[net.sources] Letter writing macro package

spoon (08/13/82)

Some time ago a request for a letter writting macro package was
sent out.  I didn't see any show up so I've submitted this one.
It is somewhat compatible with the '-ms' macro package requests.
.		I0 - initialisation functions
.de I0
.pi /bin/col
.ll 45
.po 7
.sp 8
.wh -5 Np
.nr Li 30
.		Line trap and housekeeping macros
.de Np
'sp 2
'tl '''Page \\n%'
'sp 2
.		LH - Room for letter head (optional arg is size)
.de LH
.if \$1 .sp \$1
.if !\$1 .sp 4
.		A1 - first (source) address
.de A1
.in \n(Li
.		A2 - second (target) address
.de A2
.sp 8
.in 0
.		SA - salutation
.de SA
.in 0
.		RE - reference line
.de RE
.		PP - paragraph
.de PP
.in 0
.ti 8
.		YT - `yours truly'-type line
.de YT
.in \n(Li
.		RI - reference initials
.de RI
.ds Ri \\$1
.		ED - enclosed documents
.de ED
.ds Ed Encl.
.		SG - Signature line
.de SG
.sp 6
.in 0
.rt -2
.in \n(Li
.		LI - letterhead indent
.de LI
.nr Li \\$1
.hc %
.TH ML 7 local
ml \- macros for formatting letters
.B "nroff \-ml"
[ options ]
file ... 
.B "troff \-ml"
[ options ]
file ... 
This package of 
.I nroff
.I troff
macro definitions provides a canned formatting
facility for business letters.
Currently, the package supports only  partial  blocked  mode
with  the sender's address (or just date), the `yours truly'
and signature lines indented.  This indentation can  option%ally
be changed or suppressed.
The macro requests  are  defined below.
.I nroff
.I troff
requests are safe in conjunction
with this package.  The requests listed  below  may
prove useful on occasion to augment the formatting capabilities
provided by the package.
.ta \w'.sp n 'u
.bp	begin new page
.br	break output line here
.sp n	insert n spacing lines
.ls n	(line spacing) n=1 single, n=2 double space
.na	no alignment of right margin
nroff(1), troff(1), tbl(6), ms(7)
.tr &.
Randall Howard
.ta \w'..ND \fIdate\fR 'u +\w'Initial 'u +\w'Cause 'u
.di x
.in \nau
Request	Initial	Cause	Explanation
	Value	Break
.in \nau
.A1	-	yes	Start the first (sender's) address (or
.A2	-	yes	Start the second (receiving) address.
.B	yes	no	boldface text follows.
.DA	no	no	Date (instead of first address) follows
.I	yes	no	Italic text follows.
.LG	no	no	Make letters larger. This is effective
only for typesetters.
.LH n	-	yes	Leave n extra lines for the letterhead.
.LI n	30	yes	Set the letterhead indent to n spaces.
.NL	yes	no	Make letters normal size.
.PP	no	yes	Begin new paragraph. First line indented.
.R	yes	no	Roman text follows.
.RE	-	yes	Reference line follows.
.SA	-	yes	Salutation follows.
.RI x	-	no	The reference initials are given by
.I x.
.ti 0
.ED	-	no	Enclosed documents; the appropriate
`Encl.' will appear near the signature.
.SG	-	yes	Identifications of signature(s) follow.
.SM	no	no	Make letters smaller. This is only effective
on typesetting devices.
.YT	-	yes	`Yours truly' lines follow.