[net.unix] Shell programming style -- a plea for better shell scripts

guido@mcvax.UUCP (Guido van Rossum) (02/09/84)

Here are some rules for writing shell scripts in such a way that
they are more readable, robust and still not too slow.

1. If at all possible, use the Bourne shell (/bin/sh), not the C shell
   (/bin/csh), even if your login shell is the latter.  The Bourne shell
   has a better way of treating multi-line control structures (if, for,
   case etc.) and better substitution rules.  Bourne shell scripts
   are also easier to port to other sites than C shell scripts are.
   (Exception: then C shell is superiour if lots of arithmetic must be done.) 
2. Use blank lines, comments and indentation like you would in C or
   Pascal programs.

3. Whenever parameter substitution (e.g., $1) or variable substitution
   (such as $HOME) are used, decide whether there should be double quotes
   ("") around it.  If it is expected that there may be embedded blanks
   in the actual value (theoretically this can even occur in filenames) and 
   it is passed as a single argument to another program, quote it!
   Also note the very useful difference between "$*" and "$@", which both
   expand to the concatenation of all arguments.  When passed to another
   program, "$*" is always one argument; "$@" is as many arguments as
   there were originally, if there was at least one.  $* (without quotes)
   omits empty or blank arguments (created by passing, e.g., "" as argument)
   and splits arguments in thwo when they contain blanks.  
   (Note that "" passed as a file name means the current directory, which
   is almost certainly not what was meant!)
   E.g., to print all arguments, by default the standard input:

      case $# in
         0) print;;
         *) print "$@";;
4. Use "case" for string comparisons rather than "if".  That is, to see
   e.g. whether $1 equals "-a", use:

        case "$1" in
           -a) then-part;;
           *) else-part;; 

   rather than

        if [ "$1" == "-a" ]; then

   The reason is mainly that "[" "]" executes as a separate process,
   while the case is executed by the shell.  (I know that some shell
   derivates avoid the extra process in this case; but the vanilla
   V7 Bourne shell is the subject of this article.)

5. Avoid the commands "true" and "false".  They are implemented through
   separate processes.  The next paragraph shows an alternative for
   "while true":
6. Be careful to design a parameter convention which mimics that of other
   well-known Un*x programs; e.g. command [-flag] ... [file] ... .
   If files can be given as arguments, the script should read its
   standard in put instead.  Example of how to program this:

        while :             # ":" is a built-in do-nothing command
           case "$1" in
              -a) <process-a-flag>; shift;;
              -b) <process-b-flag>; shift;;
              -*) echo "Usage: $0 [-a] [-b] [file] ..." 1>&2; exit 1;;
              *) break;;  # breaks out of loop

   And then proceed with the strategy pointed out in paragraph 3.

I could go on indefinitely with this, but try to stop here.
Any comments?  Contrary visions?  Other hints?  (Flames?, I would add...)

		Guido van Rossum
		Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam

guy@rlgvax.UUCP (Guy Harris) (02/11/84)

A couple of minor points:

1) /bin/[ should be linked to /bin/test (on non-USG systems) in order to make

	if [ "$1" = "foo ]

work; I have seen systems in which /bin/test (which is documented in the V7
manual) works but /bin/[ (which isn't documented, but works if the link is
made) doesn't.

2) The "#" comment convention is only in the 4.xBSD and USG shells; the
standard V7 shell only implements ":" comments - NOTE that it's not
a real comment, but a command which throws its arguments away and returns
an "exit status" of 0 (which is why "while :" works).  You can't say
things like

	: This isn't valid

because the shell gets upset at the unbalanced single quote.

	Guy Harris

mce@teldata.UUCP (Brian McElhinney) (02/12/84)

*Sigh*  I agree that sh is much more portable, but reading sh scripts
is painful...  "case" and "esac"???  UNIX supports C, a standard UNIX
shell should at least resemble C.  I never have understood why the Bourne
shell looks like Algol.  (Not that I think a change is possible, just that
this is one more reason UNIX is not easily accepted)

stan@teltone.UUCP () (02/12/84)

> From: mce@teldata.UUCP (Brian McElhinney)
> *Sigh*  I agree that sh is much more portable, but reading sh scripts
> is painful...  "case" and "esac"???  UNIX supports C, a standard UNIX
> shell should at least resemble C.  I never have understood why the Bourne
> shell looks like Algol.  (Not that I think a change is possible, just that
> this is one more reason UNIX is not easily accepted)

Instead of  case ... in ... esac you can do

case X

You can also replace the   for .. [ in ... ]  do  ... done
with   for .. [ in ... ]  {  ... }.
This doesn't work for the while loop though (darn!).

