[net.unix] Unix between VAX

SY.FDC@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU (Frank da Cruz) (10/14/85)

In response to the query from HP Wei (which I couldn't respond to directly), it
is entirely possible to use Kermit to transfer ASCII text as well as binary
files between a 4.2BSD VAX and an IBM 370-Series mainframe running VM/CMS.
Very briefly, here's how:

If you have a Series/1 style front end (7171, 4994, etc) running the Yale
ASCII package, you must also have version 2.00 or later of CMS Kermit on the
IBM mainframe (if you don't, you'll get the "An ASCII terminal must be used"
message.  If you're going through some other kind of 3270 protocol emulator,
then you can't use Kermit.  If you're going through a 3705-style front end
as an ordinary line mode TTY, you can use any version of CMS Kermit.

You should have version 4C(057) of C-Kermit on the Unix system -- certain
earlier versions had bugs that might have prevented them from working with
IBM mainframes.  To C-Kermit you should give the following commands if you're
coming in as a line-mode TTY:

set duplex half    (half duplex = local echo)
set flow none      (no full duplex xon/xoff flow control)
set handshake xon  (use half duplex line turnaround handshake)
set parity mark    (use whatever parity your IBM system expects)

or else the following commands if you're coming in through a Series/1 style
front end:

set parity even    (or whatever)

And of course you must also include whatever "set" commands are necessary
to set up the communication line ("set line", "set modem", "set baud", etc).

If all this seems a little strange, you can blame the IBM style of data
communications, which is different from everyone else's.  Send mail to
Info-Kermit-Request@CU20B to find out how to get Kermit.

- Frank da Cruz