[net.unix] Problem with "refer"

stefan@suadb.UUCP (Stefan Britts) (05/15/85)

When running refer + nroff on a faily large report, refer
bails out when approaching the end of the file. I get
the error mesage: "Reftext too big (2009)". The error
always occurs at the same place, unless restructuring the
the report. Then the error appears in another place but
after approximately the same number of references processed.
Does anybody have an idea of what might have caused the problem ?

Thank you in advance !
  Stefan Britts
  Department of Information Processing & Computer Science
  University of Stockholm
  S-106 91  Stockholm

UUCP:	{seismo,decvax,philabs}!{mcvax,ukc,unido}!enea!suadb!stefan
ARPA:	decvax!mcvax!enea!suadb!stefan@berkeley.arpa

dan@rna.UUCP (Dan Ts'o) (05/21/85)

In article <> stefan@suadb.UUCP (Stefan Britts) writes:
>When running refer + nroff on a faily large report, refer
>bails out when approaching the end of the file. I get
>the error mesage: "Reftext too big (2009)".

	There is a parameter NRFTXT in refer..c which defines an array
reftext in refer0.c which Version 7 had set for 2000. Berkeley later upped
it to 10000. You should recompile refer with a larger NRFTXT. If you can't
(binary license), too bad.
