cherson@nonode.DEC (10/25/85)
Even though this world series has not captured my attention much, I would like to comment on the disparaging remarks made re: the American League being a "minor league". If there is anything I hate more it is those NL purists who are drugging themselves into thinking that we are in the days of Roberto Clemente and Willie Mays. Wake up! The quality of the play in the NL is not any better than that in the AL. I watch both leagues and I can testify to the fact that the only difference between the leagues is the DH. NL chauvinists wouldn't know this because most absolutely refuse to watch an AL game, so they're not aware of the quality of play. Speaking of the DH, this is the reason why it is so tough to be a pitcher in the AL. Starting pitchers have to have more stamina and endurance than their counterparts in the NL, they're often on the mound longer. Yes, the DH takes away some strategy, but not all. I'm not particularly fond of the DH and would like to see it abolished (isn't Uberroth doing this?). Don't based the two leagues on the annual summer EXHIBITION game. This game has no meaning whatsoever. The real test is something like the series, where it is team vs. team, not a millionaire's pick-up game. That is why I'm in favor of interleague play. The AL fell behind during the '50's because they integrated at a slower pace than the NL. But the times have changed and there are as many exciting players in the AL as in the NL. By the way where did John Tudor come from? D.C.