[net.unix] BSD vs ULTRIX vs SysV

rbj@ICST-CMR.arpa (07/18/86)

	From escott@ICS.UCI.EDU Thu Jul 17 16:00:07 1986
	Received: from ICS.UCI.EDU (ics.uci.edu.ARPA) by icst-cmr.ARPA (4.12/4.7)
		id AA11197; Thu, 17 Jul 86 15:58:57 edt
	Message-Id: <8607171958.AA11197@icst-cmr.ARPA>
	Received: from localhost by ICS.UCI.EDU id a017055; 17 Jul 86 12:53 PDT
	To: Root Boy Jim <rbj@icst-cmr.arpa>
	Cc: kjs <@csnet-relay.arpa,@tufts.CSNET:kjs@tufts.CSNET>,
	Cc: escott@ICS.UCI.EDU
	Subject: Re: BSD vs ULTRIX vs SysV
	In-Reply-To: Your message of Tue, 15 Jul 86 17:15:50 edt.
	Date: Thu, 17 Jul 86 12:52:00 -0800
	From: Scott Menter <escott@ICS.UCI.EDU>
	I think all of this should have gone to info-unix, but a reply is a

OK, I'll send it there too.
	> 	I administer the UN*X side of the academic computing facility
	> 	here at Tufts University.  I am currently running two VAX 780's
	> 	under 4.2BSD.  The arrival of 4.3BSD has prompted my management
	> 	to take a look at alternates to the BSD UN*X.  They keep
	You mean, you *have* 4.3BSD and you're thinking of going to something
	else?  Or by "arrival" do you mean something like "announcement"?  And
	if you *do* have 4.3, I'd like to know how you got it, unless you're a
	Beta site, in which case I already know.
	By the way, it seems to me that I saw a "copy" (photocopy) of the 4.3
	distribution tape at Usenix.  Well, we just called Berkeley and were
	told that 4.3 is still "not ready for distribution".  Sigh.
Well, supposedly it *is* ready for distribution, but we ain't got it neither.
Do any other gummint sites have it either (besides the betas)?
	 > I find support relatively unnecessary, especially in a University
	 > environment. You should find lots of gurus in Beantown.

Boston. As in Boston baked beans. Common nickname. Yes, I know that
Tufts is in Sommerville. Been there oncest or twicest.
	 > 	How would you begin to decide which OS a university should
	 > 	run?  If I receive enough interesting answers,  I'll summarize
	 > 	and post,  as others will surely be faced with the same sorts
	 > 	of questions from the same sorts of managers.
	 I have an idea, Kevin.  Why don't you get on 128 and drop by Brandeis
	 and see what they think?  They've been using UNIX since before I was
	 an undergraduate there.  I think you'll find that BSD is the way to
	 go in a university environment, for the reasons rbj suggests.  I found
	 that each class had a couple of hackers, often roommates, who were
	 willing to take on system support.  Heck, we did it for $3.65 an hour
	 at Brandeis! And that included cleaning the terminals and vacuuming
	 the labs!!

But you didn't do windows, right? :-)

	 > 	Kevin Sullivan Sr. Systems Programmer
	 > 	Tufts University Medford, MA 02155
	 > 	ARPA: kjs%tufts@CSNET-RELAY	BITNET: kjs@tufts
	 > Any relation to the Pats owners?
	 If so, a few other Brandeis alumni and myself would like to talk to you
	 about ruining a little party we had last January !!

The same fate befell the Cowboys. Sigh.

	 > 	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj@icst-cmr.arpa>
	 > 	Was my SOY LOAF left out in th'RAIN?  It tastes REAL GOOD!!
	  E. Scott Menter                   Internet:   escott@ics.uci.edu
	  UCI Systems Support Group         UUCP: ...!ucbvax!ucivax!escott
	It was a JOKE!! Get it?? I was receiving messages from DAVID
	[zippy quote courtesy of GNU Emacs "yow" in Jim's honor]

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj@icst-cmr.arpa>
	Hold the MAYO & pass the COSMIC AWARENESS...