This works on 4.1bsd and Venix Bourne shells, but I don't know how
portable it is to other versions.

wolfe@mprvaxa.UUCP (Peter Wolfe) (02/15/84)

I agree with most of your comments except that they are very specific to
the Bourne shell.  You brush of C-shell as being very 'unstructured' -
I beg to differ but I find that C-shell syntax is more obvious to a C
programmer than shell.

In practice I use the Bourne shell for small scripts that don't do a lot
of complicated logic (ie. to avoid another process) because it is faster
than C-shell in execution (yes even if C-shell has -f in command line).

I have written some C-shell scripts which are 5-7 pages long and found
C-shell helpful in doing what I want in terms of filename manipulation,
logic expressions etc.

I feel that yet another shell would be appropriate for the UNIX(tm)
environment.  This shell would allow me to do most of the things I
can do in 'C' (eg. subroutines, local variables, file i/o easily) and
also be able to be 'compiled' to execute as fast as possible.  It doesn't
need (in my opinion at least) all the user interface stuff of the history
mechanism and event specification of C-shell.

(I guess I am dreaming - but why not)

    Peter Wolfe
    Microtel Pacific Research

guy@rlgvax.UUCP (Guy Harris) (02/17/84)

A reply to several articles:

1) the

	#! /bin/csh -f

construct is not only not portable because of the kernel change to run
shell files being a Berkeleyism, but because the C shell isn't on all
UNIX systems.  The Bourne shell *is* on all UNIX systems worth talking
about in this day and age.

2) The C shell resembles C about as much as the Bourne shell resembles
Algol 68, so claims that the C shell is better than the Bourne shell because
it looks more like the UNIX implementation language are bogus.


> Instead of  case ... in ... esac you can do

	case X

> You can also replace the   for .. [ in ... ]  do  ... done
> with   for .. [ in ... ]  {  ... }.
> This doesn't work for the while loop though (darn!).

> This works on 4.1bsd and Venix Bourne shells, but I don't know how
> portable it is to other versions.

It works on the System III shell, and probably will work on any V7 or post-V7
Bourne shell.


> The Bourne shell resembles Algol apparently because S. R. Bourne likes it.
> The source code in C is written in the same style, with #define's for
> IF, ELSE, and so on.  I find it difficult to read.  E.g:

Yes, Bourne likes Algol 68.  He wrote a compiler for Algol 68C, which I
believe was for the Cambridge University CAP machine.  I think he may have
written a PDP-11 UNIX Algol 68 compiler, and an associated debugger called -
surprise, surprise - Algol DeBugger, or "adb" for short... he definitely wrote
"adb", as one can tell by the same heavy use of the "let's make C look like
Algol 68" #defines.  PDP-11 "adb" does have a "$a" command to print an
"Algol 68 stack trace".  By the way, those #defines make it *very* difficult
to find unmatched IF...FI pairs and the like, as the error messages are
confusing due to wierdities in line numbers and the like.  Then again, you
have to admire someone who uses the same technique for growing a processes'
data space as UNIX uses for growing a processes' stack space...

	Guy Harris

gwyn%brl-vld@sri-unix.UUCP (02/22/84)

From:      Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn@brl-vld>

The Bourne shell is not only much faster than the Cshell, it is more
suitable for programming scripts for several reasons, the main one of
which is the ability to redirect I/O of control loop commands.  There
is a form of "subroutine" in the UNIX System V Release 2 Bourne shell.
The only thing that the Bourne shell still does not have that the
Cshell does that is worth having is a "history" mechanism.  Korn put a
hack into the shell to support a generalization of the idea of command
history editing; he wrote the last several commands to a file and then
invoked the editor (your choice via the EDITOR environment variable)
to allow you to edit the history before it was re-executed.

Some people would include "job control" in the Cshell advantages but
this doesn't matter if you have a nice terminal like a Teletype 5620.

gwyn%brl-vld@sri-unix.UUCP (02/26/84)

From:      Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn@brl-vld>

Here are two important considerations for people writing Bourne shell
scripts that may have to be run by other people who perhaps are on a
Berkeley UNIX using the Cshell as a command interpreter:

(1)	The first line of every Bourne shell script should be:


(2)	Before invoking ANY system commands, set the expected command
	search path.  This is usually:


	but on BRL UNIXes, UNIX System V compatible shell scripts must
	use the following since /bin and /usr/bin may have incompatible
	commands such as "echo" and "pr":


matt%ucla-locus@sri-unix.UUCP (02/26/84)

From:            Matthew J. Weinstein <matt@ucla-locus>

Two notes:

	I believe that Bourne shell IS the default on a BSD system.  
	The #! may not be recognized on non-Berkeley systems.
	Better that it be added locally if it's wanted...

