[net.unix] Orphaned Response

andrew@inmet.UUCP (01/12/84)

inmet!andrew    Jan 10 07:42:00 1984

Try "Understanding Computer Science", written by someone at University of
Texas, originally sold by TI, and now available for $3.95 at your local
Radio Shack.  This book covers many areas of CS (mostly software, some
hardware), gives copious and well-explained examples, and features a
synopsis and brief quiz at the end of each chapter.  Highly cost-effective!
Andrew W. Rogers, Intermetrics    ...{harpo|ima|esquire}!inmet!andrew

stevel@haddock.UUCP (03/15/84)

haddock!stevel    Feb 27 10:30:00 1984

Most serial drivers for UNIX system III/V send a break if the
speed is set to zero. I don't know about V7 or ZENIX, which is
a highly modified V7.

Steve Ludlum, decvax!yale-co!ima!stevel, {ucbvax|ihnp4}!cbosgd!ima!stevel
decwrl!amd70!ima!stevel, {uscvax|ucla-vax|vortex}!ism780!stevel
Interactive Systems, 7th floor, 441 Stuart st, Boston, MA 02116; 617-247-1155

johnl@haddock.UUCP (03/15/84)

haddock!johnl    Mar  4 19:08:00 1984

Seems to me that compiling Ratfor for an 8088 wouldn't be that hard.
First you run your Ratfor programs through ratfor, and get vanilla
Fortran.  Then you pick some 8088 Fortran compiler (Microsoft's comes
to mind, but not the version of it that IBM sells) and there you are.

John Levine, ima!johnl

jc@inmet.UUCP (04/19/84)

inmet!jc    Apr 18 14:46:00 1984

UTS has a "vm" command that does some really interesting things.  It lets you
semi-suspend your UTS login, and do any VM commands you wish (such as LOGON).
If you decide to log onto another machine,susbsystem, you can (with an appropriate 
exscape sequence) send commands back to UTS, then return to the other machine.
Lots of possibilities!

Another interesting things is that UTS (at least the one'scopies I've seen) come
with software for talking to OS, letting you keep your source on UTS, send
files over to OS, build JCL automatically (sort of), fetching files back, and
so on.  It's actually easier to build OS programs on UTS stthan on TSO,
though I guess that's not saying much.  I don't remember what these commands
are called; someone from Amdahl could probably tell you.

One example I wsaw was a bunch of PL/I programs on UTS.  Amdaghl doesn't supply
a UTS PL/I compiler.  What you do is farm out the compiles to OS, fetch back
the object files, and run them on UTS.  Really!  I tried it once, and it sordid
work, though I imagine there might be problems with programs that know they're
running on OS and do lots of funny system calls.

                             John Chambers (inmet)!jc)

coulter@hpbbla.UUCP (05/18/84)

It is not certain that my planned change of address will happen by June 1,
so until July 1 please send mail to:


After July 1, please send it by:     ...!ucbvax!hpda!hpfcla!hpbbn!coulter

-- Michael Coulter, Boeblingen, W. Germany, Tel =  +49 7031 14 2010

gertjan@txsil.UUCP (12/05/84)

We are very happy with an Integrated Solutions 68010 Qbus system,
which runs a complete 4.2BSD in the kernel. We use 1.75Mb fast, 100 nanosec
memory, on a dual bus architecture.
This is about the same thing what PCS (in Germany) had done and what is
sold by Cambridge Digital as UniVax. Although this the Intgr.Sol.
is really running 4.2. Also service and help is quite good.
As far as I know are these the only designers who did it so that
the CPU can access dualport memory and the Qbus can access memory (via
DMA) at the same time.
	Starter price -> 9.000,00 American Pesos.
We have 2 DZV11 8 line multiplexors so altogether 18 lines, using the most
dumb terminals in the world as Adds Viewpoint and Televideo 910 (the 910
is so old that we needed and stripped 912 termcap!). It performs
really well. The processor can keep up.

Example. Loading Franz Lisp in about 3 seconds.

Integrated Solutions have also VME (Eurocard) systems of the same kind
which is more preferable I would say.

Contact man: Tom Nellis
		Southern Regional Sales Manager
		(713) 493-0302

Headquarters: San Jose, CA, (408) 943-1902 ask for Stu Oremland or Stan Coffee.

	tel: (214) 298-3331
	gertjan vinkesteyn

gertjan@txsil.UUCP (12/05/84)

Ever used a VT103 with tapes (TU58). System left, files rigth.
You're really going to hate tapes for the rest of your life!

ajs@hpfcla.UUCP (ajs) (01/14/85)

> When speaking of the symbol '!' in different contexts what do people
> say?  Examples...

