[net.wines] Hot

werner@ut-ngp.UUCP (07/06/83)

Feuerzangenbowle - another of those German tongue-twisters, you say, and you
		   are so right, 3 glasses and more than the tongue is twisted
	Bowle = spiced wine ; Feuer = fire  ; Zange = tongs ;
		=> spice wine , prepared using the fire-tongs

	this is a traditional German(ic?) New Year's concoction, with a  lot
	of atmosphere;  today mostly seen in old movies ; gives considerable
	head-aches. The recipe I saw posted  on the net last week looked
	about right.  The main spice used is cinnamon.  The concept of the
	"Bowle" is similar to the American "punch" - made dangerous by adding
	some brandy, often "Schnaps", "Weinbrand", or "Kognac".

Gluehwein	- literally "glowing-wine",  another  warm/hot  drink,
		  much liked  during skiing season.  When the sun sinks lower
		  during the late  afternoon and the air gets colder,
		  the "experienced" skier knows its time to hit the bar
		  at the high-end of the cable-car.  Most accidents happen,
		  on the way down thereafter, unless the cable car is used.

	the mixture  of spices can be bought like  tea-bags,  even here in the
	US (check your local delicatessen).  Use a heavier wine  (burgundy),
	add a piece of rolled  cinnamon, some apple and orange-slices,
	possibly, and some sugar.  Pour it "too hot to drink" - warming your
	hands and blowing into the drink is half the fun. add a slice of lemon