[net.unix] Snobol for VAX/UNIX

landwehr@nrl-css.ARPA (Carl Landwehr) (03/26/85)

Thanks to all who responded to my query on a source for SNOBOL on VAX/UNIX.
Several people indicated they were interested in my findings, so I am 
distributing them to the list.  I received comments from several people, but 
there were only two basic suggestions, as shown in the excerpts below:

1. Use ICON, a successor to SNOBOL that is distributed with Berkeley Unix:

 You should look into Snobol's successor language, Icon.  There is an
 excellent book about it by Griswold & Griswold: The_Icon_Programming_
 Language, from Prentice-Hall, 1983 (ISBN 0-13-449777-5).  The language 
 is available for a nominal distribution fee ($15) for both the vax
 and the sun.  Inquire to icon-project.arizona@csnet-relay.

2. Use a commercial Spitbol compiler (compiled SNOBOL4) available from
Dewar Information Systems Corporation:

 I work for DISC which distributes SPITBOL for VAXes and IBM mainframes.  
 I have a version of SPITBOL that costs $1195 and runs under VAX/UNIX 
 BSD 4.1, BSD4.2, SYS III, and SYS V.  There are [not? -CEL] implementations 
 yet for M68000s.

 Please send me your "real" mailing address and I'll mail you our information

 Robert E. Goldberg
 c/o Dewar Information Systems Corp.,
 221 West Lake Street,
 Oak Park, IL 60302,
 (312) 524-1644

Thanks to all for your interest and cooperation.

--Carl Landwehr