Since great minds think alike, you know this one has come up before.
Here is a (reposting) of "Terminal Mumps".

	TERMINAL MUMPS:  Popular and Bizarre Character Names

	Summarized from USENET articles, circa 1983.
	Single characters listed in ASCII order, followed by multiples.
	For each character, "official" names appear first, thence others
	in order of popularity (more or less).

	!   exclamation point, exclamation, bang, factorial, excl, ball-bat,
	    smash, shriek, cuss, wow, hey
	!?  interrobang (as one overlapped character)
	"   double quote, quote, dirk, literal mark, rabbit ears
	#   pound sign, number sign, sharp, crunch, mesh, hex, hash,
	    flash, grid, pig-pen, tictactoe, scratchmark, octothorp (from
	    Bell System)
	$   dollar sign, currency symbol, buck, cash, string (from BASIC),
	    escape (from TOPS-10), ding, big-money
	%   percent sign, percent, mod, double-oh-seven
	&   ampersand, amper, and, address (from C), andpersand
	'   apostrophe, single quote, quote, prime, tick, irk, pop, spark
	()  open/close parenthesis, left/right parenthesis, paren/thesis,
	    parenthisey, unparenthisey, open/close round bracket, ears,
	    so/already, wax/wane
	*   asterisk, star, splat, wildcard, gear, dingle
	+   plus sign, plus, add, cross, intersection
	,   comma, tail
	-   hyphen, dash, minus sign, worm
	.   period, dot, decimal point, radix point, point, full stop, spot
	/   virgule, slash, stroke, slant, diagonal, solidus, over, slat
	:   colon, two-spot
	;   semicolon, semi, hybrid
	<>  angle brackets, left/right angle, less/greater than, read
	    from / write to, from/into, from/toward, in/out, comesfrom/
	    gozinta (all from UNIX), funnel, brokets, crunch/zap, suck/blow
	=   equal sign, equals, quadrathorp, gets, half-mesh
	?   question mark, whatmark, what, wildchar, ques, huh, quark
	@   at sign, at, each, vortex, whorl, whirlpool, cyclone, snail,
	    ape, cat
	V   vee, book
	[]  square brackets, left/right bracket, bracket/unbracket, bra/ket,
	    square/unsquare, U turns
	\   reversed virgule, backslash, bash, backslant, backwhack, backslat,
	    escape (from UNIX)
	^   circumflex, caret, uparrow, hat, chevron, sharkfin, to ("to
	    the power of"), fang
	_   underscore, underline, underbar, under, score, backarrow, flatworm
	`   grave accent, grave, backquote, left quote, open quote, backprime,
	    unapostrophe, backspark, birk, blugle, back tick, push
	{}  open/close brace, left/right brace, brace/unbrace, curly bracket,
	    curly/uncurly, leftit/rytit, embrace/bracelet
	|   vertical bar, bar, or, v-bar, spike, pipe, gozinta, thru,
	    pipesinta (last four from UNIX)
	~   tilde, swung dash, squiggle, approx, wiggle, twiddle, enyay

	/*  slashterisk
	*/  asterslash
	>>  cat-astrophe

tstorm@vu44.UUCP (Theo van der Storm) (03/18/85)

In article <43600016@hpfcla.UUCP> dat@hpfcla.UUCP (dat) writes:
>	Suprise!  CBREAK is a 'Berkeley-ism' and is NOT available on
>either any of the Bell UNIX systems nor any other system that is based
>on Bell (like HP-UX).
>	Try toggling the 'canonical' input bit of the iotcl structure...
>					Dave Taylor
>"It doesn't matter: I wrote my own!"

This is a quote from /usr/include/sgtty.h on V7

#define	TANDEM	01
#define	CBREAK	02
#define	LCASE	04
#define	ECHO	010
#define	CRMOD	020
#define	RAW	040

... and we did not write our own!
On the other hand, the manual page TTY(4) says:
7th Edition           revised 5/79
Conclusion: CBREAK is part of late V7 systems.

Theo van der Storm, 52 20'N / 4 52'E, {seismo|decvax|philabs}!mcvax!vu44!tstorm

jermoluk@hppcgo.UUCP (jermoluk) (04/02/85)

Sorry Josh but it's not AT&T that held up the release of UNIX on the 370
that was written up in BSTJ. AT&T offered their portion (the UNIX) piece
for sale. The part of TSS which it ran on was a modification of RSS (the
kernel of TSS) modified by IBM on an RFP basis for AT&T and called SSS.
This was only allowed to be sold to AT&T. It did indeed run "standalone"
on 370 hardware as written up very nicely in the BSTJ. It also ran under
VM very nicely because most anything IBM does runs under VM.
                                                   tom jermoluk

UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories

ajs@hpfcla.UUCP (ajs) (04/17/85)

> Is this a special command, or do people just painstakingly
> insert the > sign in front of mail read into the buffer?

For short text it's easy to insert.  For longer text, it's not hard to
write a filter and pass the text through it from vi (or your favorite
smart-enough editor).  For example, using the adjust(1) program (to be
supported on the next HPUX release), this little filter formats the
"quoted" text and inserts the brokets:


# Script to format a mail response or a C comment block from the editor.

# Usage: <script> [arguments]

# If invoked as "adjcomm", does a comment block, else does a response block.
# Any arguments are passed to adjust, including filenames.
# If any filenames are given, adjust reads them instead of stdin, which
# bypasses the left-alignment done first.
# Formats the text and puts a "> " or " *" in front of each line.

	tab='	'

	if [ "$0" = adjcomm ]
	    indent=" *"
	    script='s/^ \*//'		# remove leading " *".
	    indent="> "
	    script="s/^[ $tab]*//"	# remove leading whitespace.

	sed "$script"		|	# always read stdin.
	adjust $*		|	# read files if told to do so.
	sed "s/^/$indent/"

Alan Silverstein, Hewlett-Packard Fort Collins Systems Division, Colorado
{ihnp4 | hplabs}!hpfcla!ajs, 303-226-3800 x3053, N 40 31'31" W 105 00'43"

rjn@hpfcmp.UUCP (rjn) (06/16/85)

re:  *positive* flow control ("I'm OK for another 347 characters now").

> ETX/ACK comes close to being standard.  The sender embeds ETX controls in the
> output  stream; the receiver  returns ACK controls each time it's freed up 80
> bytes in its input  buffer (at least; this is the part that's not  standard).

HP terminals use a similar  protocol:  ENQ/ACK (although most HP systems seem
to be moving to  XON/XOFF,  also  supported  by  current HP  terminals).  The
difference  between ETX/ACK and ENQ/ACK is that the ENQ is sent BEFORE the 80
characters  of data,  instead of  afterwards.  Of course, once the stream has
started, there's really no difference.

An interesting  question about these protocols is:  "How long do you wait for
the ACK (or  XON),  and  what do you do if you  don't  get  it?"  HP  systems
usually wait 5 or 10 seconds for the ACK, and then transmit anyway(!).  (This
makes it very easy to recognize when the terminal has not been configured for
ENQ/ACK - you get a burst of characters every 5 sec.)

Our  XON/OFF  hosts  seem  to  wait  forever  for  the  XON, so our  XON/XOFF
peripherals,  such as the LaserJet, are adopting a strategy of sending an XON
every 5 seconds  or so when no data has been  received  for 5 sec.  This gets
the line going again if an XON has been lost for some reason.

Regards,                                                Hewlett-Packard
Bob Niland                                              3404 East Harmony Road
hplabs!hpfcla!rjn                                       Fort Collins CO  80525

rjn@hpfcla.UUCP (rjn) (07/21/85)

re: comments (#) in interactive mode....

* If your console is a printing  terminal, having a quick way to type comment
  lines makes it easy for operators to annotate what they have done.

  # the reason I just did 'rm -r /*' is because.....  

* Just a few  days  ago I had to type in a few  commands  on  someone  else's
  terminal.  After the first, the message  "you have new mail" popped up.  My
  next  command  (notes)  erased that  message,  so after my last  command, I

  # you have new mail

  ...and walked away.

Sure, you can put the terminal in LOCAL, use 'echo', or doubtless  many other
methods to put comments on screen/paper, but "#" is the simplest I know of.

Regards,                                               Hewlett-Packard
Bob Niland                                             3404 East Harmony Road
hplabs!hpfcla!rjn                                      Fort Collins CO  80525

rjn@hpfcla.UUCP (rjn) (07/30/85)

re: "I am in search of a termcap for a hp2392a terminal."

The HP2392A was designed to be a full  superset of the HP2622A.  The 2392 I.m
temporarily  using works just fine with a 2622  TERMCAP  entry.  If you don't
have a 2622  entry, try an  HP2645A  entry,  since the 2622 was  designed  to
replace the 2645.

Regards,                                               Hewlett-Packard
Bob Niland                                             3404 East Harmony Road
hplabs!hpfcla!rjn                                      Fort Collins CO  80525

This response does not represent the official position of the  Hewlett-Packard
Company.  The above data is provided for  informational  purposes only.  It is
supplied without warranty of any kind.

patrick@ISM780.UUCP (08/15/85)

The Wollongong product exists.  It has some problems, but it's usable
(we've been testing it for several weeks now).  Everyone else says "the
4.x version will be available RSN".  Send email if you want a more
detailed report.

Patrick Curran



berger@datacube.UUCP (11/10/85)


I  have  not  found anything  that can  compete with  the software on
HP-3000's.  Most of the unix packages are either not as complete, not
as well integrated, do not have the solid  user interface  and do not
have the depth of support.  

Most of the unix packages are just loosly coupled programs, that have
been moved from other environments (RM-Cobol, strange BASIC's, etc).

You'd  think  by now  there would  be something  that is competitive.
What  does  ATT  use?   What  does Sun  use?   I know  one major Unix
super-mini vendor that uses ASK on an HP-3000!  

MRP seems like the perfect application to run on under Unix with some
cool database like Unify or Ingress.  Why is it I can  find 2 million
compilers,  editors,  databases,  tools,  but  not  one high quality,
competitive manufacturing SYSTEM under unix?  

I've  gotten  a  lot  of  responses, but  most have  had the problems
mentioned above (I will summerize shortly to the net).  

At  this  point  because  we  are so  far along  in negotiations with
Computer Solutions with their GrowthPower MRP package on the HP-3000,
I can only follow up pointers to  Unix MRP  systems that  are know to
compete with packages of the GrowthPower and ASK class.  I would also
be interested in packages of that class that run on  Vaxen under VMS.
At least I can ethernet between VMS and Unix....  

			Bob Berger 

Datacube Inc. 4 Dearborn Rd. Peabody, Ma 01960 	617-535-6644

diamant@hpfcla.UUCP (11/18/85)

In regards to the SYS V/REL 2 crontab command:
/***** hpfclp:net.unix / kitty!larry /  6:30 pm  Nov 11, 1985*/

	My question: does anyone know why simply editing the particular crontab
file will not work, and why the crontab command MUST be used?

/* ---------- */

	The reason the crontab command must be invoked is that cron doesn't
reread the crontab file unless the crontab command is used.  Cron reads the
crontab file at system boot time (program startup time), and doesn't look at
it again unless the crontab program is invoked.  In older versions of UNIX(tm),
cron would have to check the crontab file every once in a while to make sure
it hadn't changed (which is a waste of CPU cycles).

John Diamant
Fort Collins Systems Division	UUCP:   {ihnp4,hplabs}!hpfcla!diamant
Hewlett Packard			CSNET:  hpfcla!diamant@hplabs
Fort Collins, CO		ARPA:   hpfcla!diamant%hplabs.csnet@csnet-relay

bsteve@gorgo.UUCP (05/08/86)

/* ---------- "Re: Are any parts of UNIX in public" ---------- */
In article <755@ccird2.UUCP> rb@ccird2.UUCP (Rex Ballard) writes:
>If Cornell had a non-disclosure agreement and let a student or
>faculty member who had not signed a similar agreement see the source,
>Cornel would have been in violation of their AT&T contract.  If
>a "hacker" broke into Cornel's computer and "ftp'd" the source
>to his PC, the only protection would be a copyright notice.

This is not entirely true. A piece of software whether or not it
is copyrighted may also be represented as a trade secret. Theft
of a trade secret (though not a crime per se) is a tort. Likewise,
the use of a trade secret for profit is also a tort or willful and
knowing transmission of a trade secret to another person is a tort.
Its a good way to get sued for `TOO MUCH MONEY' :-(

For this reason, things like the C beautifier (Swiped from a V6
system somewhere and redistributed by the C users group) is still
proprietary code. Just sell it and see :-)

   Steve (not really a lawyer) Blasingame  / Oklahoma City

rs@mirror.UUCP (06/15/86)

    As of two years ago, Leor Zolman (author of the CP/M BDS C
    Compiler) had the New Hampshire car license plate that
    said "UNIX" on it.  (In case you don't know, the NH plates
    all say "Live Free or Die" as the state motto.)

Rich $alz	{mit-eddie, ihnp4!inmet, wjh12, cca, datacube}!mirror!rs
Mirror Systems	2067 Massachusetts Avenue  Cambridge, MA, 02140
Telephone:	6,176,610,777
		"Hi, mom!"

wdb@quando.UUCP (10/28/86)

> 		fd=open("/dev/rdsk/0s0",O_RDONLY);
			^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ or what ever it is called

Ok, that's a fine way to get the 'i-node', but in normal cases, as a
standard user - not the superuser, you are not allowed to open the
disk-devices, not even for reading it only

uucp:	wdb@quando.uucp