[net.wines] Sebastiani Prop. Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon, 1978

atkins@opus.UUCP (Brian Atkins) (08/03/84)

YES, I have indeed tried Sebastiani Proprietor's Reserve Cabernet 
Sauvignon 1978.  It was probably the best Cab I have ever had!
(This doesn't say much, since I am forced to be content with the under 
$20 a bottle price range, and tend to lean toward the $10 ballpark.)  
Of all the red wines I have tried, my current favorite is by far Cabernet 
Sauvignon.  Let me also say that I prefer red to white wine accept under 
certian "sea food" conditions.  (I find no possible substatute to Green 
Hungarian with cracked Dungeness crab over ice.)

If anyone has any suggestions on nice, full bodied red wines, or other 
makers of fine Cabernet Sauvignon, I would be greatly please to hear about 
them on the net, or via mail.

"Steward, what do you suggest?...."

Brian Atkins

UUCP - {hao | allegra | ucbvax}!nbires!atkins
USPS -  NBI, Inc.
	3450 Mitchell Lane
	P.O. Box 9001
	Boulder, CO 80301
	444-5710 (x3036)

archiel@hercules.UUCP (Archie Lachner) (08/06/84)

If you are interested in full-bodied reds, try some of the Rhone Valley wines
of France (Cote du Rhone, Chateau Neuf duu Pape, etc.).  They are very full
bodied, and consequently slow to mature.  They have the strength of body
(austerity, some might say) to stand up to barbequed meats.

				Archie Lachner
				Logic Design Systems Division
				Tektronix, Inc.

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