[net.sport.baseball] Cubs and Lights

barry@ihuxt.UUCP (R. G. Barry) (08/30/84)

I believe that a law was passed in 1982 in Illinois that prohibits
night baseball at Wrigley Field.  Also, there is not enuf time for the
legislature to meet to change that law.

rs55611@ihuxk.UUCP (Robert E. Schleicher) (08/31/84)

Latest article from the Chicago Tribune says that Bowie Kuhnn had
made a statement that there would be no night baseball in Chacago,

- If the Cubs win the pennant, they would give up their home team
advantage, and become the visiting team, thus getting only 3 home games
instead of 4 (assuming a seven game series)

- Thus, the AL team would play the first two at home, then move to
Chicago for three, then back to the AL city for two.

This is quoite different from the earlier proposal I had heard to just
delay the series a few days, so that all 4 Cubs home games could be played
on week-ends. As far as I'm concerned it stinks!  Kuhn is still saying that 
the Cubs have to give up some home team advantage, just because they
do things differently.  It's like changing the rules of the game after
the game is half over.

One thing's for sure.  We haven't heard the end of this one yet.

Bob Schleicher

kaufman@uiucdcs.UUCP (09/01/84)

uiucdcs!kaufman    Sep  1 13:59:00 1984

But is it really a home team advantage?  If the series goes 4 or 6 games, there
are an equal amount of games in each park.  If it goes 5, the team which
wouldn't have the advantage in a 7 game series has the extra home game.  And on
sheer probability, with each team having a 50-50 chance of winning any game,
the chance of a 5 game series is 1/4, while the probability of a 7 game series
is 5/16.  So any home advantage is slight at best.

Ken Kaufman (uiucdcs!kaufman)