tynor@gitpyr.UUCP (Steve Tynor) (10/24/84)
[{<(-)>}] I have recently been asked to recommend a 'better' Unix emulator for our VAX 11/780 running VMS. We currently run Eunice 3.1 (and even have a Unix license and source), but it is riddled with bugs, has practically no documentation (except the 4.2 bsd man pages, most of which don't run under Eunice (grrrr...) and our maintanence contract expired some time ago. Before shelling out the bucks for a Eunice update, my boss would like to know if there's a better system out there. I've heard rumor of a Eunice enhancement called 'Pheonix'. Anyone have any details or comments? How about other approaches? (I've already tried to talk them into abandoning VMS altogether...:-)) All comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eschew Obfuscation. Steve Tynor Mini-Computer Support Facility Georgia Tech Research Instutute Georgia Instutute of Technology ...{akgua, allegra, amd, harpo, hplabs, ihnp4, masscomp, ut-ngp, rlgvax, sb1, uf-cgrl, unmvax, ut-sally} !gatech!gitpyr!tynor
tihor@acf4.UUCP (10/29/84)
Sadly from thier description the Phoenix project is another Eunice-like system also starting from Kashtan's inital code from SRI but developed by someone else. The problem from our perspective at NYU is that it does not yet support 4.2 or the IP/TCP code.