[net.suicide] hou5e!mat, worry not; you are weak and I forgiving

bimmler (03/13/83)

Great, hou5e!mat!  Now that I mention your allegiance in public,
you back down.  "Oh, no!  I never said I was in favor of
Bimmler!" It's OK to send little sycophantic love notes to your
heroine, but if the public finds out you deny it and scamper
terrified into your hole.  The support of cowards I do not need.

mjs (03/13/83)

It seems to me that the greatest sign of a coward is the inability to
sign one's own (legal) name.  Many of us readers are aware that there
ain't no such animal on rabbit as bimmler (rabbit!/etc/passwd to the
contrary).  Come on, bim, unmask yourself!  I daresay there will be
more amusement created by it than by your attitude to this newsgroup in
particular and the net in general.

		Martin Shannon, Jr.
Phone:		(201) 582-3199
Internet:	mjs@mhb5b.uucp
UUCP:		{allegra,rabbit,alice,mhb5b,mhb5c}!mjs
USPS:		600 Mountain Avenue Room 5F-120
		Murray Hill, NJ 07974