[net.unix] Getting GNU emacs over UUCP lines

wegrzyn@encore.UUCP (Chuck Wegrzyn) (03/28/85)

	To All Concerned :

		If you wish to recover GNU emacs you can dial into
	our system and retrieve it. The GNU emacs files are available
	in four forms : tar format, shar format and compressed and
	not compressed. Pick which is best for you. The file names,
	and sizes are :

		name		format	compressed	size
		GNUtar		tar	   no		3225600
		GNUtar.Z	tar	   yes		1234510
		GNUshar		shar	   no		2418739
		GNUshar.Z	shar       yes		 941428

	The compressed file is done using the Lempel-Ziv version of
	compress. If you don't have a copy of this program send me a
	message and I will send it to you. The command to get the file
	of your choice is

		uucp 'encore!~/XXXXX' YYY

	where XXXXX is one of GNUtar, GNUtar.Z, GNUshar, GNUshar.Z
	and YYY is the name of the file you want to call it on your
	system. Remember that you must have the correct privs to
	the YYY file otherwise the request will fail. If that happens
	you might try /usr/spool/uucppublic for YYY which usually will
	work; the file created will be /usr/spool/uucppublic/XXXXX.

		Our modem is available for calling in between the
	hours of 6:00PM and 6:00AM, EST. Please don't call in at
	other times, it upsets our system. The phone number and
	login information is

		phone number : (617) 431-1476

		login    : uugnu
		password : unguu

	The modem is 1200 Baud.

		With the current performance of UUCP you will see a
	transfer rate of about 100 chars/second. Using this value you
	will see transfer times around 2 hours for GNUshar.Z to 8
	hours for GNUtar. So, pick your medicine.

		If you want a tape, please send some mail to me. I am
	trying to fill all the requests, but must 'space' them out over
	a period of time. Therefore the messages are processed in a
	fifo manner; be patient.

		As people get GNU emacs I wish they would do a number
	of things. First, post a message to net.emacs indicating that
	a copy is available and where - this is to allow everyone to
	find the closest site with a copy - and that any bugs found,
	improvements made, or fixed problems be posted to net.emacs.

		When building a GNU emacs system from one of the above
	files I suggest that you start by creating a directory called
	GNUemacs. You should than copy the file YYY to it. You should
	then rebuild the system by first uncompacting the file, if you
	received a .Z file. The final step before real work can be
	accomplished is to 'untar' it or 'unshar' it. To unshar the
	file you only need enter the command

			sh YYY

	To untar the file you only need to enter

			tar xbf 20 YYY

	That should do it.

				Thanks for waiting...
				  Chuck Wegrzyn