mitch@well.UUCP (Mitchell Waite) (08/20/86)
A CALL FOR WIZARDS, WRITERS AND UNIX GURUS Aug 13, 1986 The Waite Group, a computer book packager, is creating an exciting contributed book called THE UNIX PAPERS. The book contains articles written by a broad range of Unix experts, gurus, wizards and spokespersons, collected together and edited by the staff at The Waite Group. The goal of THE UNIX PAPERS is to provide insightful information about the cutting edge of the Unix operating system, and to reveal some of the broader aspects of this powerful and elegant operating system. This is the *SECOND* call for contributors to the UNIX PAPERS. An up-to-date outline of the current contents of the UNIX PAPERS follows, with those topics not yet filled by a writer marked with (OPEN). The book consists of three types of contributions: a. TUTORIALS on topics that have never been adequately discussed in the literature (uucp, termcap, curses, etc) as well as new concepts arising in Unix (Unix on RISC, Unix databases, etc) b. ISSUE PAPERS by experts in a particular area of Unix (these discuss controversy, the future of, etc) c. CASE HISTORY papers which tell the bottom line about real Unix machines, software, installations, etc. DETAILS ABOUT THE UNIX PAPERS The Unix Papers will be published by Howard W. Sams in the first quarter of 1987. It will contain 15 contributors. The average length article is 20 typeset pages. Authors are paid a fee, and their photograph and biography appear at the beginning of their article. ABOUT THE WAITE GROUP The Waite Group is a collective of authors in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Waite Group has produced 40 award winning computer titles over the last 10 years, and is known for its high quality titles on Unix, C and MS-DOS. Among its most notable books are: C Primer Plus, UNIX Primer Plus (Berkeley Unix), UNIX System V Primer, Advanced Unix, MS-DOS Bible, MS-DOS Developer's Guide, Assembly Language Primer for the IBM PC & XT, and Bluebook of Assembly Language Routines for the IBM PC & XT. ********************************************************** THE UNIX PAPERS OUTLINE AS OF AUGUST 12, 1986 PART 1 - FUTURE UNIX (OPEN) 1.1 The X Window System and MIT's Project Athena This section is about the five year MIT Project Athena which attempts to bring software coherence to a variety of hardware systems and the X windowing system project at MIT. PART 2 - UNIX IN THE REAL WORLD 2.1 Unix and Real Time Applications - Geoff Kuenning This section will tell us the complete story about the Unix operating system in real time (RT) processing. The author will present an introduction to data collection systems, transaction processing and real time control, then explain the requirements of real time applications: performance, predictability, interprocess communications facilities, specialized libraries, and reliability. Next he will show why Unix has traditionally been considered poor for real time processing, then reveal where Unix makes the most sense for RT processing. The author presents several approaches to using Unix in a real time applications. Finally he ends by telling future directions of real time Unix, including the P1003 standard and the ISA standard. Geoff Kuenning is Vice President of Interrupt Technology Corporation, a software firm specializing in real time systems. PART 3 - UNIX COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Unix Mailers - David Taylor There is a trend towards organizations relying on electronic mail to communicate. With the growth in popularity of the Unix system and the introduction of low-cost machines that can run Unix, like the IBM PC-AT, it is expected that many thousands of Unix mail users will be in need of information what mailers are availabile, how to distinguish between them and how to use them. This section will talk about five mailers that represent significantly different approaches to the task of using electronic mail, specifically bin/mail, Berkeley Mail, Elm, MH and AT&T mail. These mailers will be compared in a standard format and a brief description of the use of each is given. A complete tutorial on the use of the Berkeley Mail system is given. David Taylor has written numerous articles on mail systems, is the moderator of the usenet newsgroup and the author of the Elm public domain mailer. PART 4 - UNIX AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4.1 Kyoto Common Lisp and Unix - Daniel Zigmond This chapter presents one of the most powerful languages for working in AI under Unix: Kyoto Common Lisp or KCL. The author shows the main applications of Lisp, its structure and what its source code looks like. He details the creation of Common Lisp over a three year period by representatives of DEC, CMU, MIT, University of Utah, Stanford, Symbolics, Texas Instruments, Rutgers, UC Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Perq