[net.games.rogu] setting ROGUEOPTS

ks (09/06/82)

pur-ee!ks    Sep  5 13:52:00 1982

Try setting 'pass' in ROGUEOPTS to follow corners in passageways..

					Kirk Smith
					Purdue EE

eric (09/07/82)

whuxlb!eric    Sep  7 08:54:00 1982

***** whuxlb:net.games.rogu / utcsrgv!dave /  8:35 am  Aug 31, 1982
How do you use ROGUEOPTS to set the flag for automatic
turning at corners? It can be set with the 'o' command,
but there's no documentation as to how to set it externally.

the rogue option for following corners is

