: psuvax1!jdi
News: burdvax akgua
Mail: cbosgd garfield wjh12

Name: sjuvax
Organization: Saint Joseph:s University, Dept. of Math/Computer Science
Contact: Binayak Banerjee
Phone: (215) 879-7394
Postal-Address: Philadelphia, PA 19131
Electronic-Address: sjuvax!bbanerje
News: burdvax
Mail: burdvax

Name: uofp
Organization: University of Pennsylvania, Physics Dept. 
	Solid State theory PDP-11/23
Contact: Joel Isaacson, A. Brooks Harris
Phone: (215) 898-5000
Postal-Address: David Rittenhouse Labs 33 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104-3859
Electronic-Address: presby!joel, presby!uofp!joel

echo x - usa.ny
cat >usa.ny <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
Comments: ****************** NEW YORK (NY) ****************

Name: acf2
Organization: New York University, Courant Institute
Contact: Lou Salkind, Stephen Tihor
Phone: (212) 460-7288, (212) 460-7289
Postal-Address: 251 Mercer St., New York City, NY 10012
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind, cmcl2!tihor

Name: acf4
Organization: New York University, Courant Institute
Contact: Lou Salkind, Stephen Tihor
Phone: (212) 460-7288, (212) 460-7289
Postal-Address: 251 Mercer St., New York City, NY 10012
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind, cmcl2!tihor
News: cmcl2

Name: adiron
Organization: PAR Technology Corp.
Contact: Bob Gray, John Lietz
Phone: (315) 738-0600
Postal-Address: Seneca Plaza, New Hartford, NY 13413
Electronic-Address: duke!adiron!bob, duke!adiron!jl
News: duke

Name: aecom
Organization: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Scientific Computing Center
Contact: Michael Corn
Phone: (212) 430-4211
Postal-Address: 1300 Morris Park Ave., Bronx, NY 10461
Electronic-Address: aecom!yechiel
News: cucard philabs
Mail: philabs cucard pegasus

Name: bnl
Organization: Brookhaven National Labs
Contact: G. Campbell
Postal-Address: Long Island, New York
News: sbcs vsop
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cadif780
Organization: Cornell University, Computer Aided Design Instructional Facility
Contact: J. Q. Johnson
Phone: (607) 256-8250
Postal-Address: 163 Hollister Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-Address: cornell!cadif780!jq
News: cornell
Mail: cornell

Name: ccice2
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccice5!tim
News: ccice5
Mail: ccice5

Name: ccice5
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccice5!tim
News: ritcv ccice2 ccice6
Mail: ccice2 ccice6 ritcv rlgvax ccivax ccicpg rayssd

Name: ccice6
Organization: Computer Consoles, Inc., Central Engineering
Contact: Tim Becker
Phone: (716) 482-5000 x2633
Postal-Address: 97 Humbolt St., Rochester, NY 14609
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccice5!tim
News: ccice5
Mail: ccice5

Name: ccivax
Organization: Computer Consoles Inc., Telephone Systems Division
Contact: Susan M. Nesbitt
Phone: (716) 248-8200
Postal-Address: 1212 Pittsford-Victor Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!ccivax!smn
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv ccice5

Name: cmcl1
Organization: New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
Contact: Lou Salkind
Phone: (212) 460-7288
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind

Name: cmcl2
Organization: New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
Contact: Lou Salkind
Phone: (212) 460-7288
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!salkind
News: nybcb lanl-a philabs rna csd1 acf4 seismo csd2
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cornell
Organization: Cornell University, Dept. of Computer Science
Contact: Jim Ferwerda
Phone: (607) 256-4052
Postal-Address: 421 Upson Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Electronic-Address: vax135!cornell!jim
News: vax135 uw-beaver tesla cadif780
Mail: VisiVax alice allegra anlams arizona brunix burl cadif780
	caevax cbosg cbosgd chico cmcl2 ctvax cu-arpa cucard dartvax decvax
	dione esquire floyd gekbsvax gidney harpo hosba hosbb
	houxb houxe houxg houxo houxp houxq houca houti hogpc hogpd
	houxn houxt ihnss ihnp4 ima lbl-unix mcnc megatest nbires
	ogcvax princeton psuvax1 purdue rabbit research rice
	shasta sii sun tesla unc utcsrgv uw-beaver vax135 yale

