conrad@wucs.UUCP (Conrad Cunningham) (08/10/85)
Does anyone know when a version of Eunice and TCP/IP that really works under VMS 4.1 is going to come out? The first version of Eunice has severe handicaps for usage in a large instructional timesharing environment. It's impractical to give the typical student user privileges such as SYSPRV. We were reasonably happy with the VMS 3.x versions of Eunice and TCP/IP and came to rely heavily upon them. We delayed converting to VMS 4.x until this summer so that new versions of software such as Eunice and TCP/IP would be available. I made the mistake in assuming that the new Eunice would work at least as well as the old. Does anyone have Ultrix/DECnet yet? Conrad Cunningham conrad@wucs Engineering Computer Laboratory, Washington University in St. Louis