	If PATH varies among Unices, it might be better to define all 
	of the programs you are going to use at the top of the shell 
	script, as one does in make scripts; e.g.:
		SORT=/bin/sort		set SORT = /bin/sort
		SED=/bin/sed		set SED  = /bin/sed
	The owner of the target system can easily tell what has to be
	changed; this also makes the script writer think about it too...

Maybe there should be an ``Elements of Shell Programming Style'' ...

					- Matt

gwyn%brl-vld@sri-unix.UUCP (02/26/84)

From:      Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn@brl-vld>

You missed the point.


will be treated as a comment by the Bourne shell, so its presence
cannot possibly hurt.  Further, if this is NOT the first line in a
Bourne shell script that is invoked by a Cshell user, the Cshell
will attempt to interpret the commands, which usually results in a
portion of the contents of the script actually being executed before
it bombs.  By having the funny first line in your Bourne shell
scripts, even if a Cshell user runs one of them it will be executed
correctly since the Berkeley kernel will exec /bin/sh to handle it.

It is better to set the $PATH than to define explicit path names
for standard UNIX system commands.  For example, is "sort" in /bin
in your system?  It's in /usr/bin in others, except I want the one
in /usr/5bin which has all the bugs fixed.  When the /usr/5bin/sort
is moved into /usr/bin I do not want to have to track down all the
shell scripts and change "SORT=/usr/5bin/sort" to "SORT=/usr/bin/sort".
By setting PATH=/usr/5bin:/bin:/usr/bin I have GUARANTEED getting the
standard UNIX System V "sort" command regardless of where it actually
lives, which is in different places on our different UNIX systems.

An "Elements of Shell Programming Style" may be a good idea (in fact
there are good guides already available in Bourne's and Kernighan &
Pike's books), but you're not the one to write it..

matt%ucla-locus@sri-unix.UUCP (02/26/84)

From:            Matthew J. Weinstein <matt@ucla-locus>


The Csh manual says that the standard shell will be invoked UNLESS the 
file begins with a # character (for command files).  From the Csh man 
page on command files:

   ``... The shell opens this file, and saves its name for
     possible resubstitution by	`$0'.  Since many systems use
     either the	standard version 6 or version 7	shells whose
     shell scripts are not compatible with this	shell, the shell
     will execute such a `standard' shell if the first character
     of	a script is not	a `#', i.e. if the script does not start
     with a comment...''

As for #!, EXEC has been hacked on 4.x to look for #! as a special magic 
number; I'm not sure that Bell Unix has that (although it may);  anyway,
the man page for exec says:

   ``To aid execution of command files of various programs, if
     the first two characters of the executable file are '#!'
     then exec attempts to read a pathname from the executable
     file and use that program as the command files command
     interpreter. For example, the following command file
     sequence would be used to begin a csh script:
          #! /bin/csh
          # This shell script computes the checksum on /dev/foobar

     ...  The space (or tab) following the '#!' is mandatory, and 
     the pathname must be explicit (no paths are searched)...''

(By the way, you left out the space after #! in your last message, which is 

Finally, there is no mention of # as a comment character in my sh man 
page... If it's in yours, it's probably mentioned as a Csh compatability


The contention on names of programs stems from a difference in outlook
on name binding.  

A few types of name binding are available to the shell programmer:

    Static: A qualified pathname (one that contains a slash).  
   	This is sort of a ``you said it, you got it'' kind of execution.  
	If that program doesn't work or isn't there, your command fails.  
	There are two flavors of this:

	    Absolute: This is a name that begins with a slash, and names
	    	a particular object in the file hierarchy.  "/bin/sort"
		is an example of this.  Note that a name of this sort is
		note context-sensitive.

		Useful if you want to make sure that you get a
		PARTICULAR executable.

	    Relative: A partially qualified pathname.  The name is RELATIVE
    		TO your current working directory, and IS context
		sensitive. "./foo" is an example of one of these names.

		Useful if the shell script changes working directories,
		or if you are executing in a controlled environment.

	Note that the execution path mechanism is not used in this case.

    Dynamic: An unqualified pathname.  This is the the kind of command
    	name most shell files utter.  It has no slashes, and the command
	is found by searching the execution path until an executable of
	the same name is found.  
	The problem is, of course, that the particular program found may
	not be the same kind of program as was originally intended.
	The user may have his own `bzork' program in his bin directory.
	When you execute what you think is /bin/bzork, what you really get 
	is the user's program instead.

