[net.suicide] prigs

rhh (02/06/83)

    Certain prigs, who speak in terms like "NOW DON'T DO THIS but,"
    seem to find something improper in the activities of this newsgroup.
    Improper indeed!  As if many a man dated his ruin from some suicide
    that perhaps he thought little of at the time.  One wonders why
    these dilettantes contribute.  What do they think this newsgroup
    is for?

    Not only are they in bad taste, but, so far from placing their
    point of virtue at Aristotle's golden mean between too much suicide
    and too little, they place it at the extreme, with practically no
    suicide form year to year.  They, who affect morality, suppose
    themselves more moral than Aristotle, who wrote two books of Ethics!
    It is too much.

    This is a serious newsgroup comprising connoisseurs and serious students
    of suicide.  If people cannot make serious contributions, they
    outght not to be in the newsgroup at all.