nglasser (01/17/83)
The following is a program for those of you who actually like to watch people committing suicide. This program uses the Berkely Curses library, and should be compiled with the following flags: cc suicide.c -lcurses -ltermcap -o suicide -- Nathan Glasser ..decvax!yale-comix!nglasser /*-------begin-suicide.c-------------------------------------------*/ #include <curses.h> main() { int i, j; static char *tree[] = { " ((( ( ( )) ) ))", " | ( (((()( ( )|", "\\ | ) ))) ) |", " \\ | |", "\\ \\ | |", " \\ \\ _____ ---------------.", " \\ / \\ ___/", " \\ | \\ ----------/", " | | | |", " | \\_____/ |", " | |", " | |", " | |", " | |", " | |", " | |", " | |", " | |", " | |", " / \\", " | |", " / \\", " ------------------------------------------------"}; static char *man1[] = { " __o__", " I", " / \\"}; static char *man2[] = { " o", " /\\", " |_"}; static char *man3[] = { " o", " /\\", "|", " \\"}; static char *man4[] = { " ", "\\o/", " I ", "/ \\"}; static char *man5[] = { " ", " \\o/ ", "\\_I_/"}; static char *man6[] = { " o /", " / ", "\\ I", "----\\"}; static struct { int y; int x; } divecoord[] = { 2,34, 1,34, 1,35, 1,36, 1,37, 1,38, 1,39, 0,40, 0,41, 0,42}; initscr(); clear(); printpic(tree,23,0,0); for (i = 20; i < 31; i++) printpic(man1,3,2,i); for (i = 31; i < 33; i++) printpic(man2,3,2,i); move(2,33); clrtoeol(); move(3,33); clrtoeol(); move(4,33); clrtoeol(); mvprintw(0,19,"Aaaaa"); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == 5) mvprintw(0,24,"uuuuuuuu"); printpic(man3,4,divecoord[i].y,divecoord[i].x); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { move(divecoord[i].y + j,divecoord[i].x); clrtoeol(); } } mvprintw(0,32,"gggggggggggggggg"); printpic(man4 + 1,3,1,43); for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) printpic(man4,4,i,43); move(0,48); printw("hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"); for (i = 11; i < 21; i++) printpic(man5,3,i,42); mvprintw(0,69,"!!!!!!!!!!"); printpic(man6,4,19,41); move(23,0); refresh(); endwin(); } printpic(pic,len,y,x) char **pic; int len, y, x; { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) mvprintw(i + y,x,pic[i]); refresh(); } /*--------end-suicide.c--------------------------------------------*/