[net.unix] CPP Bug Fixes

lou@aerospace@sri-unix.UUCP (09/19/83)

From:  Lou Nelson <lou@aerospace>

At long last I am sending out a fix for the problem with CPP
that I reported last month.  The delay is because of some
unbelievable disk problems I will report later.  Thanks for
your help.
From: kelem (Steve Kelem)
Subject: Change to C preprocessor source
To: lou

Here are the changes to the C preprocessor source dated 83/03/30, no SCCS
identification, modified by Reiser@???.
The source file is "/usr/src/cmd/cpp/cpp.c".
The following changes can be applied by putting the following commands
in a file and executing them in the directory /usr/src/cmd/cpp.
The old version of cpp.c will be copied into the file cpp.c.old,
and will always be available as revision 2.1 from s.cpp.c.
These commands will install /lib/cpp according to the Makefile in the source
If you do not have SCCS, the line containing %W% %G% should be changed so that
those two strings read instead as "@(#) cpp.c 8/9/83".

Steve Kelem (kelem@aerospace)
admin -icpp.c -r2 -fb s.cpp.c
mv cpp.c cpp.c.old
get -e -t -b s.cpp.c
ed cpp.c << "CPPLINEFIX"
			register char *cp; char filname[BUFSIZ];
			cp = filname;
			outp=inp=p; *--outp='#';
    /* read the new line number */
			do  { p=cotoken(p);
			    } while (!isnum(*inp));
    /* decrement the line number so that the next line will have that number */
			 lineno[ifno] = atoi(inp) -2;
    /* skip the blank token */
			inp=p; p=cotoken(p);
    /* catenate each of the input tokens into the freshly allocated (null)
       filname on the stack */
			for (;;) {
			    inp=p; p=cotoken(p);
			    if (*inp=='\n') {--p; *cp='\0'; break;}
			    while (inp<p) *cp++= *inp++;
    /*  replace the current filename on the stack by copying the name
	from the stack (filname) into the static area and assigning a pointer
	to the static value into the stack */
			fnames[ifno] = copy(filname);

crl@CSvax:Pucc-H:pur-phy.UUCP (09/26/83)

Please everyone, if you send out bug fixes to a program that have an unknown
chance of being identical to your source, send out a 'diff -c' also.
An editor script saying delete/add/change lines don't do a whole lot of 
good if you're not sure the original sources match.

Charles LaBrec
UUCP:		pur-ee!Physics:crl, purdue!Physics:crl
INTERNET:	crl @ pur-phy.UUCP