[net.unix] wordstar >> unix filter

peter@rlgvax.UUCP (Peter Klosky) (09/04/84)

>>	We are in need of something to convert wordstar programs to
>>	troff programs.  Either a program to convert or a filter 
>>	to run on a line printer or a Symbolics laser printer.

The Purdue U. Computing Center User Services Group has a filter for
printing off Wordstar documents.  They have a number of systems
with printers there, and they could print Wordstar on 4.x UNIX,
RSTS/WORD11, and CDC MACE 6000.

The program that runs on RSTS/WORD11 is a menu driven printer control 
program that reads a printer capability data base in order to determine
how to do bolding, underlining, subsripting, etc.  This basic program
is a big help if you have WORD11, which you probably do not.

Next best is a C program that runs on 4.x vaxen animals.  It is the
prototype for the above program.  Defining printers requires loading
strings and constants then recompiling; definitions exist for
some Diablos and Spinwriters and a generic lpr.  This program reads 
a wordstar document and replaces the wordstar escape sequence for
bolding, underlining, etc. with the string required by the defined
printer.  It will do bolding using HMI or ON/OFF, etc.

I do not know if this program is public domain.  I do know that
access to this program lets home computer users make use of 
printers on larger machines.  If you want to find out how to obtain
the program, try calling 317-494-1787 and asking for the Wordstar
expert in the user services department.  