[net.wines] What about '82 Bordeaux

jcg@cbosgd.UUCP (07/05/83)

Anyone out there know more about '82 Bordeaux?

What I've heard about the '82 Bordeaux vintage is summed up as
follows, in the order I heard them:

    1). Weather was tremendous.  Vines were all heavy with more
	grapes than usual.  Growers very happy.  (From a visitor to France)

    2). Best vintage since '61.  Very much like the '47 vintage.  Some
	vintners calling it the best they had ever seen.  Early tastings
	from cask supported this.  (From a wine reviewer)

    3). Prices very comparable to '81.  Quality better than '78 or '75,
	but wines are more forward, easier to drink.  (Another reviewer)

    4). Something isn't quite right.  Vintage very good, but is too
	advanced.  Wines won't keep all that long.  Growers and Importers
	playing games to jack up deflated prices.  (A merchant in NY)

    5). Enthusiasm dying a little.  Merchants nervous about large unsold
	stocks of '79, '80 and soon '81.  Concern about validity of early
	tastings.  Another "vintage of century" hoax? (Wine newsletter)

I'm trying to decide whether to buy futures on '82 Bordeaux or save my
money for the excellent (and possibly being overlooked) '81's.  With the
Franc possibly going lower, it may pay to skip futures and wait for the
vintage to reach stores normally.  Any one have more information? 
Advice?  Inside tips?

Also, what have you heard about the '81 and '82 Burgundy (red and white)

			Respond by mail or net,
			Jim Grams