[net.unix] WordStar <--> XYVision


I have written a book using WordStar on an IBM-PC which is to be
typeset on a Shafstall phototypesetter using a formatter
called XY-Vision which runs under Unix. It is a book on Advanced
Logo programming with many programs and display material requiring
lots of font changes and so the text files are peppered with WS
control codes and formatting commands.

My problem is how to translate about 1 Mbyte
of text with WordStar formatting commands to XY-Vision commands,
minimizing the amount of manual work. I know that a completely
general solution is quite difficult. I'm just looking for ideas
that can help ease the pain.

Much of the translation can be described by production rules,
such as

^S arb ^S --> $f2 arb $f1  (italics)
^D arb ^D --> $f3 arb $f1  (monospaced Logo font)
" arb " --> `` arb ''
' arb ' --> ` arb '
..IA nl arb --> $h1 arb
.IA nl arb --> $h1 arb
..IB nl arb --> $h2 arb   etc.
.IB nl arb --> $h2 arb   etc.

where ^c means ASCII control-c, arb is an arbitrary character string,
nl is a new line, etc.

I have gotten a C program called WSNROFF from someone on another net
which translates WS files to nroff, at least partially. It is a fairly
old program (dated 1-Sep-81) and does a fairly minimal translation,
though the structure is there to build on.
Before I start to hack on it, I thought I'd enquire whether anyone
has or knows of a more complete translator for WS text files, or
other ideas for how to proceed.

This seems like a problem that someone else must have faced before,
so I thought I'd send this query. Any help would be greatly

Please reply directly to the address below. I will collect any
useful replies and repost them to the discussion.

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