ddaly%darcom2@DARCOM-HQ.ARPA (07/02/84)
From: DUSTY <ddaly%darcom2@DARCOM-HQ.ARPA> Has anyone ever heard of a tape (9 track and cartridge) device that allows for a direct copy of an input tape regardless of what type of machine it was dumped or tar(ed) from. We have a requirement to produce multiple copies of tapes for distribution. uucp and ftp are not available to us for all of our requirements. any help appreciated... dusty (ddaly at darcom-hq)
ron@BRL-TGR.ARPA (07/02/84)
From: Ron Natalie <ron@BRL-TGR.ARPA> We have a program on our system that allows the you (under UNIX) to copy from one of our drives to the other. While the density actually needs to be preset, the files and block sizes are transferred automatically through the entire tape. As for cartridges (if you mean TU58's), I just use FLX on an 11/730 which has two cartridges (one is hidden inside). -Ron