[net.unix] Software Available

mahler@pur-ee.UUCP (Mahler) (10/31/84)

Complete text of this document available with manual page and sources.  Please
request copies by electronic mail. With sufficient requests, package will
be posted to net.sources.

      Access - A Program to Interpret Pathname Access
         Permissions for the UNIX* Operating System

                     Stephen J. Mahler
                       David A. Curry

                Engineering Computer Network
              School of Electrical Engineering
                     Purdue University
               West Lafayette, Indiana 47907


          The program described in this paper,  access,
     was  written  to  help users interpret the permis-
     sions set on their files by showing in  a  concise
     format  who may read, write, execute, and remove a
     given file.  Rather than simply reporting the per-
     missions  on  the  file  itself, access takes into
     account the permission bits set on the directories
     which lead to the file.  This results in a correct
     listing  of  exactly  who  may  access  the  file,
     whereas  reporting  the  permissions  on  the file
     alone does not.

October 1984
* UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.

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