[net.unix] More info


     Sorry I wasen't specific about system type when I asked for tuning
tools.  I am running Sys5 on a Dual 83/20 (which I use for software work
-- single user normally).  The disk subsystem is the prob bottleneck.  I
fired up about 30 small compute bound processes and system response was
still reasonible (No swapping...  I have 3/4 meg of user area -- plenty
for what I am working on)..  As soon as I kick in a few processes that
go for the disk, response time goes thru the roof.

     I would like to know if there are any good internals books for
Un*x which give system variables to watch for.  Something like # of
physical disk I/O's vs amount of cache hits and maybe disk wait time.
That sort of thing.  I've done tuning on a few other systems but it
seems that some of Un*x tuning remains somewhat a mystic experence.
Don't get me wrong I still would rather work in the Un*x environment
then some of the others I worked with.  Again, thanx to the people
who gave me some pointers and here is the specific info they suggested
I give to help them give me better info.

Dan Smith (aka MadMan)
UUCP:       ...psuvax1!tcsvm.bitnet!sysbdes
            real soon now !tu-pul!ludwig!ds  <-- machine being tuned
Ma Bell:    (504) 865-5631
Real Paper: Tulane University
            Tulane Computer Services
            Attn: Dan Smith, Systems Group
            6823 St. Charles Ave.
            New Orleans,  LA 70118-5698