[net.wines] Good Home Brewing Book

alan@unisoft.UUCP (04/26/84)

There's an interesting new home brewing book just now on the
market (publication date April 26):

          Making Beer 
	  by  William  Mares  
	  Alfred  A.  Knopf

The book is well-written,  useful  and  full  of  reasonably
accurate  brewing  information.  What makes it noteworthy is
its personal, semi-autobiographical style.  Mares manages to
use  his  own experience -- both positive and negative -- to
teach good brewing  habits  in  a  wonderfully  amusing  and
informative  way.  Here's an excerpt (from his early brewing
days) to give some flavor:

     "I decided I had to get the beer outside.  So I bundled
     up  in a heavy winter parka and put on Chris's ski gog-
     gles and a plastic helmet.  Thick  mittens  and  hiking
     boots  completed  my  armor.   While  I  was  dressing,
     another bottle blew.  I found a piece of half-inch ply-
     wood  about  the  dimensions of a beer case.  With this
     shield, I sallied down into the basement. The  air  was
     thick with the sweetish smell of spilt beer.  I sneaked
     around an oil tank and quickly placed my shield on  top
     of  the first case.  Gently, I wiggled my fingers under
     it and made my way upstairs.  Only then did I realize I
     had  no  protection  under  my chin.  Another explosion
     might  send  a  cap  flying  up  through  the  wood  to
     penetrate my lower jaw.  Too late for such worries now.
         "I carried the case out to the barn and put it down
     in a stall.  Mission half accomplished.  I was sweating
     like a pig as I went back for the second case."

This is a rewarding book for all present and  would-be  home
brewers: enough good advice for the experienced, and lots of
encouragement and hand-holding for the neophyte.  Reading it
makes you thirsty!

        Alan Tobey
        MT XINU, Berkeley