[net.suicide] decree

jah (02/06/83)

I think you are mistaken.  Clearly submissions to this group should not
be from a bunch of bunglers who have FAILED to commit suicide!  Let's
limit this conversation solely to those who have successfully comitted

keaton (02/07/83)

     Actually, the beauty of our system is that a Communist or anyone else
*is* welcome to express his views and alternatives, but if you want to discuss
that at length I suggest we move to net.politics . . .

                              David Keaton

nyles (02/12/83)

zinfandel!nyles    Feb 11 11:59:00 1983

    In keeping with the current and past purposes of this newsgroup,
I have just purchased a motorcycle.

					You can't keep a dead man down,
					Nyles Nettleton

mike (02/12/83)

zinfandel!mike    Feb 11 14:12:00 1983

    My favorite method is winter mountaineering.  Avalanche roulette is a time
tested and proven replacement for Russian roulette.  Some even say it's an
improvement, because the body is automatically disposed of at the higher
altitudes where the snow doesn't melt.  Why use a coffin when you can have
an entire crevasse to yourself?

				Also wants to learn to climb vertical ice,
				Mike Blenderman

berry (02/12/83)

zinfandel!berry    Feb 11 14:25:00 1983

MY favorite method is eating charcoal-broiled steaks.  The fat drips onto the
hot charcoal and pyrolyzes, producing polycyclic hydrocarbons (including the
notorious carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene) which get deposited on the steaks and
subsequently eaten.  Eventually I may get cance and die.  Isn't this

	drool, drool,
	Berry Kercheval
	Zehntel Inc.