	A possible solution is to alter the ``search path''
	to guarantee that the name-program binding is performed using
	a specific ordered set of domains (directories).  However, this 
	may lead to unpleasant side-effects (example: a script which invokes 
	an interactive program.  The user forks a shell from that
	interactive program.  He is, however, unable to reference his
	bin directory in the way he assumed he would be able to...).

	Clearly, when a shell script may invoke an interactive program,
	changing the path (or for that matter the working directory)
	without warning is not a good idea.

In any case, this points out the fact that the semantics of commands may
vary in certain circumstances, and that the script writer should
consider his choices carefully.

My suggestions about defining names should thus be considered in the
light of the functionality required.

I think that work on the semantics of command language bindings (in Unix)
is overdue.  We use a lot of ad-hoc mechanisms, and attempt to make
up for this with ``programming style''. 

I am not sure who is doing compilable shell work, but they must have come 
across this sort of thing before.  Does anyone have any feedback on

					- Matt

chris@umcp-cs.UUCP (03/02/84)

One more note.  Apparently, someone is saying that "gee I want to
run the user's ``xyzzy'' program but the /bin ``test'' program",
and for that reason can't put

	#! /bin/sh

at the beginning of ``sh'' scripts.  Well don't despair, there is a
solution.  Try

	#! /bin/sh
	lpath=/usr/bin:/bin	# or whatever your shell script needs
	xyzzy			# use the user's xyzzy program
	PATH=$lpath if test ...	# don't use the user's test program

I can't say if it works on System III or System V, but it works under
4.1.  (I just tested it.)

Aren't "temporary environment variables" wonderful?
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci
UUCP:	{seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!chris
CSNet:	chris@umcp-cs		ARPA:	chris.umcp-cs@CSNet-Relay

john@genrad.UUCP (John Nelson) (03/02/84)

>  #!/bin/sh

>  will be treated as a comment by the Bourne shell, so its presence
>  cannot possibly hurt.

Excuse me, but while it may be true that the Bourne shell will treat that
line as a comment, any csh running on a system that does not have the
"#!" magic number built into the kernal exec will attempt to run that
script as a csh script.

Csh first attempts to exec a command.  If that fails, it examines the first
character of the file.  If it is a "#", then it runs it as a csh script,
otherwise, it runs it as an sh script.  That line will do precisely the
wrong thing on such a system (like my 68000 unisoft system III).

gwyn%brl-vld@sri-unix.UUCP (03/03/84)

From:      Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn@brl-vld>

The white space after #! is not mandatory, it is optional.

If a shell script is going to run a command such as an interactive
subshell where it is important that the user's original PATH be in
effect, then the script should run that command with PATH temporarily
restored.  This is standard shell programming practice.

All you info-unix subscribers who are now totally confused, go back
to my original posting on the subject and ignore the ensuing debate.
The advice I gave is correct and is based on the approach used at BRL
to cope with a variety of different UNIX command environments.

smk@axiom.UUCP (Steven M. Kramer) (03/03/84)

Matt's idea of putting SORT= ... at the beginning of a shell script is
excellent.  May I further that to makefiles.  If I want to use a test
utility, and that includes ANY program used in the makefile, I have
to rewrite tha makefile (and usually take a couple of times to undo
the quirks.  If I forget other types of files related to shell and make
files, I mean for these enchancements to go into them also.  An idea
whose time is come.

	--steve kramer
	{allegra,genrad,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!axiom!smk	(UUCP)
	linus!axiom!smk@mitre-bedford					(MIL)

henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) (03/06/84)

Doug Gwyn observes, in part:

	Before invoking ANY system commands, set the expected command
	search path.  This is usually:


Not quite right.  The proper incantation, one which we take some pains
to always use hereabouts, is:

	PATH=/bin:/usr/bin ; export PATH

Without that magic "export", the user's original PATH is what gets
exported to commands executed from the shell file, which means that
it can reappear without warning.
				Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology

gwyn%brl-vld@sri-unix.UUCP (03/07/84)

From:      Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn@brl-vld>

As I pointed out in a very lengthy summary of how csh executes shell
scripts, merely not having a # as the first character of the script is
NOT enough to guarantee that it will be run under /bin/sh.

lcc.bob%ucla-locus@sri-unix.UUCP (03/09/84)

From:            Bob English <lcc.bob@ucla-locus>

I'll probably get yelled at for this, but if csh doesn't recognize #!,
then the port from BSD (where it would never see such a thing) to
whatever flavor of Unix you run was incomplete.
