[net.unix] Documentation for Unix


From:  Charles Hedrick <HEDRICK@RUTGERS.ARPA>

Next fall, we will start using a Unix system (a Pyramid, running 4.2bsd)
for computer science coursework.  Most programming will probably be done
in C.  Can anyone recommend materials on Unix, and on C system
programming for Unix (i.e. the system calls, libraries, etc.), suitable
for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students?  We would like to
avoid having to print 500 copies of the full Unix documentation.  If
this is really the only suitable reference material, does anyone at least
know of a source from which we can buy printed copies at reasonable

WMartin@SIMTEL20.ARPA (02/02/84)

From:  William G. Martin <WMartin@SIMTEL20.ARPA>

I have recently been looking at a new Wiley book on UNIX, which I thought 
was pretty good. The book is by Kaare Christian, titled THE UNIX OPERATING
SYSTEM, and is published by John Wiley & Sons. 318 pages, 1983, cost $24.95.

It might be too basic for graduate-level work, as it tries to cover the
whole range of UNIX operations to bring a novice up on UNIX user skills,
but I did find the chapters on System Manager's utilities and the kernel
very helpful in making things clear to me that I was previously somewhat
unsure about.

If your office or organization has been accumulating the various UNIX
texts that have recently been published, as ours has, you should get
this one. I'd also recommend it to someone looking for a good introductory

Will Martin

PS  One problem with this book that might make it unsuitable for your
use is that it is directed at Version 7 UNIX, with no mention of BSD
or the later System III or V releases. That's a little surprising,
considering the recent copyright date. WM