Systems, Lisp Machines Inc., Hewlett-Packard, Xerox, Yale and Tartan Labs. Kyoto Lisp is the first 'complete' Common Lisp implementation, and its compiler generates C code. This makes the performance of KCL close to that of C, and makes it very easy to extend KCL in pure C. This chapter will present KCL for programmers who are C literate. The author will give a Lisp tutorial, show how KCL extends Common Lisp to interact nicely with the Unix operating system, and discuss how to integrate Lisp and C code. PART 5 - UNIX AND MS-DOS 5.1 A Unix Tutorial for MS-DOS Aficionados - Jim Rosenberg The author performs a major benefit to Unix cognoscenti by once and for all revealing to the (sigh) huge masses of MS-DOS users "the story of Unix specifically for MS-DOS users". The author shows how simple it is to understand Unix's structures and command operations if you already know MS-DOS. After all MS-DOS version 2 is really a single tasking, single user cousin of Unix. Any MS-DOS aficionado will find Unix much less of a mystery after reading this tutorial. PART 6 - UNIX and XENIX DEVICE DRIVERS (OPEN) 6.1 Device Drivers for the Epson MX/RX/FX-80 This section describes how to get a printer peripheral to work with Xenix running on an AT clone. PART 7 - BLUE SKY UNIX (OPEN) 7.1 Stargate Stargate is an attempt to use the vertical retrace period of the television network of satellites and transmission equipment to replace the telephone system currently hosting uucp. Since the bandwidth of a Stargate based system is huge, it would be possible to increase the traffic of usenet beyond what is possible on the telephone system and for a lower cost. PART 8 - MULTIPROCESSOR IMPLEMENTATIONS OF UNIX (OPEN) 8.1 Why Multiprocessor Unix This section describes the new breed of Multiprocessor based Unix computers coming to market. Included are the new parallel processors, hypercubes and array processors. The article discusses changes that have to be made to Unix to allow it to parallel process and where performance will be most enhanced with a Unix multiprocessor architecture. PART 9 - UPCOMING UNIX PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES 9.1 The C++ Language - What For/How To/How Come - Keith Gorlen The C++ programming language was designed and implemented by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Laboratories as a successor to C. It retains compatibility with existing C programs while adding many powerful new capabilities, making it suitable for a wide range of pplications from device drivers to artificial intelligence. In this section the authors discusses this exciting new language: what it offers, why it's better, and how to use it. The paper begins with a conventional C version of a dynamic string package and shows what the short comings of the C version are and how to use the new features of C++ to remedy them. The new features discussed fall into three catagories: those that can prevent many common programming errors, such as strong typing and encapsulation, those that enhance the power of the language, such as operator and function overloading, and those that improve efficiency, such as inline functions. The paper concludes with a C++ version of the dynamic string package, illustrating how C++ enables the programmer to design custom data types. PART 10 - THE UNIX NETWORK (OPEN) 10.1 UUCP, USENET AND WORLDNET This section presents the best kept secret in the Unix art...the huge Unix network, comprising both mail users and "usenet news" users and made up of over 7.000 computer sites at major Universities and corporations, with roughly 200,000 subscribers world-wide. This Unix network is comprised of scientists, engineers, students and wide ranging technical professionals. 10.2 Netnews in Ten Easy Steps - Harry Henderson In this section Waite Group fellow and author Harry Henderson will explain in a simple step-by-step lesson how to master the user of netnews, the usenet daily news from the Unix community around the world. Harry will detail how to use "rn" and "readnews", "postnews" and network netiquette. He will also overview the value of the over 200 different newsgroups in a summary section. This section will provide the knowledge to immediately begin tapping the Worldnet resource. PART 11 - THE UNIX ENVIRONMENT 11.1 Unix as a Research Tool - Peter Reiher Why is Unix so popular as a research tool? This contribution reveals the good, the bad and the ugly about Unix specifically when used as a research test bed in a college or corporate lab environment. The author will show, for example, how well Unix serves as a test bed for operating system study due to the availability of the kernal source code from AT&T, how well the kernal is organized from the sense of a software engineering methodology and its tools, and so on. Also revealed are the disadvantages of Unix: the old fashion nature of