[net.sport.baseball] this and that

rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (Rob Buchner) (05/28/85)

A walk with bases loaded counts as an RBI.

4 balks by a pitcher does not put the batter on first.

Trivia question:
	what is the most steals by one team in an inning yet no
	runs are scored. The reason I ask is that I just saw the cubs
	steal three times in one inning yet manage not to score a run.

	what is the most steals by one team in an inning?

jmh@ltuxa.UUCP (cecw 64lt503310-Jon Mcecw) (05/28/85)

I just read an interesting thing in The Sporting News; something
to put in "a pitcher's worst nightmare":

Bottom of ninth, two outs, no-hitter going.  Man on first (because
of a walk or something) and the batter hits a ground ball to second
which hits the base runner for the last out, BUT is scored as a
base hit for the batter, thus breaking up the no-hitter (and also
the pitcher's spirit).  If the official scorer scores it as
an intentional interference, the no-hitter stands.

Jon Hanrath

ccrbrian@ucdavis.UUCP (Brian Reilly) (05/30/85)

> A walk with bases loaded counts as an RBI.
> 4 balks by a pitcher does not put the batter on first.
If the pitcher goes to his mouth on the mound, a balk is
called, runners advance a base, and a ball is added to
the count on the batter.  Wouldn't this ( 4 times ) put
the batter on first base?  Or is there some limit on balls
called this way?  I saw a ball called this way last week
on a tv game.

			Brian Reilly
     Brian Reilly                    Davis, CA 95616
     U.C. Davis Computer Center      ucbvax!ucdavis!deneb!ccrbrian

boone@mmm.UUCP (David E. Boone) (06/03/85)

this is not a balk, only an automatic ball. on a balk the runners
are advanced but no ball is called.