[net.suicide] bimmler

antibimmler (02/11/83)

Who is this rabbit!bimmler?  He must be a piker to try to rob
us of our rights to post to net.suicide.

enid (02/18/83)

	Bimmler, you have quite missed my point, but then, "none is so
blind as he who cannot see."  


mat (02/18/83)

``There is noe so blind as he who cannot see'' except for hime who WILL NOT

olorin (03/11/83)

Bimmler causing net.suicide to choke to death?
I think it enlivens things.                        
Tom Ryan   rabbit!olorin

enid (03/26/83)

All right Pike, we all know it's you.  Now shut up about it.

iy47ab (04/05/83)

I think I just got yelled at, but I don't know exactly how.  Could you 
please tell me what "waffling" is?  I'm serious, I'd like to know, because
if I'm doing something wrong, I'd like to *try* and stop.


mouse (01/01/86)

Who the hell pushed this rabbit!bimmler's button?  And what is so wrong
with it's mousy little mind that it even has to react?  And why does
this bimmler (be it Jim, Elisebeth, Ronald, Quentin, or otherwise)
insist on jerqing off on the net (or rather, all over it)?  Has
he/she/it nothing better to do than spread this blight over the entire
USENET map?  Come now, rabbit is a BTL machine (though I hate to admit
it), used by otherwise respected researchers!  How can they permit this
piker to rob them of their good names and otherwise blot out their
reputations, bit by bit?  Why doesn't the almighty bimmler draw on
whatever useful qualities that got him/her/it into BTL in the first
place (surely there must be one, no?) to build another layer of utility
on whatever project he/she/it may have been working on most recently?
(This of course begs the question of whether or not this bimmler
actually works, which is not the subject of this note!)

Now I don't know this bimmler personally (and even if I did, do any of
you think I would admit it?), but I suspect that if you scrape the
layers of crud off this jerq, he/she/it is probably just green with
envy that the rest of us can screen out the garbage on the net and add
a little texture to it on occasion.  As you may have guessed by now,
I'm not very font of this character, and I think he/she/it should take
a cip (or a thousand) of hemlock, rather than picing on those of us who
are sane enough to be his/her/its cursors!

	Not afraid of the big bad bimmler,
	Trebor Peak (201) 582-7854

mouse@halley.UUCP (03/14/86)

What is wrong with this bimmler?  Why can't she (if she is a she) leave
well enough alone?  I can't believe anybody (except bimmler) would fake
mail messages of support, post them to the net, and then berate the
poor victim (M. Terribile(sp?)) when he tries to clear his good name by
denying it!  Totally tasteless!  Hey bimmler, are you so helpless that
you have to try to destroy others' good names for your kicks??  Is this
what happens when the Justice Department splits up the world's biggest
monopoly -- rampant insanity?  I hereby cast my vote that bimmler be the
first member of the net.suicide group to do it `on the air'!  I open
the floor to the net to suggest appropriate methods.  I realize several
have already been suggested in this forum, but I'd like to make sure
that bimmler has as much choice as possible, so show us your favorite
method (untried, of course), and bimmler can do us all the favor of
proving whether or not it is effective!

	Trebor Peak (201) 582-7854