Name: csd1
News: cmcl2

Name: csd2
News: cmcl2
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: cubsvax
Organization: Columbia University, Biological Sciences Dept.
Contact: Noel Kropf
Phone: (212) 280-5517
Postal-Address: 1002 Fairchild Bldg., New York, NY 10027
Electronic-Address: rocky2!cubsvax!noel
News: rocky2 wu1 models
Mail: rocky2 cucard philabs models wu1

Name: cucard
Organization: Columbia University, Dept. of Medicine
Contact: Reidar Bornholdt
Phone: (212) 694-3411
Postal-Address: 630 W. 168 St., New York, NY 10032
Electronic-Address: harpo!cucard!reidar, cmcl2!cucard!reidar
News: rocky2 aecom
Mail: harpo cmcl2 rocky2 cubsvax

Name: esquire
Organization: Davis Polk & Wardwell
Contact: Nat Howard
Phone: (212) 530-4116, (212) 530-4046
Postal-Address: 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York City, NY 10005
Electronic-Address: chico!esquire!nrh
News: rna

Name: ganash
Organization: Periphonics Corp.
Contact: Russell Wolf
Phone: (516) 467-0500
Postal-Address: 4000 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Bohemia, NY 11716
Electronic-Address: ganash!russ
News: hjuxa
Mail: floyd
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: gloria
Organization: SUNY/Buffalo Computer Science
News: sunybcs
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: husky
Organization: Eastman Kodak Company
Contact: Stephen E. Riegel
Phone: (716) 722-7247
Postal-Address: 2200 N. Goodman St., Rochester, NY 14650
Electronic-Address: husky!ser
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: lamont
Organization: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
Contact: Bob Bookbinder
Phone: (914) 359-2900, x498
Postal-Address: Palisades, NY 10964
Electronic-Address: philabs!lamont!system
News: philabs
Mail: philabs

Name: models
Organization: Brignoli Models, Inc.
Contact: Andy Scott
Phone: (212) 382-2533
Postal-Address: 15 West 39 St., New York, NY 10018
Electronic-Address: harpo!rocky2!cubsvax!models!andy
News: cubsvax
Mail: cubsvax

Name: moscom
Organization: Moscom Corp.
Contact: Gary Algier
Phone: (716) 385-6440, x340
Postal-Address: 300 Main St., East Rochester, NY 14445
Electronic-Address: rochester!ritcv!moscom!gaa
News: ritcv
Mail: ritcv pisa

Name: nybca
Organization: New York Blood Center
Postal-Address: NY

Name: nybcb
Organization: New York Blood Center
Contact: Ed Haenlin, Bill Ying
Postal-Address: 310 E. 67th St., New York City, NY 10021
Electronic-Address: nybcb!haenlin, nybcb!ying
News: cmcl2

Name: philabs
Organization: Philips Laboratories
Contact: Dan Lorenzini, Sean Byrne
Phone: (914) 945-6236, (914) 945-6006
Postal-Address: 345 Scarborough Rd., Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Electronic-Address: philabs!dal, philabs!scb
News: mcvax linus cmcl2 micomvax rdin sbcs sunrise pwa-b lamont hhb aecom
	wu1 mcnc rdin2 ttidca
Mail: floyd bunker sbcs cbosgd rdin
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: rdin
Organization: Resource Dynamics, Inc.
Contact: Robert Perlberg
Phone: (212) 486-9150
Postal-Address: 150 East 58th St., New York, NY 10155
Electronic-Address: rdin!perl
News: philabs
Mail: philabs

Name: rdin2
Organization: Resource Dynamics, Inc.
Postal-Address: NY
News: philabs
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: ritcv
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science
	and Technology (CineVax)
Contact: Michael J. Lutz
Phone: (716) 475-2139
Postal-Address: P.O. Box 9887, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623-0887
Electronic-Address: {allegra seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
News: rochester tropix ccice5 ritvp ccivax moscom husky
Mail: ritvp rit70 rit45 ritce1 rit34 ritiscd ccivax ccice5 sykesct beagle
	rocksvax tropix rochester
Comments: last edited 9/9/84

