regard@ttidcc.UUCP (Adrienne Regard) (03/14/85)
<flame on!>
Now there I got to take exception -
> Part of the problem is putting MBAs in charge of technical projects.
The major problem in large research, manufacturing and development
environments is COMMUNICATION (hence all the meetings). However, there is
not guaranteed _method_ of communication (hence all the useless meetings),
and we are still trying to discover the best way of handling conflicting
work interests (marketing vs. sales vs. development) hence also all the
continued concern and focus.
Nobody is very fond of an anal-retentive jerk who won't let PersonA do
something wise only because PersonA's name aint on the list. However,
PersonA could very well make a wonderous fix to a kludgy machine without
knowing that Persons B thru ZZZZ are all developing under the old
(admittedly not so good) system, and the relearning curve just shot 16
projects out of the water.
I've done a lot of wandering around in my less-than-brilliant career -
fine arts, liberal arts, service industry marketing, sales, technical
and now I'm studying managment. Let me also add that 10 years ago I
had more disdain for MBAs than I had/still have for lawyers. But I've
learned a couple of things in those intervening 10 years. There is ample
observation to show that most tech types make lousy managers (just as most
sales types make lousy managers - and most artist types make lousy
managers). Most PEOPLE make lousy managers, bub. American businesses
promote do-ers into the position of leaders all the time -- with very
little regard for the fact that the do-er is good at doing, and may have
little or no training/aptitude for leading.
As long as the short term goals of most companies balance sheets are waved
under the nose of managers (including, but not limited to, MBAs) without
regard for the long-term health of the company, you will see poor management
in the places where you work. Wherever management is rewarded for "A"
you will see behaviour that leads to "A", and "B" will fly right out the
window. And ditto for non-managers (doctors, lawyers, techies, and indian
chiefs). There are some lousy MBAs out there - undoubtedly the poor jerk
who stuck his/er nose in your business, yeh. But there are some lousy
techies out there, too, who fix things that aint broke for the sheer joy
of elegant design, and screw up whole operating groups, ferinstance.
If you don't know whereof you speak, maybe you better not draw our attention
to the fact, eh?
<flame off>