[net.unix] Self-paced UNIX Tutorials - a list

carol@uokvax.UUCP (10/05/84)

When I posted a request for information about UNIX self-paced tutorials
on the net many moons ago, several people asked me to post the 
results of my search.  Well, here it is.  I might add that 
we settled on the program called "NUTSHELL" by Allied Bunker Ramo.
It was the only one that met our budget needs, and though less
interactive than I would have liked (there is absolutely no chance
for the student to test his comprehension), it does provide a great 
deal of information in a variety of formats.  In full configuration
it has sections on C and UNIX in manual, tutorial and glossary form.
It provides an index and access to the system manual pages as well.
The whole thing is accessed via a series of menus, handy I suppose
for the novice.  They have an 800 number for dialing up to test the
software yourself, a very nice touch.  And the final selling point
for us was the dropping of the $5/port fee for educational institutions.
We have purchased the UNIX half of NUTSHELL for $300.00, and may later
invest in the C half if we like what we see.  The only problem was the
lack of source code, but what do you expect for $300.00?

The following was compiled from my notes, so please excuse occasional
terseness.  I have a sample output from the NUTSHELL session which
I would be happy to share.  Feel free to get in touch with me if
you have any questions.

			---  Carol Holliman ---


		UNIX Self-Paced Tutorials

User Training Corp.			
POB 970, Soquel CA 95073		| educ discounts are ~20% (negot)
408-354-6433				| $995 to lease 4 tapes for 1 month
uses audio cassettes and a black box    | courses sound good - bsd stuff too
you watch examples displayed on screen  | 
John Wilk 408-370-9710			| paid out lease $1800-4250 plus
					| cost of hardware and workbooks
					| will credit $995 evaluation
For example:
     mo. rent/permanent "lease"
adv-1   $400/3500 				$3500
adv-2	$400/3500 				 3500
c for prog $475/4250      			 4250
hardware  $205/1610    				 1610
workbooks ~$35 @ 6				 ~240
- 20% discount					* .80 = 10480


Uni-Ops					| work in progress
POB 27097, Concord, CA 94527-0097 	| on mailing list
Walter Zintz
computer-managed-instruction tutorials


Colorado State University
10 video tapes


The UNIX System Tutorials		| see User Training Corp.
The Santa Cruz Operation
500 Chestnut Street
PO Box 1900
Santa Cruz,  CA 95061
Doreen Hamamura
low cost cassette lessons
one-on-one style of instruction
variety of topics


UNIX Fundamentals			
Computer Technology Group		| 15 videodisks $5250
310 South Michigan Avenue		| seems to be only for IBM pc
Chicago, IL 60604			| also have interesting vidiotapes
Carrel Schulke				| but these are EXPENSIVE 
312-987-4084				| $2100-5300 each
video tapes and student guide
students will have used over 30 UNIX commands

Unix Overview				| 6 tapes $2100
Computer Technology Group
video tapes


Interactive  Computer-based C Courseware	| in progress
Institute for Advanced Professional Studies
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Dr Donald D French
Modular, self-paced, interactive courseware for UNIX to teach
a range of topics on C
can get source code
software and course notes

Interactive Computer-based UNIX Courseware
Institute for Advanced Professional Studies
Modular, self-paced, interactive courseware for UNIX to teach
a range of topics on UNIX
topics: history of, getting started, creating and maintaining files,
UNIX commands, UNIX file system, Communications, Intro to Shell...
software and course notes


Instructional Workbench			| no source code, 
AT&T					| no good for bsd systems
Bob Hoffman


Training Services Group, Bunker Ramo
35 Nutmeg Drive
Trumbull, Connecticut
(203) 386-2223
contact: Thomas Wilkes
UNIX and C training on-line
have 800 number for trial 
not completely done, free update, 3 mo to finish
no source code


		Other Related Items of Potential Interest
Data Sources - July 84
	N-274 	MDBS - EDA
	database management course

Unix Software Guide (Digital)
	eh? (Extra Help Facility)
	PO Box 1496
	221 King Street East
        Kingston, Ontario
	Canada K7l 5C7
	Douglas J Ross, Pres.
	displays directories of available docs and provides means to
	display or print a multipage on-line doc

      	CAST (Computer-Assisted Self-Training System)
	1721 Black River Bouldevard
	Rome, NY 13440
	Maria Rich
	prog language designed for the development and execution of 
	computer-aided instruction (CAI) courseware.
	split screen text, limited graphics, recording of student 
	performance ...
	p 58
	also listed in /usr/group p165
	contact: David Clark
	no source code

/usr/group  Fall 1983

	CMI (Computer Managed Instruction)
	An instructional tool to report on program,lesson
	and student performance in CAI and computer testing.

	On-line prep, storage, display and printing of manuals and
	technical literature with security and automatic updating assured