band@hao.UUCP (Peter Bandurian) (04/24/84)
I'm looking for any information anyone can pass along on IMS and Televideo 914 terminals. The terminal is for work related use via a 1200 baud modem to VAX and 11/70 systems running UNIX. Specifically: 1) How do IMS and Televideo 914 terminals stack up against each other? That is what are the pros and cons of each for the proposed use? 2) Does anyone have a termcap for either an IMS or a Tele 914? Could you send me a copy? Please respond by mail as I don't subscribe to this newsgroup. Thankyou. Peter Bandurian ucbvax!hplabs!hao!band decvax!brl-bmd!hao!band seismo!hao!band