jeff@smu.UUCP (07/06/84)
#N:smu:18500013:000:1031 smu!jeff Jul 5 20:19:00 1984 GREETING: Does anyone have the source & documentation for the ``cpm'' command? It is the program which allows you to read/write 8" CP/M diskettes. We are running 4.2bsd on a VAX 780. I would like to get a copy of ``cpm'' from anybody, but especially from someone who has a like configuration. I will send you a Self-Stampted, Self-Addressed container with an 8" diskette, if you can send me the files in tar format. I may be reached through the net or here at my office, weekdays 8-6 CST, at (214) 692-2859 or 692-3080. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Jeff Bauer System Manager, S.M.U. +===ctvax===+ | convex---smu---jeff | +===uiucdcs===+ | +===pur-ee===+