nyles (03/10/83)
#N:zinfandel:11700012:000:3407 zinfandel!nyles Mar 8 22:55:00 1983 You may ask, //Why not?// in reference to suicide. Obviously, you haven't given the matter any serious thought. What follows is a chain of reasoning and conjecture I went through in the last few years on whether or not to commit suicide. I hope you find it useful. First off, I like to do things right, so the first order of business was to determine the best way to off myself (speculating, of course). Since failure in such an endeavor is supremely embarassing, methods such as eating a bottle of pills with an alchoholic beverage or hanging myself were out, due to the high potential for failure. If I ever decided on the final act, it had to be quick and sure. Several candidates sprung up, such as blowing my brains out. An additional requirement was quickly added: it had to be reasonably painless. Cutting my guts out with a knife seemed to be in the wrong ballpark. Second, I didn't want the people that know me to be upset. This was a toughie. I decided that if I disappeared and then went bye bye it would cause less pain than if I was found in my apartment with a gun in my hand and no head. Much better for them to wonder where I was, rather than knowing the awful (yes, it is) truth. I hit upon a scheme that seemed workable, as well as attractive due to its unusual nature. First, dig a deep hole, then line it with dynamite... you get the picture. No body left to identify, and if located correctly, and deep enough, the site wouldn't be discovered for years. Third, since I had figured out the how, I needed to figure out the why. This problem by itself bothered me for several years. Those years of wondering and conjecture boiled down to a simple reason to live (or not to commit suicide), //If I kill myself, I have no more chances.// This is stated absolutely, since I am not sure there is an afterlife (those who are sure could append, //in this life//, and it has the same meaning). By saying, //no more chances//, I mean no more chance to: find a better reason to live learn what the phrase //to live// really means laugh and cry love and hate hurt and heal be excited and be bored share myself with my friends understand myself And other things, just as important. So I decided to live. My friends are very important to me; as one of several people, with the give and take of communication, I feel much more solid in my sense of self. When I have isolated myself from social contact in the past, I have tended to lose my sense of reality and values. This type of experience led me in ever tightening circles of //logic//, which with no references other than myself, were quite reasonable and valid. Assumptions based on data like, //I feel rotten, everything else must be rotten too.//, were not uncommon. But with social interaction and observation of what went on in the //real world//, the circular logic of my depression looked (and looks) pretty stupid. Feelings that I should go away and die because nobody cared proved to be unfounded. There are plenty of people that can care, all I had to do was give them a chance. In summation, I enjoy the fact that I have some choice in what to do with my life. I intend to enjoy myself, despite the pain and adversity, and EXPERIENCE life, not just endure it. Falling asleep at the keyboard, Lord Morgon (decvax!sytek!zehntel!zinfandel!nyles) 415/932-6900
bis (03/11/83)
I think the best way to kill oneself without making it obvious that that was one's intention would be to take one's car out on the freeway at 3:00 AM and drive into a bridge support at 90 mph. This will look like an accident, and your friends and relatives will never suspect that it was done on purpose. On the other hand, this method might not be painless.