the OS, its limited extensibility, its constrictive nature, its sub-optimal performance and its balky parts (such as terrible code in places and its non-adherence to good software engineering practices). The author explains the Unix applications available for researches: SCCS, Ingres, S Package, Eden, Argus, LOCUS, MACH and the Virtue/Vice Andrew System. Future of directions of Unix as a research tool are explored: distributed systems and new object oriented systems. (OPEN) 11.2 Unix Security Most people are unaware that there are serious security flaws and weaknesses in the Unix operating system. Unix was not built with privacy in mind and consequently security is flawed at several levels. It is possible to "attack" an unsuspecting Unix system and gain illegal entry into it. It is also possible for legal users to snoop into other users files and violate their privacy. This section provides a complete overview these flaws in Unix security and shows both users and sysops how to understand these flaws and be able to describe them to management. It will describe the various way crackers get into a Unix system: * modems that don't detect carrier drop out and do not log you out if you hang up, * network problems - the Berkeley implementation of TCP/IP network logins uses a trusted host scheme, so if one host is cracked, all trusted hosts can be cracked, * poorly set up UUCP systems that let any command be executed remotely, * on-line password file authentication and aging problems, * unlocked terminals, * dangerous setuid programs, * file protection schemes, and * Trojan Horses. MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS The follow are miscellaneous topics that we still need contributors for. (OPEN) UNIX ON 3M MACHINES What is the future of Unix on the 3M machines being built by NeXT, Atari and Apple? How will these machines work, what will they offer that current 0.3M machines (Macintosh, etc) don't offer, what will they cost, what kind of software will we see. (OPEN) THE FUTURE OF BERKELEY UNIX This contribution reveals where BSD4.3 is headed, how it is diverging from System V, what that means in the market and in the university, and how the end user will be effected by these two diverging operating systems. (OPEN) WHAT IS WRONG WITH UNIX - WHAT IS RIGHT WITH UNIX Sprinkled throughout THE UNIX PAPERS are little one, two and three paragraph quotes from our authors about the good and the bad of Unix. (OPEN) UNIX ON RISC What does it mean when Unix is running on a RISC machine, like the IBM RT, or larger minis? MIPS tie in. (OPEN) UNIX ON THE 68020 The 68020 offers VAX-like processing power in the microcomputer price range, and are being found in large numbers of Unix based computers. This chapter explores the reasons the 68000 line is a good choice for a Unix based micro. (OPEN) UNIX ON THE 80286/386 IBM has made a firm commitment to the 8086 line of microprocessors. Therefore it is likely that Unix will be offered on the next generation of microcomputers based on the 80286 and 80386. This chapter explores the reasons that the 80286 line is a good choice for a Unix based microcomputer. (OPEN) BENCHMARKS AND UNIX Here we show you how to understand what Unix benchmarks mean. Several of the most popular Unix supermicros and minis are compared using different benchmarks. (OPEN) DATA BASE PROGRAMS UNDER UNIX What is the equivalent Unix 1-2-3 clone? Is there a database program as good as dBASE II that runs under Unix? Is it a memory hog? Learn these things and more. (OPEN) NETWORKING UNIX Networking File System (NFS) is explained as is AT&T's Remote File System and Streams. (OPEN) GRAPHICS Included here are NAPLPS and LU.G. (OPEN) UNIX TEXT MANIPULATION AND DESKTOP PUBLISHING Find about what Unix can do for text manipulation and desktop publishing. Learn about TeX. Various Unix Word Processors are compared to the popular MS-DOS versions of Word, WordStar and others. (OPEN) EMERGING UNIX STANDARDS AT&T is merging Berkeley Unix 4.2 features in to System V Release 3, while Berkeley is headed off in another direction. What does this mean? (OPEN) WHAT SHELL? The new Korn shell has the best features of the c-shell and the Bourne shell. The author of this section tells us what the major differences in the numerous Unix shells are and how to decide which is right for you. ********************************************************** If you are interested in writing any of the OPEN topics please let me know. An author's style guide and terms letter will be sent if you are interested. You can send me e-mail here on the Well (hplabs!well!mitch), or call me at 415-929-7088. The editor for this book is Jim Stockford, also on the Well (hplabs!well!jim). Thank you very much for your time, Sincerely, Mitchell Waite President The Waite Group 3220 Sacramento Street San Francisco CA 94115 {hplabs, lll-crg, lll-lcc} !well!mitch