jmn@ariel.UUCP (J.NERVIK) (09/12/86)
*** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** - 1 - CCCCAAAALLLLLLLL FFFFOOOORRRR PPPPAAAAPPPPEEEERRRRSSSS IIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE NNNNEEEETTTTWWWWOOOORRRRKKKK:::: TTTTHHHHEEEE MMMMAAAAGGGGAAAAZZZZIIIINNNNEEEE OOOOFFFF CCCCOOOOMMMMPPPPUUUUTTTTEEEERRRR CCCCOOOOMMMMMMMMUUUUNNNNIIIICCCCAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNN PPPPEEEERRRRFFFFOOOORRRRMMMMAAAANNNNCCCCEEEE MMMMEEEEAAAASSSSUUUURRRREEEEMMMMEEEENNNNTTTT TTTTOOOOOOOOLLLLSSSS aaaannnndddd TTTTEEEECCCCHHHHNNNNIIIIQQQQUUUUEEEESSSS for LLLLOOOOCCCCAAAALLLL AAAARRRREEEEAAAA NNNNEEEETTTTWWWWOOOORRRRKKKKSSSS The IEEE Communications Society is planning an issue of the new IIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE NNNNeeeettttwwwwoooorrrrkkkk:::: TTTThhhheeee MMMMaaaaggggaaaazzzziiiinnnneeee ooooffff CCCCoooommmmppppuuuutttteeeerrrr CCCCoooommmmmmmmuuuunnnniiiiccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss that will be dedicated to the topic of Performance Measurement Tools and Techniques for Local Area Networks. The issue is scheduled for publication in mid-1987. It is intended to cover the architecture, design, implementation, and use of the tools to measure the performance of LANs. Papers discussing experience with LAN measurement tools and techniques and the results of these measurements are highly desired. Both original research papers and tutorial papers will be considered. Papers are solicited in topics such as: o+ Performance Measurements of 802.x Networks o+ Performance Test Tools and/or Measurement Techniques for 802.x Networks o+ Network and Transport Layer Performance Tools and Measurements o+ Application Layer Protocol Performance Tools and Measurements o+ Network Simulators o+ Performance Measurements of Bridged LANs o+ Performance Measurements of Gatewayed LANs o+ Protocol Conversion Performance Measurements Prospective authors should prepare complete manuscripts by November 1, 1986 in accordance with the _I_E_E_E _C_o_m_m_u_n_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s _M_a_g_a_z_i_n_e _S_t_y_l_e _S_h_e_e_t and _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _f_o_r _I_E_E_E _A_u_t_h_o_r_s and send five (5) copies of the manuscript to one of the Guest Editors. Notification of Acceptance will be February 1, 1987. Guest Editors for the issue are: - 2 - Jeffrey A. Wong John Digaletos AT&T Information Systems AT&T Information Systems 200 Laurel Ave. Room 1C-437 200 Laurel Ave. Room 1F-428 Middletown, NJ 07748 Middletown, NJ 07748 (201) 957-5358 (201) 957-5347 ihnp4!ariel!jaw ihnp4!ariel!jd ____________________________________________________________ To all readers: I would appreciate if you would forward this to any interested parties. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thanks in advance, Jeff Wong (201) 957-5358 ihnp4!ariel!jaw
jordan@ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU (Jordan Hayes) (09/14/86)
In article <1232@ariel.UUCP> jmn@ariel.UUCP (J.NERVIK) writes:
[ something that should have went to the printer, not a tty so I fixed it ... ]
The IEEE Communications Society is planning an issue of the
new IEEE Network: The Magazine of Computer Communications
that will be dedicated to the topic of Performance
Measurement Tools and Techniques for Local Area Networks.
The issue is scheduled for publication in mid-1987. It is
intended to cover the architecture, design, implementation,
and use of the tools to measure the performance of LANs.
Papers discussing experience with LAN measurement tools and
techniques and the results of these measurements are highly
desired. Both original research papers and tutorial papers
will be considered.
Papers are solicited in topics such as:
+ Performance Measurements of 802.x Networks
+ Performance Test Tools and/or Measurement Techniques
for 802.x Networks
+ Network and Transport Layer Performance Tools and
+ Application Layer Protocol Performance Tools and
+ Network Simulators
+ Performance Measurements of Bridged LANs
+ Performance Measurements of Gatewayed LANs
+ Protocol Conversion Performance Measurements
Prospective authors should prepare complete manuscripts by
November 1, 1986 in accordance with the ``IEEE Communications
Magazine Style'' Sheet and Information for IEEE Authors and
send five (5) copies of the manuscript to one of the Guest
Editors. Notification of Acceptance will be February 1,
Guest Editors for the issue are:
Jeffrey A. Wong John Digaletos
AT&T Information Systems AT&T Information Systems
200 Laurel Ave. Room 1C-437 200 Laurel Ave. Room 1F-428
Middletown, NJ 07748 Middletown, NJ 07748
(201) 957-5358 (201) 957-5347
ihnp4!ariel!jaw ihnp4!ariel!jd
To all readers:
I would appreciate if you would forward this to any interested
parties. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thanks in advance,
Jeff Wong
(201) 957-5358
jaw@ariel.UUCP (JEFF WONG) (09/16/86)
*** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE NETWORK: THE MAGAZINE OF COMPUTER COMMUNICATION PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT TOOLS and TECHNIQUES LOCAL AREA NETWORKS The IEEE Communications Society is planning an issue of the new "IEEE Network: The Magazine of Computer Communications" that will be dedicated to the topic of Performance Measurement Tools and Techniques for Local Area Networks. The issue is scheduled for publication in mid-1987. It is intended to cover the architecture, design, implementation, and use of the tools to measure the performance of LANs. Papers discussing experience with LAN measurement tools and techniques and the results of these measurements are highly desired. Both original research papers and tutorial papers will be considered. Papers are solicited in topics such as: + Performance Measurements of 802.x Networks + Performance Test Tools and/or Measurement Techniques for 802.x Networks + Network and Transport Layer Performance Tools and Measurements + Application Layer Protocol Performance Tools and Measurements + Network Simulators + Performance Measurements of Bridged LANs + Performance Measurements of Gatewayed LANs + Protocol Conversion Performance Measurements Prospective authors should prepare complete manuscripts by November 1, 1986 in accordance with the "IEEE Communications Magazine Style Sheet" and "Information for IEEE Authors" and send five (5) copies of the manuscript to one of the Guest Editors. Notification of Acceptance will be February 1, 1987. Guest Editors for the issue are: Jeffrey A. Wong John Digaletos AT&T Information Systems AT&T Information Systems 200 Laurel Ave. Room 1C-437 200 Laurel Ave. Room 1F-428 Middletown, NJ 07748 Middletown, NJ 07748 (201) 957-5358 (201) 957-5347 ihnp4!ariel!jaw ihnp4!ariel!jd ____________________________________________________________ To all readers: I would appreciate if you would forward this to any interested parties. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thanks in advance, Jeff Wong (201) 957-5358 ihnp4!ariel!jaw