[net.unix] V7 init

phil@amd70.UUCP (Phil Ngai) (12/19/83)

We hold a V7 source license and use it on a PDP-11/70. I recently
recompiled init.c and discovered two horrible things:

1) a.out was different from /etc/init

2) the freshly compiled program was broken in strange ways. For example,
ps would show gettys running which weren't associated with any tty ports.

Fortunately I kept the old copy of init and reinstalled it after
discovering problem number 2. Are there any bugs fixes to init which
I should know about? Any idea what's going on?
Phil Ngai (408) 988-7777 {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra,intelca}!amd70!phil