[net.unix] Source code for Micro Emacs needed


(My apologies if anyone has gotten this twice.  Our Bitnet link went down
and I don't know if this got through.  If it did, anything sent to me
may not have come through, so please resend if you sent a reply to my
first message.)

I would like to obtain a copy of the Micro Emacs editor.  Unfortunately,
the only network access I have is Bitnet, so I can't FTP any files
from a net.sources site.  I know some people are willing to send net.sources
codes on magtape in cpio or tar formats, but that won't work either,
as the computer in question (hp9000 s 500) does not have a standard
tape drive.

Is there anyone out there who is either on a net.sources site, or can
FTP to one who would be willing to send me the source code for the latest
version of Micro Emacs by E-mail?  Please respond directly to me with
a message indicating you are willing to.  DO NOT send the source code;
I will contact one of you and ask you to send it to me.

                Thanks in advance,
           --David Barts                              "Information breeds
             Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA  distrust, distrust
Bitnet:      SLG6M@USU.BITNET                         breeds thinking, and
ARPAnet:     slg6m%usu.bitnet@wiscvm.arpa             THINKING BREEDS
AT&T:        801-753-2952                             ANARCHY!"
USPS:        654 1/2 E 800 N / Logan, UT 84321        - Tangerine Radio QSL