Name: ritvp
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science
	and Technology (VaxPopuli)
Contact: Michael J. Lutz
Phone: (716) 475-2139
Postal-Address: P.O. Box 9887, One Lomb Memorial Drive,
	Rochester, NY 14623-0887
Electronic-Address: {allegra seismo}!rochester!ritcv!mjl
News: ritcv
Mail: rocksvax ritcv

Name: rna
Organization: Rockefeller University, Dept. of Neurobiology
Contact: Daniel Ts'o
Phone: (212) 570-7669
Postal-Address: 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021
Electronic-Address: cmcl2!rna!dan
News: cmcl2 esquire

Name: rochester
Organization: University of Rochester, Computer Science Dept.
Contact: Lee Moore
Phone: (716) 275-5671
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!lee
News: seismo ritcv ur-valhalla ur-laser rocksanne ur-cvsvax
Mail: seismo rocksvax ritcv ur-valhalla ur-esm ur-laser ur-msbvax allegra
	rocksanne ccivax brl-bmd decvax
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: rocksanne
Organization: Xerox, Webster Research Center
Contact: Jerry Hudson
Phone: (716) 422-8598
Postal-Address: Bldg. 128/RTCC, 800 Phillips Rd., Webster, NY 14580
Electronic-Address: rocksanne!hudson
News: rochester rocksvax sunybcs
Mail: rochester rocksvax
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: rocksvax
Organization: Xerox, Henrietta
Contact: Jim Ziobro
Phone: (716) 427-1136
Postal-Address: 1350 Jefferson Rd., Rochester, NY 14623
Electronic-Address: rocksvax!z or Ziobro.henr@parc-maxc
News: sunybcs rocksanne
Mail: rochester sunybcs amd ritcv ritvp
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: rocky2
Organization: Rockefeller University
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: rocky2!mel
News: cubsvax cucard datagen

Name: sbcs
Organization: SUNY at Stony Brook, Dept. of Computer Science
Contact: Lory Molasky
Phone: (516) 246-7090
Postal-Address: Stony Brook, NY 11794
Electronic-Address: sbcs!lory
News: philabs bnl

Name: sunybcs
Organization: State University of New York at Buffalo, Computer
	Science Department
Contact: Robert Coggeshall
Electronic-Address: sunybcs!coggs
News: rocksvax rocksanne gloria
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: tesla
Organization: Cornell Univ Electrical Engineering Dept.
Contact: Michael Hammond
Phone: (607) 256-3586
Postal-Address: 340 Phillips Hall, Ithaca, NY 14850
Electronic-Address: decvax!cornell!tesla!mike
News: cornell
Mail: cornell

Name: timeb
Organization: Time Incorporated
Contact: Dwight Ernest
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: timeb!dwight
News: timeinc
Comments: last edited 9/29/84

Name: timeinc
Organization: Time Incorporated
Contact: Dwight Ernest
Postal-Address: New York City, NY
Electronic-Address: timeinc!dwight
News: vax 135 timeb
Comments: last edited 9/29/84

Name: tropix
Organization: G.C.A. Corporation, Tropel Division
Contact: Douglas J. Leavitt
Phone: (716) 377-3200 x221
Postal-Address: 60 O'Connor Road, Fairport, NY 14450
Electronic-Address: tropix!djl
News: ritcv

Name: ur-cvsvax
Organization: University of Rochester, Center for Visual Science
Contact: Bill Vaughn
Phone: (716) 275-2459
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!ur-cvsvax!bill
News: rochester
Mail: rochester ur-msbvax ur-univax ur-valhalla
Comments: last edited 9/30/84

Name: ur-laser
Organization: The University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics
Contact: Bill Lampeter
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY
Electronic-Address: ur-laser!bill
News: rochester
Mail: rochester
Comments: last edited 7/26/84

Name: ur-valhalla
Organization: The University of Rochester, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Contact: Kris Kozminski
Phone: (716) 275-6985
Postal-Address: Rochester, NY 14627
Electronic-Address: rochester!ur-valhalla!kris
News: rochester
Mail: rochester

Name: vsop
News: bnl
