[net.suicide] Subject: Re: WRONG NEWSGROPE WRONG

mcewan@uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU (12/06/85)

>The Polymyth, aka Gerry Hollombe, claims to understand something I don't.
>>>What the hell do you think net.suicide is for?
>>For discussion of matters pertaining to suicide, of course.
>>What the hell do you think net.abortion is for?  (Hint: See previous line.)
>I give up.  If you're so damn clever, why don't you explain it?
>Polymath indeed.
>					BOB

net.abortion is for, and is generally considered th ONLY place for,
discussion of abortion. I'm sure that Gerry will know better than to
overestimate your intelligence in the future.

			Scott McEwan

"Listen! You smell something?"