[net.rumor] Cal Worthington in a new light

allyn@sdcsvax.UUCP (Allyn Fratkin) (04/22/85)

I read an article about Cal Worthington in yesterday's L.A. Times Calendar
section, and I must say I have a new-found respect for the man.

He may look stupid on television, but his 5 car dealerships gross over
$200 million each year.  He has a fleet of airplanes, (at least one of which
is a Lear Jet), and he pilots them all himself. He owns several ranches, 
including one outside of Sacramento complete with tennis courts, a private
airstrip, and he raises cattle, horses and sheep on it.  
It's over 25,000 acres of land!

We all should do as well as Cal Worthington.  If I could be as rich as he is,
I'd probably stand on my head on television, too.  Besides, the article said
he doesn't even like cars!
 From the virtual mind of Allyn Fratkin            allyn@UCSD.ARPA           or
                          UCSD EMU/Pascal Project  {ucbvax, decvax, ihnp4}
                          U.C. San Diego                         !sdcsvax!allyn

 "Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance."