jle@ece-csc.UUCP (Jamie Evans) (11/03/86)
I would like to know from the folks on the net, the differences between UNIX 4.* BSD and Digital's ULTRIX. I have heard that ULTRIX is not 100% Berkeley 4.3 compatible and am interested in knowing the differences. We are running 4.3 on a 785 and have ULTRIX running on several MicroVAX'en. All of this is networked together, using TCP/IP. Also, of those out there running ULTRIX, do you have a software contract with DEC, and if so, how good is their service. If any of you have heard good\bad things about DEC ULTRIX software support, please let me know also. Of those running 4.* BSD, what have you heard of the software support that is offered by Mt. Xinu? They of course have the deal for Universities to support 4.3 BSD and provide NFS with that. That is suppose to provide you with Berkeley updates and SUN's NFS updates on the software contract. The also have made this portable to the MicroVAX stations. Any information would be greatly appreciated as we are trying to decide on which side of the fence to begin leaning towards. -Jamie Evans- decvax!mcnc!ece-csc!jle NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY RALEIGH, NC