bart@alice.UucP (Bart N. Locanthi) (11/23/85)
bob, i'm afraid you miss the point entirely. abortion and suicide are intimately related. when one commits suicide, one obviously wants to withdraw from the world. all well and good, you say, but what of the unborn child? no, not a fetus, the UNCONCEIVED child. this child has no less potential for life than the fetus, since the fact that god knows the future determines it. murder of this child, even if predetermined, is still murder. as someone in this group said earlier, outlawing something is the best way to promote it. think of all the prevented suicides who wind up reproducing and rearing suicidal children. or the unwanted yet unaborted children who grow up hating themselves and committing suicide. think of the waste in causing more trouble by interfering in the natural course of events. the the only real solution is to let these people kill themselves off along with their blood lines. abortion and suicide are hereditary only if you prevent them. another thing you should be careful of, bob, is being callous in ridiculing contributions in relevant subject areas. you once made reference to how bimmler felt about things, as if you knew her, but you obviously didn't know that the primary reason she was suicidal was the abortion she had several months before her death. i don't mean to sensationalize the secrets of the dead, but she was so depressed about it that she killed herself on her due date. think about that, and think about how poor bimmler might still be with us if she had been enlightened about abortion beforehand.