[net.unix] Which O/S have all the C Shell Bugs?

idallen@watmath.UUCP (03/29/85)

Ah, but does HP-UX also support all the C Shell bugs, as well as the
C Shell itself?  From the collection of bugs I've fixed here at Waterloo:

   limit core 1.0e99                                     # core dumps
   set x1=23 ; echo ${x1}                                # variable syntax
   if ( { date >/dev/null } ) echo ha ha                 # redirection ignored
   eval "who|tr 'e' 'x'"                                 # pipe ignored
   date | if 1 echo hi ; jobs                            # spurious job id
   setenv USER 'xxx*yyy' ; /bin/csh                      # core dumps
   date ; exit ; date ; date ; date                      # four dates print
   setenv xxx "XXX" ; set yyy "YYY" ; echo $#xxx $#yyy   # XXX 1
   date | /bin/echo `cat` ; echo never see me            # hangs
        -IAN!  (Ian! D. Allen)      University of Waterloo

conor@Glacier.ARPA (Conor Rafferty) (04/01/85)

> Ah, but does HP-UX also support all the C Shell bugs, as well as the
> C Shell itself?  From the collection of bugs I've fixed here at Waterloo:
    limit core 1.0e99                       # no limit in this csh
    set x1=23 ; echo ${x1}                  # variable syntax - Yes
    if ( { date >/dev/null } ) echo ha ha   # redirection ignored - Yes
    eval "who|tr 'e' 'x'"                   # pipe ignored - Yes
    date | if 1 echo hi ; jobs              # spurious job id - Yes
    setenv USER 'xxx*yyy' ; /bin/csh        # gives (null pointer): No match
    date ; exit ; date ; date ; date        # four dates print - Yes
    setenv xxx "XXX" ; set yyy "YYY" ; echo $#xxx $#yyy   # XXX 1 - Yes
   date | /bin/echo `cat` ; echo never see me            # this one got fixed

This C-shell differs from the 4.2 shell also in that it has twenex-style
command and filename completion.

Conor Rafferty                  conor@su-glacier.arpa
231A Applied Electronics Lab.   conor@su-sierra.arpa
Stanford University Ca.94305	decwrl!glacier!conor