[net.unix] S1???

jcp@BRL-TGR.ARPA (08/02/84)

From:      Joe Pistritto <jcp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>

	I suppose you've all gotten the article by the proponent of S1
trying to claim that UNIX is dead.  He has a couple of valid points:

	1) UNIX isn't really 'standard'.   Yes, this is true, although different
	versions of UNIX are a lot more alike than say, different version of
	RSX-11M (to pick a particularly poor example).  The problem isn't as
	bad as described, however, in that most applications seem to revolve
	around either System V, or Berkeley 4.2.  Most of the newer unix clones
	by other vendors emulate one of these, or in some cases, System III.
	I suspect now that AT&T is serious about supporting the product, a
	lot of this will vanish.

	2) UNIX lacks capability.  Yes, this is also true in many cases.
	No, UNIX isn't everything to everyone.  No, it doesn't have nineteen
	different types of files.  But the author has missed the point!

	UNIX is powerful EXACTLY BECAUSE it doesn't have all that stuff.  Basic
	UNIX is a simple, straightforward mechanism for achieving the basic
	objectives of an OPERATING SYSTEM.  It is not an 'Operating Environment'
	all into itself.  For that, you need 'layered software', such as
	database systems, etc.  Much like the ISO model of networking, the
	idea here is to move special file types, and other application-specific
	capabilities OUT of the operating system and into user-mode programs.
	This philosophy keeps everyone from being an operating system designer,
	and does help provide standard operating system interfaces.  Granted,
	some systems fudge this rule, (the INGRESS lock device comes to mind),
	but such perversions of the operating system are MUCH more minimal in
	the UNIX world than elsewhere.

	3) UNIX IS EASY TO MODIFY!!! - This is PRECISELY why so many people
	have customized it to their own applications.  This is PERFECTLY fine,
	and if done 'in the spirit of the UNIX philosophy', is orthagonal to
	the other features of the kernel, and doesn't interfere with other
	programs.  This way, I might have a realtime UNIX version, as well
	as a standard 'vanilla' version, and they will both run almost entirely
	the same software, except the real-time specific stuff.  Try that,
	for instance, with RSX-11 and RSTS-11 sometime...  (I have)  The keyword
	here is to construct modifications so that the new features are engaged
	ONLY when necessary, and don't impact the rest of the system.  UNIX's
	high level language construction and modularity make this easy...

NO, I'm not saying that UNIX is the right system for everyone.  Yes, it has
its problems, just like any other operating system approaching middle age.
But consider this:

	How many other operating systems/operating environments have achieved
	such popularity while:
		1) Getting almost NO 'vendor support' until recently
		2) Having a very small base of high-level 'wizard' type
			people available who know the system.
		3) Having NO national 'standards' organization, with attempts
			at this coming only recently.
		4) Enjoying almost no 'marketing support' from the vendor.

	UNIX truly is an operating system made popular by its users, rather
	than its creators.  That says a lot right there...

						Flame Off,