mitch@well.UUCP (07/14/86)
A CALL FOR WIZARDS, WRITERS AND UNIX GURUS July 13, 1986 My company, The Waite Group, is creating an exciting contributed book called THE UNIX PAPERS. The book contains articles written by a broad range of Unix experts, gurus, wizards and spokespersons, collected together and edited by myself and the staff at The Waite Group. We are approaching the most interesting experts and authors in the Unix field including: Bill Joy, Rusty Smith, Dennis Ritchie, David Korn, Steve Bourne, Erik Fair, Donald Knuth, Peter Marvit, Mohandas Nai, Gene Dronek, Roger Sippl, Nico Neirenberg, Jim Stonebraker, Geoff Goodfellow, Dave Woods, Rebecca Thomas, Bill Croft, David Kashton and many others. We are also interesting in hearing from less well known but similarly talented Unix programmers and writers to make a contribution to the UNIX PAPERS. The goal of THE UNIX PAPERS is to provide insightful information on the Unix operating system and business market, to reveal some of the more hidden and obscure truths about Unix, and to do all this in an interesting format. The audience level is intermediate to advanced business people, programmers and anyone who wants to know about the cutting edge of this powerful and elegant operating system. The book consists of three types of contributions: a. TUTORIALS on topics that have never been adequately discussed in the literature (uucp, termcap, curses, etc) as well as new concepts arising in Unix (unix on risc, unix databases, etc) b. ISSUE PAPERS by experts in a particular area of Unix (these discuss controversy, the future of, etc) c. CASE HISTORY papers which tell the bottom line about real Unix machines, software, installations, etc. I am writing to you at this time to see if you would be interested in authoring an article on one of the topics in the list, or an article on something we have missed you may think is hot. DETAILS ABOUT THE UNIX PAPERS The Unix Papers will be published by Howard W. Sams in the beginning of 1987. It will contain 15 contributors. The average length article is 20 pages. Authors are paid a fee, and their photograph and biography appear at the beginning of their article. ABOUT THE WAITE GROUP The Waite Group is a collective of authors in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Waite Group has produced 40 award winning computer titles over the last 10 years, and is known for its high quality titles on Unix, C and MS-DOS. Among its most notable books are: (from Howard Sams) C Primer Plus, UNIX Primer Plus (Berkeley), UNIX System V Primer, Advanced Unix, MS-DOS Bible, MS-DOS Developer's Guide (from New American Library), Assembly Language Primer for the IBM PC & XT, and Bluebook of Assembly Language Routines for the IBM PC & XT. Here is the outline and our targeted list of contributors. Topics marked with a ** have been taken as of June 26, 1986. ******************************************************************* THE UNIX PAPERS OUTLINE **FROM DOS TO UNIX Thousands of MS-DOS users are learning Unix. Jim Rosenberg tells these MS-DOS users all about UNIX, explaining both the Unix file system and the Unix command set in a language MS-DOS users understand. **NEWSNET IN 10 EASY STEPS Waite Group staffer Harry Henderson removes the complexity surrounding the use of readnews, rn, vnews and postnews, in a simple tutorial that will have you discovering valuable newsnet bulletins for hours. UNIX ON 3M MACHINES What is the future of Unix on the 3M machines being built by NeXT, Atari and Apple? How will these machines work, what will they offer that current 0.3M machines (Macintosh, etc) don't offer, what will they cost, what kind of software will we see. LOW COST UNIX (MICROPORT) AND THE FUTURE OF HIGH COST XENIX Now that a complete certified System V Unix for the XT and AT is available for $160, how long can Xenix remain priced at $495? The author of this contribution explores what the new low cost Unix kernals are like, and how they will change the microcomputer/Unix/Xenix landscape. THE FUTURE OF BERKELEY UNIX This contribution reveals where BSD4.3 is headed, how it is diverging from System V, what that means in the market and in the university, and how the end user will be effected by these two diverging operating systems. WHAT IS WRONG WITH UNIX - WHAT IS RIGHT WITH UNIX Sprinkled throughout THE UNIX PAPERS are little one, two and three paragraph quotes from our authors about the good and the bad of Unix. UNIX ON RISC What does it mean when Unix is running on a RISC machine, like the IBM RT, or larger minis? MIPS tie in. UNIX ON THE 68020 The 68020 offers VAX-like processing power in the microcomputer price range, and are being found in large numbers of Unix based computers. This chapter explores the reasons the 68000 line is a good choice for a Unix based micro. UNIX ON THE 80286/386 IBM has made a firm commitment to the 8086 line of microprocessors. Therefore it is likely that Unix will be offered on the next generation of microcomputers based on the 80286 and 80386. This chapter explores the reasons that the 80286 line is a good choice for a Unix based microcomputer. BENCHMARKS AND UNIX Here we show you how to understand what Unix benchmarks mean. Several of the most popular Unix supermicros and minis are compared using different benchmarks. DATA BASE PROGRAMS UNDER UNIX What is the equivalent Unix 1-2-3 clone? Is there a database program as good as dBASE II that runs under Unix? Is it a memory hog? Learn these things and more. NETWORKING UNIX Networking File System (NFS) is explained as is AT&T's Remote File System and Streams. GRAPHICS Included here are NAPLPS and LU.G. UUCP, USENET, AND WORLDNET What is happening with Unix and its existing networks. Is it growing? What direction? What new social structures are forming as a result of these networks? What is WorldNet? **ELECTRONIC MAIL Dave Taylor of H.P. Labs teaches you everything you ever wanted to know every version of mail under Unix including /bin/mail, mailx, rmail, mh, elm and AT&T's new mail. **UNIX ON BIG MACHINES Chris Morgan tells us what it is like to run Unix on a Cyber system and what the State of California Unix computing is like today. SECURITY UNDER UNIX This section goes inside Unix to expose its delicate security under belly, and presents simple techniques that solve these weaknesses. UNIX TEXT MANIPULATION AND DESKTOP PUBLISHING Find about what Unix can do for text manipulation and desktop publishing. Learn about TeX. Various Unix Word Processors are compared to the popular MS-DOS versions of Word, WordStar and others. UNIX EXPERT SYSTEMS Franz Lisp REAL TIME UNIX Who? EMERGING UNIX STANDARDS AT&T is merging Berkeley Unix 4.2 features in to System V Release 3, while Berkeley is headed off in another direction. What does this mean? WHAT SHELL? The new Korn shell has the best features of the c-shell and the Bourne shell. The author of this section tells us what the major differences in the numerous Unix shells are and how to decide which is right for you. ****************************************************************************** If I have piqued your interest I would love to discuss the design and nature of the book and what chapter(s) you might write. Of course our ideas can be easily modified if you would like to write about something we have not mentioned. Let me know if you are interested. You can send me e-mail here on the Well (well!mitch), or call me at 415-929-7088. The editor for this book is Jim Stockford, also on the Well (well!jim). Thank you very much for your time, Sincerely, Mitchell Waite President The Waite Group 3220 Sacramento Street San Francisco CA 94115 well!mitch