[net.sources] Small C V2 fix from author

ian (01/27/83)

The following was received from J. E. Hendrix, author of Small C V2.

"Dear Small-C User:

"This notice is to let you know of a bug in version 2 of the
Small-C compiler as published in DDJ # 74 and # 75. It turns out
that a *continue* statement within a *switch* does not work
properly. It generates a jump to an undefined label. To
correct this problem, I recommend the following patch:

"First, in the function *doswitch* below the call to *addwhile* (line
184, page 39, DDJ # 74) insert the line
	*(wqptr + WQLOOP - WQSIZ) = 0;

"Then change the following functions to read as shown. Modified
lines begin with a # character.

(page 42, DDJ # 74)
dobreak() {
	int *ptr;
#	if ((ptr=readwhile(wqptr))==0) return;
	modstk((ptr[WQSP]), NO);
docont() {
	int *ptr;
#	ptr = wqptr;
#	while (1) {
#		if ((ptr=readwhile(ptr))==0) return;
#		if (ptr[WQLOOP]) break;
#		}
	modstk((ptr[WQSP], NO);

(page 45, DDJ # 74)
delwhile() {
#	if (wqptr > wq) wqptr=wqptr-WQSIZ;
#readwhile(ptr)  int *ptr; {
#	if (ptr <= wq) {
#		error("out of context");
		return 0;
#	else return(ptr-WQSIZ);

"This code will compile with the original compiler. If you
uncover any other problems, please let me know and I will try to
get the word out.

J. E. Hendrix''

I've just typed this in from a photocopied letter, so there may be
errors. Check it over, and try it.

Ian Darwin, U of Toronto Computing Services.