[net.unix] Unix on Lisa/2 ?



I have read that Unix is available for the new Lisa 2/5 and 2/10
from two companies: Unisoft and Santa Cruz Operations.  Has anyone
information on these versions of Unix?

Thanks in advance,

Stewart French
Texas Instruments

fair@dual.UUCP (Erik E. Fair) (02/13/84)

Take the UniPlus (from UniSoft) over XENIX (from SCO) any day of
the week. Subjective review by a software engineer in a company
that is an OEM for UniSoft (e.g. our UNIX is also UniPlus).

	Erik E. Fair

	Dual Systems Corporation, Berkeley, California

mats@dual.UUCP (Mats Wichmann) (02/13/84)


	Comparisons over which is better notwithstanding, I don't
	believe that software is available for the new Lisa from
	either UniSoft OR SCO. The best way to find out about the
	UniSoft version, at least, is to call UniPress Software out in
	New Jersey - they officially sell the current Lisa port and
	would probably be selling the new one as well. Check any recent
	computer mag (especially Byte) for their ad. Neither UniSoft
	or SCO sell to end users, as far as I know.

		Mats Wichmann
		Dual Systems